Chapter Twelve: Promotions

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ADALET... Outside, the snow was beginning to fall from the cloudy sky. It was now December and the cold was beginning to set in. A little over than a month had passed since I had seen William and since Judy's breakup. She was doing better now, thankfully, she was more calm and concentrated but she still felt uncomfortable when guys approached her and tried to ask her out. She just wasn't ready. Whereas I had gone out on two dates with the guy from the coffee shop, Cole. He was... nice, even so I couldn't stop thinking about William. Since he arrived to London we have been texting each other as much as we could even if our time zones made it difficult to talk. "Are you ready, A?" I heard my friend ask from the kitchen. I quickly got my laptop and its case and walked out of my room. Judy had made us scrambled egg burritos to eat on the way to work since we were already late. We rushed to Judy's car and she quickly got into the driver's seat while I went shotgun. On the way to work we ate our breakfast and by the time Judy parked her car in the basement parking lot we were ready to go. We rushed to the elevator and each of us clicked on different buttons. Madeline, our boss, had been promoted and since Judy was her assistant and secretary, they had moved her too. The elevator stopped and I got out first as I waved goodbye to my friend. I sat in my desk and got out my laptop and the book draft I had been revising for the last couple of weeks. "Adalet, please come into my office," called my new boss from behind me, Daniel Fields. I sighed and got up from my chair and headed to his office. He smiled at me and greeted me kindly. Daniel closed the crystal door behind us and took a seat on his chair, I was already seated on one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Adalet I must congratulate you, your work has really taken off and the people that review our magazine absolutely love you," he said cheerfully and I blushed, I was never used to compliments. "Of course I know you work very hard and that's why I want to promote you with a raise and by giving you a bigger column on our magazine." As he finished talking my mouth widened and I instantly smiled, and squealed inside my mind, "Yes, oh thank you, Mister Fields." The man nodded and smiled kindly at me as he pushed his glasses up since they were sliding down his nose. "I must say, I am impressed. Madeline talked so highly of you and now I can see why. You have a lot of potential and that's great. Maybe one day you could even write a book," he suggested and I chuckled. "Of course your promotion comes with a little more work and a bit more of traveling and I know you also work at the New York Orchestra so what I propose is that you send me all of your orchestral schedule with all the concerts and trips you're going to take so that I can program your business trips as a reporter without interfering with your other job." Daniel truly made my life easier and he always tried to help us sort our schedules involving the magazine. He believed that to have a successful team and optimum results, the employees must come first and must feel important and valuable to the company. "Yes, I think I can find it right now in my laptop and I'll send it to you," I said and he nodded. "Well then, you're dismissed Adalet, congratulations," he said and I smiled at him as I walked towards the door. "Oh and Adalet," I heard him say, "your first task is to go to the annual Christmas parade and talk about the event, maybe give some tips and recommendations to tourists and you can add your own personal experiences and opinions," he suggested and I nodded. Once I was back in my desk, the first thing I did was tell William and Judy the news through a text; I just got promoted! and then I sent the calendar with all the orchestra concerts to Daniel and finished editing the book draft for Erin Duke's new book. ... WILLIAM... It was now afternoon in London and it was one of those days when the sun shinned brightly and rain was nowhere to be seen. I was sitting with Christopher in the cafeteria while we were on lunch break. I heard my phone with a specific tone and I knew instantly who it was; Adalet. We had been talking a lot in the last month and it was strange but I believed this long-distance friendship could work. I took out my phone and saw Adalet's most recent message; I got a promotion! I smiled and began to congratulate her. "Are you talking to Adalet again?" asked Christopher with a gleam in his eyes. I only nodded and he shook his head with a smile. "You really like her, mate." I put my phone down and looked at him. "She is my friend, Christopher." He raised his arms in surrender, "I get it mate, but maybe you could tell her about your plan to convince your parents that you will only be truly happy with a woman who could fill the position as princess." He had a point and it was something I had indeed considered but I hadn't gotten around to telling Adalet. She was my friend and I didn't think she would take it too well to know that I would use her for my own advantage, she didn't even know my parents didn't want me to marry Adrianna or that I had plans to marry in the near future. "I do not think she would approve of such plan," I said seriously and my friend shrugged. "I did not approve of your plan either but you are my friend and I want you to be happy," he said honestly and I sighed. Maybe. I could ask Adalet what she thought about it and hopefully she would get on board. "Talking about being happy, how are things between you and Adrianna?" he asked more serious and concerned now. I shook my head, "I do not know what to tell you, Chris. Since my trip to New York she has been distant