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BELLAMY'S POV: I tossed my dirty s**t into the bin in the bathroom, turned on the water and moved to brush my teeth while the water got hot. I made quick work, not waiting a second from wiping my mouth to hopping in the shower. I washed up and moving to turn off the water my eyes caught her clothes. My mind went back to when I saw her on the stage earlier. Her n*****s were pierced, her hips moved to the rhythm, her ass shook, she was all that I thought she would be under the clothes I had seen her walk around in since I first laid eyes on her. I remember her pulling into the compound, I didn't know who she was, but she was in heels, shorts, a tank top, and her hair was in curls and makeup... she f*****g walked closer and I was imagining her walking to me naked, hips shaking, and inhibition's out the window. Fuck she made my c**k hard then, and now. Knowing she was in my house, wearing my clothes, it was going to f**k with my head, my c**k too. I stroked slowly, thinking about her lips, her normal lips. Thinking about how I saw her tongue lick them, how she could lick my c**k. I could grip and wrap my hands in all her hair and slide in and out until I was face f*****g her. I knew I liked rough s*x, bound to the bed, orgasm denying and overstimulating. n****e clamps, floggers and paddles... the images in my head, my mind going over all that I could possibly do with Sienna. I turned the water to freezing and leaned back, if I couldn't have her like that, I wasn't going to be able to c*m at all. Images weren't enough. I needed to feel the pleasure and pain that I gave, needed to see her real reactions. As long as she was in this house... f**k me I wouldn't need to wait for the hot water. Sienna was off limits for more than one reason. I could come up with 5 right now and none of them seemed to make my c**k soften. Not until I let the thought of her not liking those things cross my mind. f**k me... Sienna was a sexy as sin woman, but even I knew that wasn't enough to keep me interested. I needed someone just as f****d and kinky as I was. That Grey guy in the book had nothing on what I needed. I finished my shower, made sure my c**k wasn't obvious as I got dressed and walked out to sit on the couch. It was middle of September, but it was still 90 degrees outside. For me, a shirt wasn't necessary, and when I relaxed and sat back, I realized Sienna was staring. I had gone for the other side of the couch she had been on, it helped so I could look at the TV straight on and I wouldn't hurt my neck turning it the entire time. I saw her biting he nail out of the corner of my eye, still glancing my way. "What?" I asked, turning to look at her back and she looked from my face to my stomach. "Where did you get that? It's on your back too." She told me and I looked down, realized what she was asking about and sighed. I got shot almost a year ago now. Sometimes I forgot I even had the scar. "When Jackie was taken, I was shot. Missed my kidney, and if the guy aimed a foot higher, he would have hit my heart." I told her and looked at it again before meeting her eye and she gulped and looked like she was upset. "What? It's fine. Doesn't even hurt anymore." Neither did any of my other scars. "It's still pink." She whispered and I looked at her and she got up slowly. "When scars are fresh, they're pink... they turn brown when they're old." "Yeah... well this isn't even a year old." I told her and she just looked at it closer. I had to remind myself she was off limits; she wouldn't like what I did... she couldn't give me what I needed. "What were you in school for?" I asked and she looked at me before sitting down, this time closer but not close enough to touch. "I just went for the first four years. My mom wanted me to become a doctor... but the thought of dealing with sick people, with cutting people open... can't even bear the thought." "Why did she want you to do something you didn't want?"  I asked and she swallowed and looked at the ice pack still in her hands. I was lucky if my mom noticed I had a passing grade let alone her telling me what to do. "She thinks if I stay around Ry and T, they will keep me from doing something amazing." She shrugged and I waited. "She thinks that they're repeating a cycle, like my dad was Prez, and now it's Ry and she was the head b***h like Tara is... she thinks I need to do better." She shook her head slowly and she looked up at the TV and then towards me. "She kicked me out because I told her I was going to stop going to school. I have my master’s in business and finance, and a minor in pre-med." She told me and I just nodded slowly. "So, what do you want to do?" I asked her and she took a deep breath before shrugging. "Something to do with owning my own company, my own business." She told me and I just nodded. "And you're stripping for money... what were you going to do with the money?"  