Electric cars

315 Words
EV, a term we hear a lot, but what does it really mean, and to what extent does it "save" the environment? Electric Vehicles have been known to be a great alternative to petrol and diesel cars because they're environmentally friendly and produce zero-emission. But what did governments do to ensure that individuals looking for new cars take electric ones into consideration? Well, the whole concept of the electric car does seem like a brilliant idea to save our environment, but is it really worth its costly price? And how are electric car companies advertising their brand? Take Tesla Motors Co. as an example. They've been long known for their high-tech zero-emission vehicles, but for their infamous high prices as well. The very cheapest standard Tesla Model 3 clocks in at around 40,000 dollars! The figures are staggering, but one might be flipping his head around over how come Tesla achieved record high sales in the past few years. Well, there are a lot of answers. First of all, the intriguing design, high tech motor vehicle, and new electrical concept stand in its own as to encouraging vehicle enthusiasts to learn more about those cars. Then, comes Tesla advertising. Right when you jump into their site, you'll find all kinds of advertising statements, perhaps the most used is how fuel-efficient the car will be, since electricity is way cheaper than gas, meaning electric car owners will save money on the long run. With the insane EV car features and brilliant methods of advertisement, no wonder EV car sales flourished and became higher than ever before. But before buying one, be sure that it's the exact car you're looking for, since a lot of people regret buying electric car models. In general, electric cars are a lot of fun, and they're environmentally friendly as well, so definitely consider EV makes when looking for a new car!
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