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-Elaien, the Guider wants to see you – One of the kids informed him as he woke up in his now familiar bed. He rushed to stand up and dress in his servant's robe, before putting on his sandals and running through the spacious hallways, knocking at Pahoka-Xe´s chambers. -Come in – The old woman's voice called out a moment later, so the boy turned the knob and let himself inside the dark place. -Aig Yahurah Nahe - Elaien mumbled, carefully stepping into the cold chamber. -Ahir Yahurah Kah, my son – The melodious voice responded with the hint of a warm smile impregnated in it. -How can I be of service today, Guider? – The kid asked, his eyes focusing on the woman's figure, dimly illuminated by a few torches. -Tell me child, are those men outside our doors Ashrae´s entire army or does he have any more warriors waiting back at Xiblen? -Not many more – Elaien admitted, nodding at her – He just left a small unit behind to protect his pregnant wife. The rest he took with him because he is set to expand this time. He is tired of the swamps, and he believes this is his right. -Good to know – Pahoka-Xe eyed him kindly – Thank you my child. Now… Do you happen to know what his plans for the Vessel are? -Yes – Elaien replied excitedly, proud to be acquainted with the answer to the woman's question – He got drunk one night on our way here, and he shouted to anyone who cared to listen that once he got his hands onto that filthy Yahun and the magic kid, he was going to make the child kill him slowly and then use the boy to have every town in this land surrendered to him. -Well, we cannot let that happen, can we? – The Guider mumbled distractedly –There will be a full moon tonight... I believe we have bought Ussi a good head start. Now it is time for this siege to come to an end. Go find Xibu and tell him to draw back his men and wait. -Are we surrendering, Guider? – The child asked worriedly, standing indecisively, and failing to start moving at all. -Of course not. My son – Pahoka-Xe laughed lightheartedly – But we have been acting as a distraction for long enough. Yahur needs to be rid of this nuisance and start serving its true purpose. Now, go and deliver my message. The sun was beginning to set when the Yahurian Mother walked through the gates unarmed. -Have you finally decided to submit? – Ashrae asked, taking a step away from his decimated army and eyeing her mistrustfully. -We have not – Pahoka-Xe replied, slowly shaking her head – Yahur stands strong, while your ranks are diminished with every passing day. We can keep on going until we are done with the last of your men. But I am giving you the chance to back off with the remaining third of your army before you lose it all. -Never! – The Xibleanean leader shouted with rage – We will not retreat! We are marching through those gates sooner or later. -What makes you think that you can accomplish now what you couldn't when you still had all of your men? You are losing elements by the day, and soon you will have none left. Take your troops and leave us be. Your presence here is starting to become uncomfortable and preventing us from exercising our true motive. -I told you! – Ashrae replied stubbornly, crossing his arms across his chest – I am not leaving until you surrender the child and your golden Yahun. A light chuckle erupted behind the old woman's mask and slowly turned into loud laughter, the tyrant's face turning red as he fumed at Pahoka-Xe´s teasing. -Tell me something – The Guider asked him, between laughs – Has it never occurred to you how strange it is that Ussiariah has not come out here and chopped your head off yet, given the strong hatred that you know he feels towards you? -I… He must be cowering behind your gates! – Ashrae stammered, squaring his shoulders and puffing out loudly. -You are so stubborn that you close your eyes to the most evident truth -The Guider said, tilting her head towards him – It surprises me that it has taken you so long, and you still have not figured out that what you seek is not even here. -W-What? What the hell are you talking about, you damn harpy? – The desperate man cried out infuriated, his crazed eye looking at his reduced troops – Did you lie to me? I thought that was against your creed! -It is, and I did not lie – Pahoka-Xe calmly explained to him – You never asked if they were here. -I specifically asked for their surrender! – The maddened brute yelled bitterly with incredulity. - Yes, and I told you I couldn't do that. Which I truly cannot because they are not here. -Then, where are they? – Ashrae growled chorically, his bloodshot eye popping out in distress. -By now, they must be reaching Lowland, I believe – The white-haired woman simply shrugged off, turning her back towards him and starting to head to the door – I suggest you start moving if you want to find them anytime soon. -Why did you not tell me about this from the beginning! – The man protested in a mixture of puzzlement and pure resentment – You old hag! Why would you keep me charging at your gates all this time? -Because I needed you to stay, so my warriors could weaken your forces, which we already have. So, now I am letting you go. It has been a pleasure watching my men train with yours, but as delightful as it is, this siege needs to conclude… We have more important matters to tend to than playing war with you. With that, Pahoka-Xe returned to the large gates, and they started opening with a loud creak. Ashrae, running towards her in desperation with his bare knife aiming at her, the woman swiftly turning around at the last moment and seizing his hand with ease, her fingers applying pressure on his wrist and promptly disarming him. The sound of the blade dropping to the ground echoing in his defeated ears. -Go away – The Guider nodded at him, looking into his eye – Or stay and die. It is your choice. But we are not wasting our time on you anymore. Elaien stood by Pahoka-Xe as he watched the lines of the Xiblenean crestfallen men walking away towards the horizon with the first morning light. The kid's eyes widening in awe and disbelief at the sight of the battered troops that once had seemed so proud to him. -Why did we let them go, Guider? – The boy asked with confusion – Now he is going to march after Ussiariah and the child. -He is – The old woman agreed – It is in their fate. But he must make it out of these woods first. Let him try and find the way without having you - She chuckled and gave him a wink - That should buy us the time we need… Now be a good boy and bring Xibu to me. We are marching south soon.
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