1152 Words
The Yahurian entered the dark dungeon and calmly paced through the empty hallways, his footsteps echoing along the low, confining walls. He reached the guarding post and nodded at the Cahenean soldier standing by it, before being led to the cell containing the last two survivors of the invading party. They had both been slightly injured. One had taken a bullet to the shoulder and the other had been shot in his right leg. The men perked their heads up when he crouched inside the tiny room and gave them a brief nod, his eyes coldly staring at their frightened faces for a long silent moment, before calmly taking a seat on the bench before them. -Gentlemen! – Ussi greeted them cheerfully, adjusting himself into a relaxed position – Now please, pardon my rusty accent, but you must understand… It has been a while since I crossed paths with someone who spoke Argantean around here. He paused for a second, letting his words sink into their perplexed brains, before resuming his chatter. -Oh, yes! I know exactly who you are, and I can tell that you have already been able to hear your brothers´ demise all the way up to these cozy… accommodations – The warrior spoke unhurriedly in his ancestors´ tongue – Would you like to join them as well or are you willing to give something of value in exchange for your lives? -Rot in hell, you traitor! –The man with the wounded leg exclaimed in contempt, spitting at the dirty ground -How is it that you speak our language? Why is it that you look like us and yet you dare to fight against us? -Why are you back in this land? – Ussi wondered aloud, ignoring his babbling – Why would you want to return after all this time? -Because Njál is King now – The other invader responded in a low voice – He is set to accomplish what his lineage could not in the past. That is all he dreams about. -Shut up… - The first man mumbled in a warning tone – Do not speak another word to this viper! -Oh, do not be such a killjoy! – The Yahurian replied, amused, clicking his tongue tauntingly – We are just starting to have some fun here... -Just kill us already! – The prisoner shouted, challenging him – Put us out of our misery and be done with it! -Oh, but not so fast – Ussi cooed with fake disappointment -Why the rush? Do you have somewhere else to be?... Which brings me to my next question: Where is your leader planning to head next when he has taken Mavaer? The youngest and more cooperative one had just started opening his mouth indecisively when the other man jumped out of his seat. -Don't! – Was all he could say, before the sharp knife that the warrior threw at him collided with his neck and cut him off. The Yahurian stood up calmly. He walked to the gurgling soldier and swiftly retrieved his weapon, letting the dying corpse slide down the wall. Then he turned around towards the frightened youngster and eyed him playfully. -Finally! – Ussi chuckled, satisfied and sat back down –Don't you love silence? … Now, where were we? The Yahurian found Phomtek in the stables, staring at the unfamiliar beasts with a mixture of curiosity and fear. His hand hovering timidly over the forehead of a magnificent dark one. -Go ahead – Ussiariah´s voice startled him and made him retreat his fingers – They are used to human interaction. That is how we bond with them. -Any luck with your interrogations? – The captain asked, running his palm slightly down the horse's muzzle. -They are heading north, exactly as the girl said, they are not spending much time in Mavaer. Just enough to appoint some delegates and keep moving forward to Midland's gate. Their plan is simple. Invade only the important cities, burn the rest of the small towns and take all the land. They are not fond of keeping civilians alive either… So, we need to find a way to catch up with them before they do any more damage. -Noted – Phomtek responded, sighing – When do we leave then? -As soon as you and your best shooters learn how to ride these – Ussiariah gestured at the horses -And right after we finish taking care of a few businesses around here. Ussi approached the place where Souna and Sehira stood, holding onto each other, surrounded by a small crowd of survivors. They were all staring at the fresh pile of dirt that covered the enormous pit he had ordered his men to dig, so they could bury their fallen relatives and warriors. He could see the sorrow reflected on every mourner's face, and he winced when his sight landed on Souna´s bloodshot eyes. It was not hard to tell that her wound had been brutally reopened and that she was reliving her loss, suffering it all for a second time. -They will pay – The warrior whispered into her ear as he stood beside her, watching the gravediggers finish their solemn task. -Thanks – She replied, sniffling and wiping her face with the back of her forearm – At least they are now resting in a proper burial site. You have no idea of how the image of them slowly rotting under the sun has haunted me all this time. It was early evening when the Yahurian walked towards the shore and stared at the burning invading ships. Their immense structures being slowly consumed by the hungry flames engulfing them. Souna and her sister remained silent, their eyes fixated on the incandescent view. Their lips tightened, and their fists clenched as the last prisoner was being held by two of his soldiers, forced to watch the once impressive fleet slowly reducing to ashes. The warrior's shielded face was illuminated by the rising fire, dark shadows casting on his impassive features when he leaned down towards the helpless man and whispered something into his ear. Making him visibly tremble. -Let him go – The Commander ordered, and he was immediately set free. His shaky body darting forward and running away as he stumbled all over before disappearing into the shadows. -Why did you do that? – Sehira asked, her voice filled with indignation – He needs to pay for what they did to us! -And he will – Ussiariah replied serenely, his arms crossed over his chest - But he must deliver our message first. -What did you say to him? – Souna inquired, curiously scanning his masked face. -I told him to find his leader and let him know that we are coming after them. And that this time they will no longer have the option of running back to the sea.
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