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The woman became terrified and shook her head. When Adrian noticed this, he stopped Emma and reprimanded her. "Are you insane? You can't make her angry. I requested that you come here to save her, not to force her to jump from the building." "What's the big deal? She has absolutely nothing to do with me. I am under no obligation to be held accountable for her life or death." "However, you are the trigger." Adrian jiggled his phone. "You beat her and insulted her in the morning. Emma, how could you say it had nothing to do with you when she was on the roof in the afternoon? Let me tell you something. People have been harmed as a result of your actions. You'll be held accountable if she dies." Emma couldn't even delete the video because it spread so quickly online. The most important thing was that she was visible in the video, which was titled, "The Rich Man's Wife Hits the Mistress." Emma had also been the one to start the fire in the morning. Her goal was to destroy the woman's reputation. Emma had no choice but to shut up after hearing Adrian's words and look resentfully at Owen and the woman. She didn't want to talk to Emma, so she looked at Owen. Tears welled up in her eyes as she began to complain about Owen abandoning her and allowing Emma to hit and insult her. Owen scowled. He couldn't, however, say he was afraid of Emma. He had witnessed her ruthlessness in person, but he was unconcerned. Instead, he felt he required such a cruel individual. He disdained to do some bad things, so he had to find someone to do the job, and Emma was the best in this aspect. They did not love each other, but he admitted that they were the best partners. "Owen, I've been with you for three years, and I adore you. You should care about me even if I were a dog. But I can't believe you left me alone when Emma arrived. I called your name, but you didn't even respond. Where were you when Emma insulted me and recorded it on video? I called you, but you did not respond. I wanted to hear your voice, but you didn't even pick up the phone when I called." It was clear that Owen did not care for the woman. The woman gave him a wry smile before roaring, "I only have one question for you, Owen. Have you ever been in love with me in the last three years?" She is extremely irritating. How could she have asked such a stupid question at this point in time? Furthermore, if she truly loves me, she should not cause any trouble. Owen thought. "Tell me what you want so I can get you down." Owen felt that this issue needed to be resolved as soon as possible. Things would spiral out of control if he didn't deal with them quickly. After all, Adrian was his adversary, and Andrew desired to inflict pain on him. Owen believed that if he provided the woman with enough benefits, she would stop killing herself. "I'd like for you to divorce Emma and marry me." Emma said immediately after those words, "That is not possible. Don't even consider it." "I didn't ask you, Emma. Stop talking! "The woman yelled angrily at the top of her lungs. Owen was surprised by the woman's suggestion. "Are you threatening me?" he asked coldly. "No." "How come you asked me to divorce Emma?" Owen was so enraged that he wanted to strangle the woman right then and there. He exclaimed impatiently, "Can't you stop causing havoc? Do you believe I'm not annoyed enough?" His reputation in Orlando City suffered as a result of this incident. Perhaps his business partners would mock him. "Do you blame me?" "Yes." Owen rubbed his brow. He would be the first to kick the woman down if there weren't so many people around. What a vexing woman! He pondered. The woman cried sadly, "You don't even bother to tell me a lie or pretend to love me, do you? Hah! Owen, I'm not surprised that our three-year relationship means nothing to you. I almost forget you're a heartless person. You did exactly what you did to Amber. If you're sick of women, you'll collaborate with Emma to murder them." "What is this nonsense you're talking about?" Owen's face darkened as he realized no one had mentioned Amber in so many years. Emma made a sour face at Adrian and yelled, "Hey! If you want to die, you should jump. What's the point of your nonsense?" Lydia Shawn, Adrian's younger sister, was Amber's best friend. She did not hesitate to take the risk of killing Owen for Amber's sake. Therefore, Emma could not let Adrian get anything on Owen. Only Emma and Owen realized how difficult Lydia was to deal with. Emma was irritated after all these years of fighting. The woman burst out laughing. "Are you feeling guilty, Emma?" "Bullshit!" "Look at how trembling you are and how your hands are shaking uncontrollably. And your eyes tell me you're terrified. You know what? There is a ghost standing beside you and trying to take your life," the woman said ominously and coldly. She paused before pointing to Emma's side and crying, "Emma, look at Amber standing next to you. Her pupils are dilated. She's asking you why you killed her and her child. Oh my goodness! She even reaches out and grabs your neck with her hand. She appears to want to strangle you." The woman raised her hands as if she were attempting to strangle someone. Emma was terrified out of her mind. "You're talking nonsense!" she said, trembling. However, she kept stepping back, and there was some trash on the roof. She almost tripped, and her embarrassment proved that what the woman had said was not groundless. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. You're such a jerk, Owen. Your scandal from five years ago has now been brought up." Andrew attempted to cause a commotion. "I heard you got your job through dirty tricks. I didn't expect you to be so callous as to conspire with your wife's sister to murder her. Oh, God! I'm incapable of doing so." "Andrew, stop talking nonsense!" Owen refused to acknowledge it. He looked at her and waved his hand. "Come on down. If you have anything to say, go back and tell me. Don't talk nonsense about us here." Those who knew Owen could tell that his words were threatening. The woman, on the other hand, appeared to go all out. With a wry smile, she replied, "Return with you? Will you let me see the sun tomorrow, Owen, if I do?" She, of course, knew the answer. Andrew clapped his hands and nodded to the woman. "What you said, Miss, is correct. So, please don't be nervous about getting to the point." After a brief pause, he pointed to the reporters in the vicinity. "You can tell them about your experience. They are all powerful people in society and will undoubtedly make your words public. No one can use any means to keep the news from spreading." "Andrew Raven!" "What?" Andrew responded with a faint smile as if he were a member of the audience at a good show. Owen clenched his fists in frustration and yelled, "Andrew, keep your mouth shut. You have no right to talk nonsense here, even if Blood Raven is powerful in Orlando City. You should understand that you are not the boss. Furthermore, evidence is required to back up your claims. Have you got it? I recommend that you leave right now. I know you're upset with me because you didn't benefit from the business I did with Dark Phoenix. I have the right to sue you if you slander me again."
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