Chapter Five

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BELLE BLINKED several times after opening the main door of Carmine’s mansion-like house when she heard someone pressing the doorbell that morning. Because right in front of her was standing a handsome older version of Carmine. He was tall and handsome. His hair was longer than Carmine, so black with a hint of a little white here and there. He looked like a rogue in his signature casual clothes and leather jacket. Now she has an idea what Carmine would look like when he reached the same age like this handsome man in front of her. Carmine will definitely looked more handsome and sexier, if that’s even possible. Like those wine being stored for ages before opening, the older it got, the better it tasted. Belle’s musings got cut short when she heard the handsome man cleared his throat to get her attention. His eyes full with amusement. And then she heard a seductive laugh of the woman who was next to the handsome guy. That caught Belle’s attention once again. Because she was so mesmerized with the handsome man, she didn’t notice in an instant that he was with someone. He was that handsome. And he looked like Carmine. And if the man she was looking at was so handsome, the woman next to him was gorgeous. She has long raven natural wavy hair, and she looked like a doll. Her eyes were the same as Carmine’s, beautiful and with thick lashes. She reminded her of the beauty queen Dayanara Torres. “I’m sorry, may I know who you are?” she asked consciously. She might not know their names, but it was obvious that they’re related to Carmine. She was worried that the handsome man in front of would get annoyed or angry at her because she was staring at him so much. They might think she was stupid or an airhead. And that was not a good first impression. “I’m Lucinda Falcon.” The woman introduced herself with a charming smile, then she pointed at the handsome man she was with. “And this is my husband, Jervis Falcon.” “Oh,” Belle nodded with a curious frown. “I never thought that Carmine has an older brother.” Lucinda laughed even more with a twinkle in her eyes. While the handsome man who looked like Carmine – Jervis – grinned and winked at her with amusement. Belle almost swooned. Why, Jervis was a real charmer. And he was swoon worthy. “I’m not Carmine’s older brother, sweet girl. I’m his father.” Jervis corrected her with a grin. Belle’s eyes became rounded and wide after hearing what Jervis said. She couldn’t believe that the couple in front of her who looked like they’re in their late twenties or early thirties are Carmine’s parents. They both looked so young and beautiful! “Omigosh! I’m sorry for my rudeness, come in,” the only thing she could say. When they entered the living room and they seemed to settled in Carmine’s home, that was the only time Belle could speak again after compising herself. Her heart fluttering like there was a drum inside because of nervousness. She was facing a younger looking couple who was Carmine’s parents, that’s why! “I’ll just call Carmine in his office at the library.” She told them before she left to go get Carmine, but before she went looking for him, she decided to make a pit stop at the kitchen to tell the cook and other staff to prepare some snacks for Carmine’s parents. And just like she said, she saw Carmine in the library which also became his office at home when he decided not to go to his office like today. He was typing something in his computer. It was Saturday and he’s still working. He looked at her direction when he heard her came in and closed the door to the library. The library was cozy, with a huge mahogany desk, comfortable chairs and couches, books in cabinets that spans from floor to ceiling, there was also some paintings and family pictures, a personal refrigerator, and Belle’s favorite whenever she cleaned this room and decided to borrow some books, the windowsill with a couch just under the window. The whole library was huges and the book collection was massive, imagine how the library from Beauty and the Beast looked like. That’s why the couches was spread from here and there, but she like the one under the window best. She felt like a Victorian lady every time she spends her time reading there. And yes, Carmine told them that they could borrow and read books and stay and relax in the couches while reading, for those like her who loves to read, as long as they would not damage the books and that they’ll put it back where they took them. Carmine was so generous with his books. That also added to reason why she likes him. “Do you need something from me, Belle?” Carmine asked a bit distracted while he continued typing whatever he was typing in his computer. “Carmine, your parents is in the living room. They just arrived and looking for you.” She informed him. Carmine nodded. “Okay. I’ll be down there in a minute. Tell the cook to prepare some food for them.” “I already informed the cook and the other staff to prepare them something before I came here,” Belle said with a nod. “Good. Thank you, Belle.” Carmine said with a smile. Appreciate in his eyes when he looked at her. Belle bit her lip to prevent herself from gasping. He was so handsome and nice. A good son, too. Making sure that his parents were being taken care of while waiting for him to see them. “Actually, Carmine, I might as well tell you. When I first saw your father, I thought he was your older brother. Your parents looked so young. Your father is so handsome and your mother is so beautiful. They looked like those hot celebrity couples.” She admitted shyly. Carmine couldn’t help but grin. