The Red Wine incident.

500 Words
"What are you young fellas doing with those bottles of wine?" said the store clerk. "We have a party tonight!", replied Noah and his group of friends. "Well you know you can't buy any liquor since you're underage. So I'm sorry but it'll not work for you guys." Said the store clerk. Noah's group of friends looked at each other in the eye for a second, when the youngest in the group jumped and said: "But we're 21. I'm pretty sure it's legal for us to purchase it." After a shocked stare the clerk replied: "Oh,, and you expect me to buy what you're saying? Hell you all don't even look like you hit puberty! My 14 year old son looks older than you all do. I think you have to leave the store now because there will be no liquor for you youngies today." They looked upset and kinda frustrated after that, but they still wanted to try their luck."Oh we sure are 21, I know we look young but it's a common misunderstanding. Now how much will those 2 bottles cost?" Said Noah. "Oh not too fast son, I'm going to have to see some ID." replied the store clerk. After a brief moment, the young group of 12-14 year old boys realized that they were out of luck. So, without saying a single word they left the store empty-handed. But on the way back to the bus stop, a stranger stopped them and offered to buy them the red wine for a small 5 dollar commision fee. They instantly took the offer. The man didn't seem to buy the red wine from the store, but instead took out of the trunk of his car. It's high quality and I don't really need it, so you're in for a treat with these bottles young men." Said the stranger. Upon taking the liquor from the stranger, the young group of friends headed to their coveted party." Oh ho ho ho, look at what Noah and his group brought." Said one of the party attendants. Everybody in the party was cheered up about the alcohol, but when one of the boys, Patrick, took the first sip, he instantly regretted it. He began shouting:" I can't see anything! I can't see anything". Everybody just panicked. When 10 minutes passed and he still couldn't see, they thought it was best if they called for help. They dialed 911 and an ambulance arrived shortly after. They rushed to the hospital, where Patrick's parents already were at. They stayed there for a couple of hours, until the doctor came out with the worst news: "It appears that your son Patrick had consumed home-made high ethanol alcohol which in turn struck some of his nerves and thus instantly blinded him. There is nothing we could do. I'm sorry.". They were devastated. Patrick sat there and cried his eyes for the whole night. Everybody learned a valuable lesson that day, despite it being at great cost.
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