Chapter 2-4

1457 Words

I SEARCHED FOR NIGHTCLIFF Jetty on the GPS and set it as the destination. I loved gizmos and gadgets. I’d bought the device to celebrate being accepted into the military. It was a practical choice considering I’d lived in three different cities within the past year and was likely to relocate every three years throughout my military career. I slid the car into gear and drove off the base, idling while the boom gate rose out of the way. I pulled Bertie into a space in the car park right near the jetty and placed the key into the hidden pocket in the waistband of my running shorts. I hooked my headphones over my ears, tucked my phone into my armband, and resumed play on my latest audiobook. After a brief jog on the spot and a couple of stretches, I strode across the grass to the footpath.

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