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure my father really loved the heck out of it when you thought of him as my older brother. Most people were having a hard time guessing their ages because they looked so young. Maybe that’s because they’re so in love with each other, it makes them look younger, not just in their heart but also in their appearance. They have this blooming aura together. That’s why if I get married, I would like to marry the woman I love. It seems to have a lot of benefits.” He said before winking at her. Belle automatically blushed when Carmine winked at her. He grinned as he looked at her blushing face. Now that he knew that Belle blushed easily and not because she was sick or something. “You’re so adorable when you blush.” He teased her. Belle rolled her eyes good naturedly. “Anyway, I’ll go ahead and tell your parents that you’re on your way to see them, and I’ll check if they need something else or if the food is being serve already.”And she went out of the library as fast as she could. Leaving a chuckling Carmine. As the days and weeks passed by and as they get to know each other better, they became closer, and Carmine learned about her shyness and easy to blush face whenever he’s around or near her. “MOM, DAD,” Carmine greeted his parents when he showed up at the living room a few minutes right behind Belle after shutting down his computer and putting his files back where he was keeping them. He kissed his mother and gave his father a brief manly hug. “No wonder Belle thought you were my older siblings.” He said after seeing them wearing a casual and rugged outfit. They looked like a couple whose about to go to a date at a mall or bars. His mother gave a pleased smile. "That’s why we decided to wear these clothes. They compliment us and looked good on us. We also looked and feel younger. Maybe we’ll have a date at the mall later or a bar." She said with a wink. Carmine rolled his eyes but laugh anyway. “Well, son, I never thought that one of your requirements for your house staff is being beautiful, or did you hire her because she’s beautiful?” Jervis asked his son with amusement in his eyes, his brow raised, he was definitely talking about Belle. “It’s not like that, dad. I hired her because I really need some house staff to tend this enormous house. Besides, she works really hard and diligently. Not to mention that she has an ailing mother that’s why she needs the job. It’s an added bonus that she’s pretty, intelligent and sweet.” Carmine said with a smile. Adoration in his eyes. “So, you like her?” his mother asked teasingly. “Well, I don’t mind, she looks nice and beautiful. It means you’ll give us cute little grand-childrens. Make it soon, though. While we can enjoy taking care of them.” Carmine grinned with what his mother said. “I mean it, Carmine. I missed having kids around. And your brother – Luke - was so busy with his mission at those dangerous war zone in Iraq. Does he not realize that I’m always nervous everytime he was late sending a message to us that he’s fine? I swear I get one white hair everytime I worried about him. And your other brother - Cian, he’s such a computer genius, he could live inside his cave he calls his condominium, for almost a year without getting out of there. How could they get a girlfriend and wife and give me grand children when they’re so focus on their ‘work’ life. I swear if Luke decided to extend his work as being a soldier and risking his life instead of giving me grand children, I’ll ask a group of men to kidnap him and return him to our house. That’s how worried I am.” Lucinda said in a complaining voice. Then she looked at Carmine. “That’s why at the moment, you’re the only hope I have of having a grand children.” Carmine sighed. What his dear mother thought about giving him a pressure of producing her grand children made him feel like a stud. Then he looked at his father who was just watching their debacle with amusement. Jervis raised his arms with a shrug in with a grin. “Don’t look at me, son. You know I can’t help you with that. Your mother wants grand children, I also missed having kids around, so are your grandparents, that’s why I have no protest regarding this matter.” He declared. Carmine rolled his eyes and looked back at his mother. “What about Jared?” he asked. Jared was the youngest of the four brothers. And he was the same age as Cian. He was adopted by Carmine’s parents when no one