Chapter Four

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Belle started to panic, she felt like she would run out of air, especially when Carmine was getting closer and closer to her. That was why she suddenly barricaded his body nearing hers with the feather duster she was still holding on her right hand. Her hand was trembling with nervousness and anticipation. “S-sir Carmine, you don’t really need to get in here. The spider is already gone. I think it’s already scuttled away after I startled it.” She said in a panicking voice. Carmine looked at her with a frown. As if he doesn’t believe what she was saying. While Belle’s heart was beating so fast, she was afraid Carmine might hear it. Especially when he was getting closer by the second. If this continous whenever Carmine was near her, she won’t be surprise if she’ll have a heart attack one of these days. He was seducing her without even really knowing that he was doing it. Doesn’t he have any idea how hot and handsome he is? How high his s*x appeal is? While Belle was almost out of her mind when he was near like this. She only breath a sigh of relief when he started backing off to exit the wardrobe. “Okay, if you say so. Just, after you’re done with here, tell the cook to prepare breakfast.” Carmine just told her after he was finally once again out of the wardrobe. Thank you very much! Belle nodded vigorously. As if he told her something world breaking. “Yes, Sir Carmine – I mean – Carmine.” She answered when she finally got out of the wardrobe as well. “How about you? Did you have your breakfast yet? You seemed kinda out of it? Are you dizzy or something?” Carmine asked with concerned. Carmine has no idea that she seemed out of it not because she haven’t had breakfast of it, she was out of it and feeling weak in the knees because of him. “I already ate, Carmine.” She told him as she lean against the wardrobe. “That’s why I’m already here to clean your room. I’m sorry if I disturbed you, I thought you’re already not here already.”She shyly said. “Don’t worry about it. I’m already awake, anyway. I’ll take a bath already, so you can clean around my room.” Carmine said before he entered his connecting bathroom inside his bedroom. ‘Oh, Carmine, my heart is not safe with you.’ Belle thought wistfully as he looked at her retreating back until he closed the door to his bathroom. “BELLE, can you bring this mango juice and snacks to Sir Carmine? He’s at the swimming pool.” Dana said to Belle as she was handing her the tray with the pitcher of juice, glass, and some cut fruits and sandwiches. “I’m sure your eyes will feast and enjoy seeing and watching Sir Carmine swimming only wearing his swimming trunks, and you’ll be seeing his sexiness and six-pack abs.” Dana said teasingly. Belle widened her eyes at Dana. Giving her a silent warning. She told Dana about her ‘spider’ encounter with Carmine inside his wardrobe. And starting that day, Dana was teasing her nonstop. That was why everytime Carmine was asking or needing something, like bringing him some juice and snacks, Dana always make it sure that Belle was the one who will bring it to Carmine. Not that she was complaining, because it was all in her favor. Because it will give her reasons to be near and see Carmine as much as possible. That was why, evern nervous, she took the tray with a smile from her friend. “I’ll definitely enjoy seeing Carmine almost naked.” Belle said with a grin before she made her way towards the swimming pool area. When she arrived at the pool side, she saw Carmine still swimming in the pool. It was Friday and it was almost a little late for Carmine to go to his Company. It seems that he won’t be going to his office this day. “Carmine, here’s your snacks,” Belle called him a little louder for him to hear her. Carmine finished his last lap before he stood in the pool and started getting out of the pool as he looked at her. Belle held her breath, she even felt her thoat drying, when she saw carmine only wearing a dark blue Speedo. His almost naked body was once again revealed in her eyes and right in front of her. And all this crazy , naughty and sexy fantasy was once again running through her imagination featuring Carmine like a film strip. That was why Belle drank from the glass of mango juice she brought Carmine without a thought while still looking at Carmine. “I thought you brought that for me?” Carmine asked Belle with amusement as he came near her. Belle didn’t noticed that he was finally so very close to her, and she was seeing his near-nakedness RIGHT IN FRONT AND NEAR HER. Belle felt herself blushed. “Oh, I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t meant to do that. I’ll just go and get you a new glass.” She apologized while panicking and blushing. She was about to leave Carmine, in a hurry, when he stopped her by holding unto her arm. “No need, Belle. It’s fine.” Carmine said to her and then took the glass of mango juice from her and drank from the same glass. Belle’s eyes widened. And because of what Carmine did, her face turned beet red. Just imagining, Carmine drinking in the same glass that she darnk from, it was like indirect kiss! “Are you okay? Your face is so red. Do you have a fever? I can call our family doctor to check you up for you.” Carmine asked her. Belle