
1049 Words
It was ten years later. I was 22 or 23 I don't even really remember anymore. My mom was slipping from me. I could no longer heal her. I knew it was her heart being called by my dad. I didn't want her to go. She was my strength and my support. "Don't leave me alone." I cried into her hand. "Baby boy, you are grown it is time for you to make your mark on this world. You know everything I do about magic and how to live." She gushed with pride playing with my hair. "I don't want to be left alone," I whimpered looking up with tear-stained eyes at her soft smiling face. You could see her pain but you could see the love etched there too. "It is time for me to go." She sighed looking off at something I couldn't see. "I have seen bits of your future my boy. You will do great things. Your heart is good, in this world that is all that matters. Protect it." She placed a hand on my chest and smiled. That action made my chest tighten and hurt like nothing before. "No Momma, I want you with me." Tears flowing freely again. "You will have everything you need. There will be a new family for you and you will find your mate as I found your father." She patted my shoulder. "Now, be strong and stay true to that beautiful heart you have." Her words strong bellying how weak she looked. "I love you, Momma," I whispered. I felt her final breath, I didn't see it my head was down on the feather mattress. One of the things I did right. She had heard my love. I cried the rest of the day sitting next to her lifeless form. My heartbroken beyond all repair. I didn't even know where to look for my sister as no one told me who she had married. Forgotten in the mix of death and decay that had shattered my young life. The following morning I went out to the spot she loved the most. It had a knarled old oak tree near the stream. I started to dig, I cried and dug. Dug and cried, until a branch broke. Glancing around I noticed a woman cloaked and hidden from prying eyes watching. I said nothing going back to my task at hand. Finishing the hole, I went to gather my mother's body. Preparing her as best I could I carried her back. Jumping down I laid her with her favorite bowl and her favorite flowers. Climbing back up I began the work of covering her up. Once finished, I laid next to the mound my hand on it, as I sobbed. I was exhausted and felt no need to move. The sun had finally started to shadow us with its movement across the sky. "Young one," I heard the voice before I saw who it belonged to. Rising, I looked around to see the dark-cloaked person standing near the oak. "What do you want?" I grumped. "I would like to offer you a gift, for the loss you have suffered." The cloak was removed. Her long black hair, porcelain skin, and high cheekbones told me she was of the nobility. "Why would you want to offer me a gift?" I flung my hand at myself. "I was lead to you twice. Once years ago when you were but a child. Now I have been led back." There was a smile on her lips. It was soft. "I have never been guided to anyone." She took two steps forward, glancing down at the mound of earth that was once my mother. "I offer you a way to destroy what took your blessings in life." Her dark eyes darted back to me. "What must I do to gain this gift you speak of?" The vengeance of the people who killed the people of my village and my father danced in my head suddenly. "Yes," she smiled darkly at me. "Those who wronged your life can be dealt with." She took a few more steps closer. "Would you agree to this gift?" I looked back down at my mother's spot, thoughts of many things flashed through my head. But the biggest revenge for what had been done to my family. "Yes," I looked up to see a wickedly happy flash of delight cross her features. "Lay back, It will take a few moments" she whispered suddenly near my ear. I laid down, settled near my mother's grave. I felt a quick pain, followed closely by a euphoric sensation, unlike anything I have experienced. That includes organisms. I drifted into a deep sleep. One so heavy that when I woke it was early morning. The sun was just peeking over the trees. I was thirsty, so I crawled with heavy limbs to the nearby stream. Looking at my reflection I saw, I was not as tanned as I had been. There was a lighter look to me and my eyes were bloodshot. I assumed it was from crying. I drank and drank water until my belly was heavy with it. My thirst was still there. I did not understand. I got up, running through the forest I darted between the trees like a playful kid. My limbs felt light and powerful. Though my stomach felt hungry. I ran home. Bursting into the door, I grabbed the last loaf of bread my mother had made. Tearing and cutting meat from the smoked slab she left for soup I placed them together and ate. It did not fill me up so I ate more and more. My stomach began to ache. Though it was still hungry. Not knowing what to do, I continued to try many things to make myself feel better. Even trying to heal me. That only made me angry. Running back outside, I ran again this time falling in exhaustion. I laid on the ground in the grove of trees looking at the slow spread of stars wondering what I had gotten myself into. The dark-cloaked woman had not given me a name, nor did she tell me what the gift was that she had given me. I was clueless to it all.
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