Episode 1

1142 Words
Author's Point Of View, "I do not know what the hell I will do now, my company is drowning and I do not know what to do", he said and his wife just rubbed his back, "Please calm down, everything will be fine soon, we will find a way to pursue your boss, I just think that he will help us", his wife said to him but he knows his boss so well, his boss is a selfish man and he does not do anything without any benefit, "What are you thinking, if you want I can talk to your boss, I am sure he will listen to me, do one thing just call your boss and invite him for dinner", said his wife to him and a wave of hope raised in his eyes, he knows his boss so much but he just thought that there are chances that his boss will listen to his wife and his company will be saved, "Okay I am inviting him to dinner today, just get ready and made something nice for dinner", he said to his wife and she nodded her head with a forced smile, she is also worried for his husband and his company, "Where is Irish, just take her help if you need", he said and she again nodded her head and he just walked out from the home, he was so worried about Irish and his company's future, he was so depressed also, he does not know if he can save his company or not, he was just walking in the street and then he sat on the bench of the corner of that street and pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled his boss's number, after two or three rings his boss picked his call, "Hello boss, how are you", he asked him, "Oh Smith, you called me, how are you", the boss asked him back and he was just so upset, he was so confused and not even sure that if his boss will come to his place or not, "I am the fine boss and I just want to invite you to home today for dinner, I would be glad if you will come", he said to his boss and his boss was quiet for some pauses, "Is everything okay Smith, what happened to you, why all of the sudden you want to invite me, is there anything you want to tell me or ask me", his boss asked him and he just gulped hard after hearing his words, he just does not know if he should tell this on-call or he should wait for him, "Boss, I need to talk to you, but we will talk at dinner so I hope you are coming tonight", he said to his boss and his boss took a deep breath, he just knows that Smith will say to him but he is just enjoying it so much, "Okay Smith, I will come to your place for dinner tonight, hope you prepared something nice", he said and hang up, Mr Smith just took a deep breath and just adjusted himself on the bench, his mind was not working properly, he worked so hard to raise his company and now his heart is clenching in pain to see his company in loss, he knows that he could lose his company anytime soon and he is just so helpless, mr Smith just got up from his seat and started walking towards the home, he was walking like a dead body as his one and the only favourite company is in danger and he is feeling so helpless, he just pressed the doorbell and someone opened the door for him, "Hey Dad, what happened, why you are looking so upset", Irish asked his dad and his dad just forced a smile on her and caressed her hair, "Nothing honey, you just go and study, I just need to do some work", said her dad to her and she just smiled back to his dad and walked into her room, she was the only daughter of her dad and her dad tried his best to do everything for her daughter, she loves her family so much, his dad is not so rich but he tried his best to fulfil her every wish, her mom is not like her dad, her dad loves her so much, Irish is so pretty and her long silky brown hair was reaching to her waist and skin complexion were so bright, she was the prettiest girl in her college, so many boys like her in her college but she does not look at anyone, she is career ambitious and she wants to make her career first so she is trying her best to focus on her studies so that her future could be bright, "Hey listen to me, Irish's mom", her dad called his wife and she walked from the kitchen, "Yes, tell me what happened", she asked him and he just took a deep breath, "Well boss agreed to come at dinner tonight, so you better make something nice for him, I am just hoping that he would understand my problem, I am feeling a little too hesitant to talk to him, I am not sure if he will understand or not", he said to his wife and she just forced a smile to him as she patted his back, "Do not worry, I am just hoping that he will help us for sure", she said to him and he just forced a smile on her, "I am also hoping the same honey, now only he could save our company or else I just do not know what I will do, our life will be finished, what the hell we will do if we lose it", he said and sadness was dripping from his eyes but her wife was trying her best to give some hopes to her husband, "Now you go and have some rest, I will do preparations for dinner okay", she said and walked back to the kitchen and he just walked into his bedroom, he was still so worried, he worked so hard for his whole life for this company and now his company is in the worst time since it is started and now he is ready to do anything to save his company, he is even ready to die to save his company but he just wants to save it, he heard a knock on the door and he saw his wife was standing at the door with a glass of juice in her hand, "Here take and drink it, and now try to sleep okay, stress is not good for you", she said and handed him the glass of juice, and walked out of the room and closed the door, 
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