Chapter 11-2

1639 Words

DRESSED AND READY, I perched on the edge of my bed, waiting until it was time to go to Matt’s. The clock seemed to tick around backwards. We were still at that awkward early stage of the relationship where I didn’t feel comfortable turning up too early. I tried to read a few pages of my novel, but after reading the same paragraph three times and still having no idea what it was about, I gave up and went back to watching the clock. Finally, it was time to leave. I parked Bertie right out front. I took a deep breath and held it for a moment, in an attempt to suffocate the butterflies. A wave of cool air greeted me as Matt opened the front door and invited me in. “Just give me five minutes to put the white sauce on, then I’m all yours,” Matt said, beckoning to follow him into the kitchen.

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