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Zubair trailed into the room and picked up a piece of paper off Amir's nightstand. "Is this from Serena?" Amir grabbed the paper from his brother's hand and stared at the words written in it, not comprehending what he saw. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, read it again as a fresh wave of pain washed over him. Amir, Marrying you and living in AL-Aman is not what I want. Please do not look for me. Nothing will convince me to return. The plans for your wedding are complete, and I hope you and Nyla will be very happy together. Serena. Amir crumpled the note in his hand and headed for his office, Zubair following closely behind. "She has changed her mind," Amir said. "Surely not?" Zubair scoffed. "You two are in love. We will find her, Amir, and talk to her. We shall straighten this mess out.

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