Chapter Eleven: The Last Teardrops

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ADALET... I woke up feelings stiff and sore and I groaned as my body ached when I sat up. I tried to stretch and my bones began to c***k as they got back into place. I looked around and realized I had fallen asleep on the couch, no wonder I was feeling like a truck had run me over. My couch wasn't exactly the type you wanted to fall asleep on, but it was what I could afford. "Morning sleepyhead," I heard Judy saw behind me from the kitchen. I jumped when I heard her voice, I had thought she was still asleep. I heard her laugh and I turned to glare at her but then I saw she was making breakfast. Since when did Judy make breakfast? The smell of pancakes reached my nose and I wondered why I hadn't smelt it before since it was very empowering combined with the butter. "Good morning, you're making breakfast?" I asked bewildered and my friend laughed, a real laugh, not a forced one. I raised an eyebrow and she waved me off, "I just felt like eating some pancakes, in the last couple of weeks the only thing we have eaten are salads. We deserve this treat." I smiled and she returned her attention to the frying pan. I took out some oranges and the fruit squeezer to make natural, freshly squeezed, orange juice. "So, I take it you're feeling better," I said hopefully, I didn't think it was accurate my assumption but she looked better than the day before. I heard her sigh, "well I am feeling better. I know this feeling isn't going to go away from one day to the next but at least I don't feel as filled with sadness anymore." I nodded, I understood how she felt. We worked in silence until Judy put a plate with a stack of pancakes on the kitchen island. I hurried to get the plates, utensils, napkins and glasses so that we could start. We sat on the stools and each took three pancakes to start off. "I forgot the maple syrup," I realized, my mouth was already watering at the sight of pancakes, it's not everyday that you eat them, but it wouldn't be the same to take a bite without the syrup. I quickly opened the fridge and took out a bottle of maple syrup and placed it on the island. Judy used it first and then handed it back to me. After adding syrup to my pancakes, I took a bite and moaned in delight. I felt as my mouth exploded with the taste. "I know the feeling," said Judy with a chuckle and I laughed. "Well, we were on a strict diet, I missed this," I said as I took another bite and Judy nodded. We ate in silence and to my surprise, we finished the first round quickly. "I can't eat another bite," said Judy as she left half of her last pancake on her plate. I laughed and finished my last pancake. I heard my phone vibrate and I quickly went to get it where I'd left it; on the couch. Instantly, I saw a strange, unknown number on the screen. I opened the texts and realized they were all from William. I gasped and realized he had tried to contact me the day before. I quickly added his number to my contacts and responded. I just got your messages. Sorry, I was busy helping Judy make it through the day. Have a safe and not so boring trip back to London, Your Majesty. I responded and locked my screen. Judy was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and lots of questions in her eyes. "What was that about? You never smile like that when you respond text messages," she commented and crossed her arms in front of her as she turned to face me. I rolled my eyes, I had considered telling Judy everything about William but after her breakup with David, I didn't think it was such a good idea to mention it. "It's nothing, just a silly text," Judy didn't seem satisfied with my excuse since she pushed harder. "Was the silly text from the guy who answered your phone on Friday?" I stopped in my tracks and sighed, she had me cornered and it was obvious she wasn't going to drop the subject until she got some answers. "I can't believe you didn't tell me you were dating someone," she accused with hurt in her eyes as she reached a conclusion by herself. I quickly shook my head, "no J, it's nothing like that actually. There's just so much I've go to tell you but I don't know where to start." I sighed, I should have told her about William sooner. So I told her everything since my flight back from London. I told her about how he seemed nice and how I had felt an almost instant attraction to him since we met. I told her about how we had gotten lunch together and about him being a Prince. And finally I told her about my last trip that weekend in Chicago and I spared no detail. When I was done talking, Judy looked expressionless as she went over what I had just told her in her mind. "It seems like you are really intrigued by this man," she said slowly, choosing her words carefully. I shrugged, "I don't know, he seemed nice and different from the rest but I can't be with him." Judy didn't say anything, she just took the dirty plates and glasses and placed them in the sink. "I say you should go for it," said Judy finally. She was looking at me with a very serious expression. "You have put your love life on hold too long and you have to accept that just because you got your heart broken once doesn't mean you won't or will again but you have to put yourself out there and try. Or else you'll just end up alone with a dozen cats," she said with a more teasing tone at the end of her speech. I was only looking at her with a bewildered look on my face. Wasn't I the one supposed to be giving my friend some advice? "You can't be serious, right? He's a prince, Judy, and a taken one," I said as I reminded her that William had Adrianna in his life. Judy rolled her eyes, "Oh come on Adalet, wake up! He likes you or at least he's attracted to you and probably wants to get to know you more. And don't bring up his girlfriend, I am against cheating and you know that, but I'm not telling you to go on ahead and be in an affair, I'm advising you to get to know him and become his friend. You seem to get along very well so maybe take this as an opportunity to make a new friend." I stood dumbfounded and after a few seconds I laughed. "We really are a mess, J," I said and continued laughing. She looked confused but then she joined me, "yes we are." The hours passed and our talk about William was put aside, instead we talked about other things like what we were going to do now that there were two of us and how we were going to divide expenses. "So then you're going back to work tomorrow?" I asked as I finished hanging one of Judy's