Episode 2

1961 Words
Third Person's Point Of View, Irish's dad was so tensed as he drank the juice but his mind could not stop thinking about his company, he worked so hard to build this company and he can not let this company go so easily, he loves it so much that he can stop breathing for once to save this but he did not realize when did his company got down like this, he was not even expecting it, he has so many dreams about it and now when he is seeing that all his dreams are shattering like this, he is not able to handle it anymore, he just slept like that, he was thinking so much so he did not realize when did he fell asleep, In the evening- "Wake up Joe, it is already evening and your boss could be here anytime soon, so you better get up fast", his wife said to him as he was sleeping since morning and he had no idea what time it is, his wife already prepared a nice meal for his boss, and now she is getting ready so that she could make his boss understand about their problems, "What, when did I fell asleep", Joe asked his wife as he opened his eyes after hearing her words, "You are just unbelievable, you are sleeping since morning and I did not wake you up so that your mind could get relax", she said to him and he was just looking at her wife, "You are looking so pretty today", he said to her and his wife just blushed hard, "Thank you so much and now you just go and get ready fast coz your boss would be here anytime soon", she said to him and he got up from the bed and walked into the washroom, he just washed his face and walked out from the bathroom and changed his clothes, he wore a formal dress and combed his hair and now he was ready for this dinner, it was not a normal dinner, this dinner will decide what will happen with them coz his boss is the last of his family, he did not know what he will do if his boss deny him so he was just praying to god that his boss gets ready to help him, he just thought that once his company will be stable again, he will return all his money to his boss, "How do I look", Joe asked his wife and she turned her head and looked at him with a blush on her face and he just smiled at her, "You are looking so handsome today, just like the day we got married", her wife said to him and they both smiled and laughed a little, they both were just trying to distract themselves in all this tension, "Hey, do not worry, just have faith in God, he will surely help us, I am just getting intuitions that he will get ready to help us after hearing our problem", his wife said to him so that he could feel good, deep down she was also scared about what will happen, they both were so tensed but no one told Irish about it, they do not want to give her any tension so they were just hiding it from her, Irish was in her room and she was studying for her college exams, it was her first year and she wants to top her college so she is studying day and night for this, "Thank you so much honey, your words gave me some relaxation", Joe said to his wife and she just smiled at him, they both were looking at each other and just then they heard the sound of the doorbell and they both just stopped staring at each other, "Seems like he came, I will just go and open the door for him, you just go and do your remaining preparations", he said to his wife and she nodded her head and walked into the kitchen and he went to open the door, "Welcome boss, welcome to my home", Joe welcomed his boss in his house and his boss walked in with a gentle smile on his face, his boss was looking a little young but he was in his forties, "Hello Smith, how are you", he asked Joe and Joe just smiled at him and pulled the chair for him, "I am just fine boss, how are you, hope you did not find any difficulty to came here", Joe asked him and his boss just shook his head, "No no Smith, I just know where do you live so it was easy for me to find your place", his boss said and adjusted himself on the chair, Katty brought water for him and offer him and he took on a glass of water and looked at Katty with narrow eyes, "You are looking very pretty Mrs Smith", his boss said with a clingy smile on his face which Katty ignored and passed a gentle smile to him, "Thank you so much sir, I am gonna get dinner for both of you", she said again with a gentle smile on her face, she just noticed that his boss was not a nice person as the way he was looking at her was clear that his intentions were not pure, soon se brought all the food at the table and started serving them, Joe already told everything to his boss and his boss is still smiling as he is not looking so serious, "Why do not you eat with us Mrs Smith", his boss said but she just made an uneasy face, he was making her uncomfortable but she just tried to keep her expression neutral coz it was the question of her husband's company and she wants to keep his boss happy so that he could agree for his help and she is also willing to do everything to save his company, "I need to use the washroom, where it is", his boss asked as he got up from the chair and looked at her and she just looked down as his eyes were so sharp and they were so irritating, "That is upstairs and left", she said and he nodded his head and headed upstairs, Joe was so tensed his boss did not give any reply to him and now he is so upset coz he thinks that his boss will say no to him coz he did not take it seriously, Joe is getting so angry but he is not having any option, "What happen, why you are looking so worried and lost, did he say something", Katty asked his husband and he looked at her with sad eyes, "I do not know, I just told him everything but he did not say anything to me, he was just laughing and enjoying the talk and now I just do not know what is running into his mind", said Joe and now Katty is also worried about what happened, his boss is so unpredictable, no one knows what he thinks and what he does, they just thought that he has a lot of money and he is his friend too but now they do not know if he will help them or not, His boss was walking upstairs and he opened the door and saw a girl was on her study table and he just stopped there and started looking at him, Irish got scared and got up from her chair, she looked at him with wide eyes and a little scared expression, Irish was a strong girl but some times she gets scared when she sees some unknown person in her room at this time, "Who are you and what are you doing here", Irish asked him and he just smiled hard at her, "So you are Smith's daughter, right", he asked her and she just slowly nodded her head, after looking at her he just smirked at her, "Who are you", Irish asked again and just came close to her and caressed her hair, he inhaled her hair and took a deep breath, Irish just took a step back as she was not liking it, "Do not worry, you do not need to get scare baby, I am the boss of your dad, so do to worry, I am just your good wisher, just go and do whatever you were doing", he said to her and walked out of the room and he again made his way to down as Joe and his wife were waiting for him, he just went down and started eating food with a big smile on his face, "You are just awesome Mrs Smith, this food is so yummy and I am just loving it, you will not believe me that I can eat this whole night", he said as he licked his fingers in such a dirty manner and looked at her with a big smile, she just forced a smile to him, "Thank you so much sir", she said simply and walked back into the kitchen, Joe was not having any appetite as he was still so worried about what will his boss say to him, will he agree or not, this tension was killing him inside and he does not know what to do and how to control his tension, the boss was still eating but he did not eat anything, "Joe, why you are not eating, just eat, your wife made such yummy food and you are not eating, that is not fair", he said and Joe just forced a smile and took a bite from his plate, "Boss what did you think about my problem, will you help me", Joe asked him finally and his boss just washed his hands and wiped his mouth, he was now enjoying dessert with a big smile on his face and his this action was making Joe so angry but he was not in the position to stay something to him so he was just keeping his mouth mum, "What you think Joe, what I will do, of course, I will help you, you are one of the best employees of mine so I just have to help you", his boss said to him and hope of waved raised in his eye, a big smile came on his face after hearing his words, "But I have a condition", he said and that smile dropped again, he was now so scared about that condition, he just gulped hard after hearing his words and now waiting for his next words, "What is your condition boss, I will try my best to fulfil it", Joe said to his boss and his boss just smirked at him, "Of course you can fulfil it, that is why I am gonna ask it from you", his boss said with a smirk, "I want to get married", his boss said and Joe smiled at his boss after hearing his words, "Oh, boss, so what is the big deal, you can get married, no doubt you can, you look young and smart so you can easily get any girl", said Joe with a big smile on his face, "I want to get married to your daughter", his boss said and Joe's smile dropped and he felt a sharp pain in his heart, how the hell he could say this to him, "How you f*****g dare to say this to me you f*****g bastard", said Joe as he held the collar of his boss and Katty came running from the kitchen to stop them, "Joe, what are you doing, leave him", she yelled and her hubby looked at her with wide eyes,
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