and seems distracted but she will not tell me what is wrong." Christopher frowned and sighed, "you should talk to her and tell her what you think. She is going to be your wife, after all." I nodded, he was right. I took my coat and my things and got up from my seat. Christopher looked confused as he watched me. "I will be back shortly," I said as I was halfway through the door. I fast-walked over to my car and got in. I drove to Adrianna's home and walked inside the house where Adrianna was supposed to be. Inside I directed myself to her room since she wasn't in the kitchen nor the living room. Oddly, her room was closed and when I tried to open the door, it was locked. "Adrianna?" I called, my voice sounded confused. I knocked on the door and I heard a slight gasp. I heard as Adrianna quickly rushed to open the door. "Oh, Hello William," she said, clearly shocked. She was wearing just a bathrobe and her blonde hair was in a ponytail. "Hello love, I came by to talk to you. I hope I am not intruding on anything," I teased and she laughed while shaking her head. "No, I was just getting ready to take a bath," she said as she leaned on the doorframe. I didn't know if she was suggesting I join her or if she was telling me she would be with me in a minute. "I won't be long," she said before closing the door and leaving me alone in the hallway. I sighed and made my way to her living room. I sat on the couch as I waited when my phone began to ring. I saw my parent's photo on the screen and I picked up. "Hello Mum," I said, knowing it was her. Lidia Johns quickly answered, "Hello son, I was thinking about making dinner today since your father has some big news. Would you like to bring Adrianna with you to dinner?" she asked nervously and I was surprised. My mother never invited Adrianna to our family events as an opposition to my decision of being with her but it warmed my heart to know she was at least trying to let her in into their lives. I smiled, if this went well it would mean that I wouldn't need to tell Adalet about my plan to convince my parents. "Really mum? Sure, we will be there at six," I said before she could change her mind and she probably noticed because I heard her laugh. "That would be great, son. It will only be a causal dinner," she insisted and I agreed. I said goodbye to my mother and hung up the phone just as Adrianna came into view wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse. She had dried her hair already but wasn't wearing any makeup. "I am back. Sorry for keeping you waiting. What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" she asked as she sat on the couch across from me. I was puzzled, she used to sit by me all the time. "Well two things actually," I started and she raised an eyebrow. "My mother has invited us to dinner tonight." Adrianna gasped and her eyes brightened, she knew my parents disapproved of our relationship. "Really? That is great, love, you see? They are finally coming around and you will not need to use some girl to convince them I am the better candidate," she said proudly. I gave her a slight smile and nodded. I had told her of my plan before going to New York and she had been okay with it as long as it was only superficial and made up. "Oh but what am I going to wear?" she said nervously and she got up. "How you are dressed right now is fine, Adrianna," I reassured her and she looked at me with doubt. "Are you sure? Is this not too simple?" I shook my head and she sighed. "I will pick you up after work, around five, is that all right?" I asked and she nodded excitedly. "And what was the second thing you wanted to talk about?" she asked with intrigue. I hesitated, maybe I could wait until after dinner to ask her about her recent behavior. As I looked at her I saw she really wanted to know and I couldn't keep my mouth shut. "I think you are acting strange and that you have been acting that way since I left for New York," I admitted and waited patiently for her outburst. But the outburst never surged and she was looking at my, confused. "What? You cannot be serious right?" she asked bewilderedly and I nodded my head. She scuffed and got up to sit next to me. "Nothing is wrong, love. I do not know why you think there is some strange behavior in me but I can assure you that my feelings for you have not changed. I just missed you while you were gone and since you came back you have been very busy and we do not spend as much time together as we used to but I understand. I know you have responsibilities to fulfill and I want to be right there by your side in every step of the way," she said supportively and she took my hands in hers. I sighed in relief, I was glad that everything that I had felt were only my insecurities. I nodded and got up, "I am relieved that everything is okay with us," I said honestly and she smiled warmly at me. "I need to get back to work, love. I will see you later." I gave her a peck on the lips and headed out to my car. I turned back to the house and strangely I thought I managed to see the silhouette of someone beside my girlfriend. I shook my head and looked back into the house through the window but Adrianna was gone and so was the silhouette. It had been probably only my imagination that was playing games with me. I drove of back to work, just in time for a meeting that we had postponed. I walked into the meeting room and took my seat next to my father who nodded at me. "Did your mother tell you about dinner?" He whispered and I only nodded and he smiled before returning his attention back to the rest of the board who was whispering amongst themselves. "Okay, let us get this meeting started," said my father and everyone quieted down as they listened to their boss.
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