shirt in the closet. Judy nodded as she began to put her belongings around the room. "Yeah, both of us are going to have to put money to pay for all of our expenses and besides, it's good and nice to have something to do instead of mopping around and doing nothing." When we were done unpacking and arranging Judy's things we decided to take a break. "I finished cancelling all of your reservations," I commented once we were both sitting on the couch watching TV. My friend smiled, "thank you, A, thank you for helping me through all this. And I think the next step to put all of this behind me is to call David and tell him to take his things from our old place so that we can return it and stop renting the apartment." I nodded and offered to call her ex-fiancée but she insisted on doing so herself. She locked herself in her room and was gone for a long time. When I began to worry, I heard her door open and she walked back to her seat. I looked at her, feeling concerned about how that call had affected her. "He said he will have his things out by the end of this coming week. Gosh, it was so hard talking to him," a few tears began to roll down her cheeks and she quickly hid her face. I rubbed her back soothingly and stayed silent. "The worse part was when he started to beg for my forgiveness and he wanted me to take him back." She was sobbing now and I hugged her tightly. "The ring!" she suddenly cried out and I jumped. "I need to return it or maybe I can drop it off at the apartment." I shook my head, " No, you've already put yourself out there and if he sees you there it would only make things worse for you two. If you want I can take the ring and leave it there," I offered and my friend instantly accepted. So I took the engagement ring she had left on the coffee table in the living room, and grabbed the keys to her car before heading out. I drove slowly to Judy's place, not because there was a lot of traffic but because it had been a while since I had driven. It's not like I didn't know how to drive, I even had my license but it just felt uncomfortable and unusual. Even the people behind me preferred to go around me. Finally, I arrived to Judy's place, or old place. I walked up to the third floor, taking the stairs, and I used Judy's key to enter. David didn't seem to be in there and I quickly left the ring on top of the kitchen counter along with a note that said Judy wanted to return the ring. I stepped out of the apartment and as I was locking the door someone stopped behind me. "Adalet?" I stiffened when I heard his voice and my hands closed into fist as I tried to remain calm. It had been a good thing Judy had stayed back at my apartment or else this encounter would have crushed her. "Hello David," I said, my voice hostile. David flinched while I studied him. He looked tired and his eyes were swollen and puffy. His clothes were not like the semi-formal ones he usually wore, instead he was wearing baggy clothes and his blonde hair looked like a mess. Well good, at least the break up had affected him too. "Is she here?" he asked quickly. I crossed my arms and glared at him. How did he dare to ask that? "No, she's not. She sent me here to return the ring and thankfully so because or else she would have run into you." David flinched at my angry words and he lowered his head in defeat. "You have no idea how sorry I am and how much I regret this," he whispered. "No you don't get the right to play the victim, David. You hurt her. She gave you everything and all her love and you shoved it back to her face, you unthankful i***t. I mean, you even took her dog away," I said angrily and that's when he turned to look back at me, his face expressionless. "Darling is my dog too and she decided to come with me," he said defensively and I laughed. There was no use fighting over a dog, he didn't seem like he wanted to give her up. I nodded and started to walk away, towards the stairs and the end of the hall. "Wait. Just tell her I miss her and that I plan on winning her back," he said truthfully. I shook my head, "nope I won't tell her that because you're not getting anywhere near her you arrogant idiot." Before he could say anything, I hurried down the stairs and to Judy's car. I saw David's car parked right behind it and I concluded that that had been the reason why he thought Judy was here. Oh well, tough luck cheater. I arrived back to my apartment just as the sun was setting. My phone vibrated just as I was about to open my apartment door. I checked to see who had sent me a text and saw William's name on the screen. Thank you, Miss Trent. I have landed well in London. Unconsciously I smiled and decided to respond. That's great! Almost instantly he responded; Just so you know Adalet, I consider you a very nice person and a friend. This time I will not hesitate to call you or message you since I plan on being part of this friendship a long time. His words made my smile widen and maybe, just maybe, my heart skipped a beat. He was really something. I look forward to hearing from you. I put my phone away and stepped inside my apartment. Judy was laying on the couch while she watched a movie. When she heard me, she sat up and looked at me, "how did it go? Did you see him?" She looked calm but I knew anxiety was eating away inside her mind as she imagined what could have happened. So I lied. "No, the place was deserted and I left the ring on the kitchen counter," I said while shaking my head. Judy didn't say anything but she looked a bit disappointed. I walked over to the couch and sat down next to her. She took out her phone and searched for David's contact. "I guess I won't be needing this anymore," she murmured sadly as she clicked on the screen to delete the contact. At the last minute she hesitated but then I heard her sigh before clicking on the red letters that said; DELETE. She leaned on my and I heard her soft sniffles. "It really is over." I didn't know what to say and I didn't think she wanted a cliché speech so I only rubbed her arm and let her vent herself. Suddenly, I heard her stomach rumble and she laughed softly. I joined her and then spoke, "we could order pizza if you'd like," I said and her eyes brightened. "Actually, how about if we go to the pizza place where we used to go when we were in college?" she suggested and she didn't need to tell me twice. "Alright, let's go," I said and I jumped up from the couch and the both of us walked out of the apartment and walked over to the pizza place a few blocks down.
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