shook her head no while her face was still flaming red. “I’m not sick, Carmine. I’m fine. No need to call the doctor. My skin is just sensitive, specially from the sun or when the weather is hot, it got all red and splotchy most of the time.” She reasoned out. And she was not sure, and also thankful, that she got a reason to explain her reddening face. She won’t ever admit to Carmine that she was blushing because of him. Carmine nodded before he came nearer to her. He was so near they were almost in a kissing distance. That was why, Belle automatically took a step back, her eyes widening, her heart beating faster that normal. Was he planning to kiss her? He could just tell her and she won’t say no. He won’t even need to ask her twice. She was also curious how would it feel to be kissed and to kiss Carmine. Belle blinked a few times. Her mind was again being naughty. She was surprised when she felt Carmine’s thumb rubbing the side of her lips. As if wiping something there. And it was not because she drooled why fantasizing him. That would be embarrassing and ridiculous. “You have mango juice on the side of your lips.” Carmine said while he was lightly rubbing the side of her lips with his thumb. Belle felt disappointed when his thumb left the side of her lips. She missed the heat emanating from his fingers caressing the side of her lips. Carmine was really caring and gentle. It was no surprise that she liked him. “Well, are you not planning to go to work today, Carmine? You’re almost late going to your office.” She reminded him curiously. Carmine shrugged. “My Company won’t suffer if I didn’t go to my office for one day. Besides, I’m not the only one whose running it. My uncles, aunts, parents, and cousins are also there to help me run the company. And it’s already Friday, start of the weekend. And it’s also my father who suggested that I don’t have to fo to the office if I don’t have to and if I don’t feel like going today.” He explained. “Why would that be? I mean, about your father’s suggestion?” she asked curiously with a frown. She just can’t help it. Carmine stared at her. Belle felt conscious. Will she ever stop blushing in front of this gorgeous man? “Cynthia is planning to visit our office. And if you’re wondering, Cynthia is the daughter of the businessman that’s also an acquaintance of my father and who wanted to have a partnership with our company. It was also not new to me that Cynthia sets her eyes on me as a possible boyfriend. I’m not okay with that. She’s possessive, obsessive and stalker-ish. I told her a hundred times that I only see her as a friend and nothing else, but she didn’t want to listen or understand what I’m saying. She’s spoiled and she thinks that she can just get everything she wanted. She also has a tendency to make a scene and have tantrums. And since she’s coming with her dad to the office for a meeting, since they plan to have a business proposal with my dad, that’s why my dad believes that it will be better if I just stay home today. To avoid a scene that will probably turn into a disaster. I just told my dad that if he ever agree to Cynthia’s father’s business proposal, that it won’t include an arranged marriage in the end, then it’s fine. Business is business, after all. As long as it won’t bleed into my private life.” Carmine told her. “Are you afraid of the work ‘marriage’, Carmine?” Belle couldn’t help but asked. Her voice teasing. “Not really. I just want to wait for the right girl for me to marry, and not just anyone who will be force on marry for the sake of business. You know. I hate to sound mushy but I guess I can’t help it. I want that feeling when I finally found the woman for me and I’m really sure that I want to marry her and be with her for the rest of my life.” Carmine said with a smile. Belle smiled back. “You’re a romantic, Carmine.” She said wistfully. Wishing that she would be that girl he was looking for. “Maybe I got influence with my parents. They’ve been together for so many years and they’re still in love and so into each other after all these years. They look like they’re still in their honeymoon stage. That’s why I know that what I felt for Cynthia won’t be more than like a friend or a sister.” Carmine told her. Belle sighed. Whoever the girl Carmine fall in love with, she was one lucky girl. She wish it was her. She smiled wistfully. BECAUSE OF WHAT CARMINE told Belle about his parents, she couldn’t help thinking about her real parents. If they’re like Carmine’s parents? She was a teenager when her adoptive mother- Thelma - told her about her being adopted. That she was not her real daughter. That they adopted her when she was 8 or 9 years old at that time, because they couldn’t have children. While Belle couldn’t remember about her real parents. Who they are and what really happened to them? No one can tell. Whatever happened to her gave her enough shock for her mind to block it. The doctor said she has amnesia and it depends whether her memories will be back or not. That was why ever if she wanted to know about who her real parents were, she had no idea where to start. Specially when she has no memory about them before she was brought to the hospital where she woke up because of a car hitting her.
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