seems to claim him at the hospital. The mother left a few days after giving birth without a word, just a note in the hospital bed that she wanted her child to be adopted since she was not ready to raise a kid. So, Cian and Jared had the same birthday, they were birthed at the same hospital, and was brought home the same day. After they adopted them officially. He also has the Falcon name officially on his birth certificate. Carmine heard his father snort with laughter, while Lucinda groaned. Was it a groan of frustration? “Jared,” Lucinda made a face, but affection could still be seen in her eyes. “He was such a flirt, I worry that he’ll leave a trail of children and crying or angry women wherever he goes, and we won’t know about it.” She complained. Jared was a famous rockstar and his band was making a name in LA. “That’s why I always remind him not to forget using protection. I’m worried about him getting any diseases.” Then she looked at her husband with a pout, “Why didn’t we try for a girl? A girl won’t be bull headed like our sons.” She complained. Jervis grinned. “Because my manly genes is stronger, that’s why we only produced boys, baby.” Lucinda rolled her eyes with a laugh. Then looked at Carmine after kissing her husband. “That’s it, Carmine, I want to have girls for gran childrens besides boys. It’s time we have more girls in the family.” She declared like it could be done with just a flick or her fingers. “I’ll see what I can do about your demand, mom.” Carmine played along with her mother with amusement. “See to it. It’ll be nice to have nice and adorable cute babies around the house once again. I remember Carmine as a baby, most of the parents who sees him wanted to arranged him to be married with their daughters when he grows up. He was such a charming boy. His mother pointed out. “Stop, dear mother, you’re making me blush.” Carmine chuckled. “I’m only saying the truth. That’s why until now, they still go after you for an arranged marriage.” Lucinda said with a frown. Carmine raised his brow about the last thing his mother said. “What do you mean about an arranged marriage?” he started making suspicions. “Oh well, that’s the reason why we’re here. Besides we want to visit you and check what have you done to this place of yours after purchasing it. And I noticed that you have minimal decorations in your house.” Lucinda shook her head before she continued with what she was saying. “Anyway, it happened that your cousin Lyka attended this party, some kind of photo gallery, hosted by a well-known internation photographer who happens to be her friend. And it happened that Cynthia was also there and Lyka accidentally heard Cythia telling her friends that she planned on announcing that you two are engaged already and will get married soon. Lyka heard that Cynthia planned on trapping you into marriage by telling you that she’s pregnant. It seems that she already planned where and when she’ll announce her plans.” “What?! Is she crazy! Oh well, I forgot that she’s crazy.” Carmine bursted with annoyance. “I never dated her or gave her false hope. How could she think about her plan? I never even kiss her, even once. So how could she come up with this ridiculous plan?” Her mother shrugged. “"I guess she's really crazy over you, my darling son." "She can't do that." He pointed out. “I’ll just deny it and refuse.” There was no way he’ll marry for anything but love. And Cynthia was crazy if she thinks he’ll go with her scheme. “You know she can and will do that. And you know that we believe and trust you, son. But what about the other gullible people who’ll believe her? Both out families our known in our society. The press will wallow her scheme if she announce it. And if you deny about it, all the negative outcome will be pointed at you. Add to the fact that your grandparents are old fashioned and traditional. Once they hear that Cynthia is pregnant and you’re the father, they’ll ask you to not turn back on your responsibility.” His father said. “And once you marry Cynthia, I bet she won’t let you file a divorce to get out of your marriage with her. Especially that you’ll inherit more percent of the company since you’re my eldest son.” Carmine combed and gripped the end of his hair out of frustration. Cynthia was such a pain. “That woman is always giving me trouble. I can’t believed why she’s so fixated on me. And why she can’t understand that I only want her as a friend or some kind of a sister and nothing else.” He complained before he looked at his parents. “Any suggestions on what I should do? I’m sure that you thought of a plan to counter attact her plans that’s why you’re both her. I know how devious your mind works.” “Of course, we have, dear son.” Luncinda said with a triumphant grin while she adoringly comb her son’s hair. “You’re our son, and we won’t let some scheming selfish b***h to ruin your life and future. And besides, we know your belief about marriage, that’s why we won’t let her ruin your belief about love and marriage because of some woman’s