I asked and blushed and looked away before swallowing hard. "I would have moved out of Ry and Noelle's house. I can't live there forever." She told me and before I could as her another question she cursed and got up and went for her purse. "I forgot to tell Ry." "I'm surprised he hasn't sent us our patrolling." I laughed lightly, caught the glare she sent me as she started to type out on her phone before coming back to the couch still typing. "What are you lying to him?" "Saying I am headed to moms. Wanting to collect more clothes and stuff and find a book for school I left behind." She mumbled and sat next to me, this time she was touching me with her knees, and I tried to focus on the movie she put on, some Romcom with a whole bunch of famous people in it. SIENNA'S POV: Why did he have to sit there shirtless? Every time I peeked; I started a slew of misspelled words. Ryan was pissed I didn't tell him my plans, but he relaxed when I said I was going to try and get mom to come with me before coming home. That should give me a few days. Ryan had been shocked when I told him how mom wasn't happy about his baby. How she refused to acknowledge him and Tara if they were going to be in the club, and how she said the same thing about me. She wasn't going to meet Noelle, and I think that hurt her just as much as it hurt Ryan. Tara had a plan to go out there and talk to her when she got someone to take over the bar and other stuff for her. Until then... Ry and our mother weren't talking. Which was good because that meant he couldn't check in with her that I was actually there. I told him I was there, that I was tired and would message him with any updates. I put the phone down, moving to lean forward and put it on the little coffee table and then I leaned back and saw Bell next to me again. He was still a giant mystery. He was in foster care... he didn't have a girlfriend; he took a bullet for someone. Noelle said he seemed sad all the time, and while that was the vibe I was getting, I think he was more of a quiet person that didn't have a lot of fun. Maybe I could change that. Maybe I could get him laughing and joking. The main goal would be to see if I could get him to open up a bit, even if it was about his past and not his current feelings. I leaned back and watched He's Not That into You and he seemed to be watching as well, here and there he would scoff like something one of the guys said was stupid and I relaxed with him so easily. Before the end I was yawning, hurting my lip, leaned more into him and when I was against him, I mumbled his name. "What? Want the bed?" "Thank you for this... letting me stay here." I whispered and snuggled into his bare chest and I kept my eyes open until my favorite part, where the guy who had started to obsess over the crazy girl told her that she was his exception. I was out like a light and against Bellamy's warm chest. I woke up just a bit when he set me in bed, the pillows and sheets were cold, and he covered me up before going right to the door and closing it. I fell back asleep and dreamt of possibilities of my future before hearing an alarm. I sat up and groaned and looked around until I saw the blinking lights saying it was 5am. "Oh my god." I moaned and crawled over and hitting the off button. I laid back on the new cold side and realized Bell might have to get up right now and he didn't even know since he didn't have his regular alarm. I pushed the covers off, running my hands through my hair and walked through his house. I saw him scrunched up on the couch and I took my fill and committed it to memory before going closer. "Bellamy?" I touched his shoulder and he hissed and sat up. "It's me... your alarm in the bedroom went off." I told him slowly and he took a deep breath before nodding at me. "Do you want breakfast before you go?" I was awake now, I had to do something before going back to sleep. "No... just go back to sleep Sienna." He told me and I shook my head as he ran a hand over his face, and I watched him take time to wake up before I went to make him coffee. I opened the fridge and saw eggs and pulled them out before going through his kitchen as he got dressed in his room. I had eggs and toast ready for him when he came out with coffee almost done brewing. "It's ready for you." "You didn't have to do this Sienna. I usually try and grab something on the way." He said as he sat down and I licked over my still swollen lip, very carefully. "Well get used to it because as long as I am here, I will make you food. Do you want anything for dinner?" I asked him and he paused for an awfully long time I turned to him. "Do you know how to cook? I mean... Tara kind of does... but you're her younger sister and if she doesn't know do you?" He asked and I laughed lightly and took the coffee and a cup and poured it for him. "Tara was more into being a badass and fighting when she was younger. I always stayed home and learned things from my mom. I know how to sew, and cook, and clean, and iron." My mom had made sure I would make a good man a happy man one day. "Ok... then whatever you want to cook is fine. I might need to go shopping before coming back here though." He told me and I nodded slowly and saw something I had overlooked last night. A cross around his neck, I had seen the gold chain, but I had been focused on his scar, and now the cross was out and gently hitting the plate as he ate the eggs and toast quickly. Was he religious? Religious enough not to sleep with someone before marriage? Could I corrupt him? Make him take me to bed? Maybe even make him spank me? Or pull my hair a bit... that couldn't be too bad for a religious guy, right? The possibilities were endless when it came to a clean slate kind of guy.
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