Chapter # 2

1039 Words
I didn’t realize how bad my hyperventilating and or anxiousness had been. I was trying to be as chill as I possibly could be without giving it away that I was actually falling apart on the inside, seeing Gabriel after all these years. Not only was he insanely more attractive but his voice. Oh God, his voice. It sounded exactly like it had the day I caught him f*****g that girl. My now 23 year old brother. Whom I was supposedly going to be driving across the country with, stuck in a car. God my parents really had NO idea. How was I supposed to get out of it!? All of these thoughts swirled in my head as soon as I opened my eyes to find myself laying in my bed, right next to HIM. Gabriel’s eyes were closed and he was laying on his side facing me. I was on my back and I immediately started to breathe heavily and fast again. What was he doing!? “Gracie. I’m not going to eat you, please calm down.” He heard me. He heard me starting to panic. Eyes open and quickly on mine, I felt my core grow warm and I whimpered. “W-what are you doing Gab? Why? Why are you doing this now?” I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt his open palm on my belly. It was so hot. He rubbed small circles, hitching up the bottom of my dress. “I told you Gracie baby. You’re mine. I’m back to collect you. Did you think I was going to allow you to drive all by yourself so far?” I wasn’t only warm now but wet. But I wasn’t just turned on, I was angry. “After everything- after all that you’ve done. Are you f*****g kidding me!?” My voice was quiet but vicious. “You made me feel like I was crazy and stupid. And sick! You left me!” “Calm down.” I couldn’t react again before his belly was weighing mine down. I gasped up at him as he laid his entire body directly onto mine. It made me whimper again. He purposely made sure his very hard length pressed into my wetness. It was no doubt soaking through my dress. “Be a good girl for me. You’ve always been my good girl. I know you can do it again. We have a lot to discuss. You’re mine no matter what happened. You’re mine no matter what I did and you will ALWAYS be mine. Don’t you dare even try to deny that. I WILL make everything up to you. Now listen to me and calm down.” He lowered his face closer until the tips of our noses were touching. I blinked rapidly, swallowing hard. f**k. He felt so good. He was right. I would never even try to deny it. “F-fine. But get off. Please. Get off right now.” I closed my eyes, unable to handle any of this anymore. I wanted to cry. It was all too much and I could barely breathe with the weight he was forcing onto me. He did as I asked, taking his place beside me again. Hot tears began to trickle down my cheeks and I sighed as I felt my lungs expand to capacity. “I’m so sorry, my baby. God am I sorry.” He began to quickly wipe at the tears, replacing them with quick kisses on each cheek. “I didn’t mean to overwhelm you like this. All these things I’m feeling finally getting to be with you after so long. I’m going too fast.” I opened my eyes to watch him stick his finger into his mouth. He sucked on it for a minute before taking it back out and putting his hand against my face. “I-I’m so mad at you… you hurt me so badly… but I missed you so much I thought missing you would destroy me Gab.” “I’m surprised I survived being away from you. I made a mistake, baby. I should have waited to reveal how I felt. I was so crude and you were so young.” “Then why did you do it?” “I’m selfish. I wanted to know if you felt the same and most of all… I didn’t want anyone else having you… touching you. God I’m so sorry.” I made a fruitless, half assed attempt to push him away but he held me in place. “You really are an asshole. You made me think I was crazy. You made me think that I was alone in feeling like this.” He pulled the front of our bodies together and buried my face in his neck. I was overwhelmed by the intensity of his scent. It stoked the fire deep within me even more and it calmed me at the same time. “From here on, every second for the rest of my entire life- I will make it up to you. We will navigate this together Gracie. I give you my word. You will never feel alone again. I love you more than my own life. Existing without you isn’t an option anymore.” He ran his hand up and down my back, slowly, softly, just like he used to when I was younger and upset. It was the same innocent touch that I knew all my life and I couldn’t help but sigh in contentment. “Okay…” I believed him with every cell in my being. The tension in my body was quickly fading and all I wanted to do was stay exactly the way we were for the rest of my entire life. No matter what we were going to have to face. “That’s my good girl. I love you so much.” Again I was fading but this time I was falling asleep. I knew that Gab and I had so much to talk about tomorrow. But I was looking forward to it now and no matter how upset I had been with him, I had him now. He was mine again. He had always been.
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