Chapter 1

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Blue Waking up with someone in my bed was something I did not like, I didn't like giving anyone false hope, any bedroom associations I had where just for fun and that's where it ended and no matter how many times I would tell girls that, if they got to spend a night in my bed they would think they were the exception, so I preferred having our fun, the girl would leave and I got to sleep alone. Waking up with someone always ended up ruining my mornings so I would try to avoid that as much as possible but today was not that day. Yesterday I had school and training, after I finally had a chance to go to sleep I was super tired only to find someone waiting in my bed, to be honest with you I don't remember her name but she was one wild girl, I must have passed out after only to wake up with her still in my bed. I woke up and headed straight to the shower, I kind of hoped she would be gone by the time I came out, no such luck she was still there head propped by her hand looking at the bathroom door as I came out. “good morning my alpha "she said in what I assumed was supposed to be a sexy voice “what are you still doing here" I wasn't trying to be friendly but with the reaction I got you would think I had asked for a morning quicky “waiting for you " the girl was smiling her hand drawing circles on my side of the bed “what's your name again " my voice was even harsher, she had to leave clueless or not I wanted her out “ca... Casey" she was now sitting head down she could finally see I was not in the mood for games “Casey get out of my room, I don't know what you think you were going to achieve by sleeping with me but whatever it is I'm not interested it was fun but now get out "I waked to my closet “by the time I come out you better be gone" “but.... but I thought we had a good time " tears were now falling but I wasn't interested “yes we did but now get out" as I closed the closet door behind me I swear I heard crying and she ran out well that settles that I thought to myself as I changed for school. I got to my truck and found Orion already there, he is the future Delta and my friend we mostly went to school together he was the same age as me but my Beta and Gamma were three years older than me but we were good friends regardless of age. “morning B didn't see you at breakfast today" he was smiling probably knew what happened there was hardly any secrets between us he knew the kind of person I was, he didn't like it but he knew, he was into this mate nonsense and he was kind of bummed out when he turned sixteen last year and didn't find his mate but the dude was now the happiest since he recently found his mate Faith, she was Vicky's (Victor) young sister my future beta, she recently turned sixteen. “is Olive going to school with the reject again" Olivia is Orion's sister and twin but everyone called her Olive “stop calling Hope a reject dude she is your sister and remember Faith is her best friend you are not helping when it comes to our relationship dude" said Orion as he went straight in the car “she is not my sister she is an adopted nobody and I really don't get what Olive and Faith see in that loser " I spat back “dude" was all he said, we had to wait a little bit for Faith and Beth, I know Faith does not like me very much because of Hope . Beth is my sort of girlfriend we hook up but she understands that that's what it is and we are not exclusive so she doesn't get jealous of my other hookups. My name is Blue, people think that I was named Blue because of how blue my eyes are but I was named Blue because for my mom meeting my father and having me, to her it was like seeing the blueness of the sky after a very dark storm, she had a rough life growing up but when she came to Redmon pack she found love, friends and family. Our pack was now Red Cresent moon after my parents rescued the Crescent moon which was the largest pack and with ours being the second largest, our pack was now the size of a big city and I was going to inherit it very soon. life was almost perfect except there are things that I didn't like, like mates for example, I never wanted a mate all my friends knew this, why settle for one girl when I can be with as many girls as I want , mates where what the goddess deemed a gift but to me it felt more like a curse why would I settle for one girl, her becoming the reason for my existence and I willing to do everything for her including dying for her if the need be was something that did not sit well with me so I planned on rejecting my mate if I found her, the other thing I didn't like was my perents adopting the reject Hope when I was Ten, I would tell you more about her but I would not want to ruin my day thinking much about that. Beth and Faith came out one in front of the other, they never talked to each irregardless of the fact we've been going to school together for almost four months now "hi babe" Beth said as she kissed my cheek as soon as she got inside the truck “Alpha Blue good morning "said Faith as she settled bisides Orion “come on you can just call me Blue there is no need for formalities" I smiled at her “me calling you by your first name will imply that we are friends which we are not I'm sorry you maybe my alpha but you are definitely not my friend " this is the first time Faith had voiced her dislike in me, I knew she didn't like me but she had never said it before, the alpha in me felt disrespected and I jerked the car to a stop as I had just pulled into the driveway “I will not be disrespected like that you might not like my offer of friendship but don't ever disrespect me" my Alpha aura was radiating making everyone inside the car bare their necks in submission. “yes Alpha " was her reply in a small voice as soon as she answered Orion dragged her out of the car “see you at school dude I will be taking my car from now on" he pulled Faith into his shoulder “dude I didn't mean it like that " I said and Orion shook his head “it's alright man I probably should have done so a long time ago." He left back to the pack house with Faith and I faintly heard her say “ I told you from the beginning I didn't like going to school with him but you wouldn't listen because he's your friend, he maybe my alpha but he's definitely no friend of mine " that got me into a worse mood as I drove off to school.
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