obsession.” “So, what’s your plan?” he asked his mother. “We need to declared first about your engagement with someone before Cynthia could declare about your engagement with hers.” Lucinda said proudly with the plan she thought. Carmine shook her head. “In the end, I’ll still be engage with someone I don’t love, dear mother. You just exchanged one woman from another.” He pointed out. “Listen to me first, hijo. Our declaration of your marriage will be just a farce one. So that Cynthia will stop obsessing and going after you. We’ll get someone to pretend as your fiancé. At least, your pretend fiancé won’t be ‘pregnant’ like what Cynthia is planning. And when Cynthia decided to move on from obsessing about you, we can just simply say that your relationship with your fiancé didn’t work out in the end. Of course, we’ll get someone who’ll pretend as your fiancé who knows and understand that you’re only both pretending.” Her mother told him about the details of her plan. Carmine frowned., the he looked thoughtful for a moment before he grinned. "I think I know who the right person to help me." "Really, who?" Lucinda asked curiously. “You already met her. It’s Belle. I can talk to her about my problem and ask her if she could pretend as my fiancé.” “Do you think she’ll agree?” Jervis asked with a frown. Carmine pouted. "Well, I'll just have to convince her. I'll talk to her about it later." “And what if there’s some annoying people about her? And we can’t dodge the press people forever. Specially when you announce your engagement with her, it will grace the society pages both in print and online. Belle’s life will be in chaos.” Carmine’s father reminded him. “Let’s say that Belle is mostly staying at the country side because she prefers the fresh air and peaceful surrounding. Besides, we’re not celebrities. It’s only Jared. So they won’t bother us more than they bother Jared. Maybe we can ask Jared to date one of those Kardashian girls so the focus won’t be on us after we declare about out engagement.” Carmine declared. The last statement was said as a joke since he won’t let her brother get in trouble or the attention he didn’t want. Since Jared only wanted to sing and share his songs more than being popular. “The press will be curious for a while, but it won’t take long until they find some new story to hound. And if Belle is always in the country and won’t be seen shopping around town, then they’ll give up after a while.” He added. “And what if dad decided to visit Carmine and saw Belle?” Jervis asked. He just wanted all this questions answered, so there won’t be a loop hole with their plan. Lucinda made a face. “Darling, your so negative, and why are you contradicting me?” “I just want to make sure that we’ll cover everything, babe.” Jervis reasoned out. “We’ll think about it later if that problem arises. For now, let’s focus about the engagement and how we can counteract Cynthia’s plan and force our son into marriage.” Lucinda declared. Jervis nodded. “Fine, babe. Well, all Carmine needed to do is talk to Belle and let her agree to this whole plan.” He told her. “And I think it’ll be great if Carmine declare his engagement on my parents wedding anniversary a week from now.” Lucinda’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah, that a great idea! It’s a good opportunity to announce the engagement. Especially that Cynthia will definitely be there with her parents.” “That sounds like a plan.” Carmine agreed. They stop talking and planning and looked at Belle when she entered the living room. She blushed when she saw that their attention was on her. “I’m sorry for disturbing you,” she said shyly. “Manang Elsa said that the food is ready and being served at the dining room. They made baked macaroni and cheese with bacons, garlic bread, chips and dips, apple pie, and iced tea.” Carmine nodded with a smile. “Thanks, Belle. We’ll be there in a second. Tell the staff to go ahead and have some snacks, too. Go ahead and eat, don’t wait for us.” Belle nodded before she left them in the living room. “Such a pretty young woman.” Lucinda said with a smile. “No wonder that Carmine didn’t mind working and staying at home.” “Mom,” Carmine muttered, his face a little flustered. "You know what, seeing Belle again reminds me of someone. I just can’t recall how and when.” Jervis suddenly said with a frown. “I kept thinking about it since I saw her earlier when she opened the door for us.” Lucinda raised her brow. “I swear, Carmine, if your father was being reminded of an old ex-girlfriend of his after seeing Belle, he’ll be in big trouble.” She said in a joking manner but her face was serious. Jervis rolled his eyes. “It’s not like that, babe. She just seems familiar. Now I know it will bother me until I finally remembered where I’ve seen that face before.” Then he kissed the tip of his wife’s nose. Lucinda smiled and kiss him back, While Carmine rolled his eyes and got up from where he was sitting and started heading to the dining room.

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