1166 Words
Sehira was lying naked on her target's bed. His fresh ejaculation dripping from her core as he snored soundly beside her. His strong smell lingering in the air and making her gag. A silent tear escaping from her eye without her noticing. She wanted to kill him so badly! But she couldn't... Not yet. She had to be wiser than that, she had to be strong. Even when the disgusting feeling between her thighs kept bothering her and making her want to rip her insides out, she knew this was the key to her success. So, she remained still. Dreading the moment when he would wake up and inevitably claim her again. And she would play her part… After all, she was to be the mole that would slowly dig so deep around him that he would end up collapsing down along with his despicable kind. But she had to be patient if she wanted to keep him oblivious to her plan. The thought of him being her first one made her want to cry and laugh at the same time. Her chest trembling with anger at the memory of that miserable night. He had snatched her from the claws of death only to throw her into the infamy of his bed. His hands undressing her without contemplation and ramming himself inside her, tearing her walls painfully open as he puffed out wildly against her neck. Her sight blurring with tears while she tried desperately to hide her horror, her mind drifting away. When he was done, after a thankfully short lapse. He had noticed his bloodied manhood, smirking with pride. So, Sehira had gathered all her strength and smiled back at him. Her web was laid and now she needed to wait. Iktan had kept to his word. At least now the nasty leader could roughly speak their language, and it was a good thing that he liked to talk... He was quite fond of bragging and making himself known. -You are so strong! – Sehira had whispered salaciously to him earlier as she rubbed her hand against his hardened rod – And so powerful! Why has my brave conqueror settled at Lowland's gate when he could own the entire world? -You seen none – Njál had grunted, rolling her forcefully, and getting her on her knees – Njál soon march to Mavaer. Sehira had been grateful that her face was turned away from his, as her eyes had widened at the mention of the most important city in Lowland. If the invaders took it, Midland would be the next to fall under their oppressive thumb. But in order to do so, he would have to deploy at least part of his army, and this was their chance. She had let him penetrate her, blocking his disgusting grunts out as her head flew far away, plotting her strategy and secretly smiling. -When will you be leaving, my powerful stallion? – She asked innocently, running her fingers through the golden hair on his chest – Can I come with you? Otherwise, I would miss you deeply if you left me to stay behind. -Not worry – He had smirked – Njál be with you for two phases more, and he don´t be away long. Waiting for him to wake up and start his day had been pure torture. But once she was left alone in his chamber, she had waited just enough to make sure it was safe, before sneaking out to the hall where she knew Iktan would be taken soon to get ready for his daily lesson. She had hidden herself in time, inside a large pottery vase, just before the door opened, and a guard threw the former priest inside and closed it back. -We have until the new moon to prepare – Sehira had whispered, exiting her hiding spot – Njál is marching to Mavaer and this is our chance to take the city back. -Good- Iktan nodded nervously – I have been thinking, and we need to find a way to steal some of their weapons, otherwise we won't stand a chance. Undermanned or not, the remaining crew will still have that leverage. We need to even the scale if we want to succeed. -How do we do that? – Sehira asked, pressing her ear against the door and listening for incoming footsteps. -I know where they keep them – Iktan hurried himself to say – I have seen men storing them in a cellar behind the stairs on my way down to the dungeon. -Is it guarded? – The girl asked impatiently, bouncing on her feet. -It is – Iktan nodded – But just by a single man, and he has a taste for liquor. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is where to keep them once we get our hands on them. They look heavy, and I do not have any idea of how to transport them. -Let me worry about that- Sehira said, opening the door and preparing to leave – I will find you when everything is settled. That night, Sehira had scurried through the shadows and reached a clearing at the back of the city outskirts. She sat down on a big stone and waited until a faint rustle made her know that her visitor had arrived. -I need you to find me two strong men and sneak them both here on the next phase at midnight sharp – The girl spoke in a low voice – Then I need you to keep what they are going to steal safe until we need it again. -That can be arranged – Anam nodded with conviction, then looking worriedly at her – How are you holding, my child? -I get by – Sehira sighed resignedly – At least he trusts me, it could be worse. -Do not forget the reason you are doing this for – The old woman said, running her cold finger tenderly down her cheek – Your suffering will not last much longer, I promise you. -I never do – The girl responded with resolution – That is the only thing that keeps me sane. -Be strong, child – The hermit whispered, patting her leg – Have you bled this cycle yet? -I have not – Sehira acknowledged with concern – What should I do? -Take these – Anam replied, placing a bundle of leaves into her hand – Drink the water after they boil. Sehira closed the door quietly behind her and walked into the dark room. A familiar voice startling her a second later and making her tremble in fear. -Do you hide from Njál? – The barbaric oppressor asked, closing in on her and grabbing her by the waist as she held her breath in repugnance. -Never! – The girl answered, forcing a smile on her face and reaching for his member, his eyes instantly rolling up– In fact, I was just starting to miss my master.
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