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Souna woke up to find Ussi putting his armor on, standing in the middle of the room. The sun was not yet out and, however, he seemed to be almost ready to go while she still gathered the will to get out of bed, the sheets tangled around her naked body. -Are we leaving? – She asked, and she stood up to start dressing as well, her back turned towards him as she fished for her clothes scattered all around the floor. -We are – The Yahurian answered, grabbing his weapons, and fastening them on – I am going to get right ahead for a quick assembly before we depart. Come and join us when you are ready and bring Axe with you. With that, he reached for his spear and threw the firearm over his shoulder, then he spun around and walked out the door. Souna watching him back off with a longing stare. As Ussiariah approached the gates, mounted on Kohu´s back, he spotted the entirety of the vast army that waited for him under the rising sun, and he nodded in satisfaction. Cahenean men were fierce and seasoned fighters. Their hostile-looking faces covered in full beards, all of their heads wrapped in a dark bandanna and a pointy helmet. Each one wielding an impressive saber and sharp sickles hanging from their waists. The entire troop instantly squaring at the sight of their new commander, every eye fixated on him as he got off his gigantic cat. - Phomtek! – Ussi called out, and he immediately saw the young man take a step forward before him -Would you please show me the elements we discussed yesterday? -Yes Sir! With pleasure, Sir! – The soldier spoke out loudly before spinning on his heels and turning around to face the crowd. - Golendhar! – He exclaimed, and a tall, athletic man immediately sprang out into the open, grunting with excitement - This is one of the fastest and deadliest men in Cahen, Sir. Ussi nodded with approval as the bearded warrior continued calling out names loudly and each of them pressing forward and saluting him. -Golendhar, Polthan, Shardiel, Mondaveh and Juttan – Phomtek announced, gesturing at the five men standing proudly before him – You are the finest of Cahen and you have earned its respect. That is why we are putting you in charge. You get two hundred soldiers each. Keep them in check and don't let them die on your watch. -Yes sir! – They all yelled back in unison before returning to the lines and receiving a few congratulating pats on their broad backs. -We need to reach Enhisieh as soon as possible, so brace yourselves– Ussi announced, looking all around and staring at their expectant faces – Because we will be marching day and night… Four hours of rest in between, not a minute more, then you keep walking. No exceptions and no whines. Is that clear? -Sir! Yes Sir! – They all agreed and started stomping the ground and heading outside. The Yahurian turned to find Souna and Hethan standing behind him, watching the scene unfold. He offered his hand to the monarch and shook it firmly. -Thank you – He nodded gratefully – Your tab has been settled and Yahur has no other demands. -I expect most of my army back when this is over, Yahun – Hethan replied dryly, twisting his lips with a baffled look in his eyes - Remember that. -I will send back every survivor – The warrior shrugged off carelessly – But whether they make it alive or not, is up to them. He then climbed onto Kohu and extended his hand towards Souna, who was holding Axe. He tied the provisional carrier across his chest while she placed the kid inside, against his back. Then he helped her mount behind him and finally, they started their journey. The jaguar's rapid pace soon reaching the front of the procession and keeping up with it. -Well… You have your army now – Ussi called back at her in a merry tone – Now let us free your home. It had taken them five full days and nights to finally reach the mountains and leave the inclement Sand Valley behind. That evening, Souna had crawled utterly exhausted into an improvised tent to get her share of rest along with Axe, who was the only one who slept at his will, leaning against the Yahurian´s back, yet he still looked a bit groggy and irritable. So, she had taken him with her and left the warrior manning the army. -It's cold, isn't it, Axe? – She mumbled distractedly, holding on to the child and trying to warm him up, rubbing his tiny frame as she struggled to lull themselves to sleep. Suddenly she felt it. The child's finger touching the back of her palm. An intense heat radiating from it, her eyes widening when she looked down and realized it was not only emitting warmth, but it was also glowing, the tip of his finger enveloped by a strange blue light. -Axe? – Souna whispered shakily, staring at him with confusion. The kid sunk in a hypnotic trance. -Axe, stop it! – She screamed loudly as his finger ignited in flames and burned the skin of her hand, making her push him away in pain and back off with fear. At that moment, the Yahurian peeled the tent's curtain open and stared at them both with surprise. His head tilting in puzzlement at the sight of the child's flaring limb. -That's it, kid! – He called out, squatting by the boy's side and holding both of his hands, making his flaming digit wave – Put it out now, Axe. It is a dangerous thing to light up an indoor fire! The child eyed him with stubbornness for a second, before blinking and looking down at his lap, his finger lighting off, and returning to its normal state. No harm whatsoever to be seen on it. -Are you all right? – Ussi asked, redirecting his attention to the edge of the tent where Souna remained, cowering against the fabric wall in terror -What happened? -He burned me! – Souna cried out in shock, showing him her reddened hand -Why? -Well, maybe you did something that made him feel threatened? – The warrior wondered tentatively. -I did not! – She assured him, offended – I was just trying to make him comfortable and keep us warm. -Oh - Ussi gave her a knowing nod - And did you, by any chance, happen to mention to him that you were cold? -Yes! – Souna replied, still shaken – But it was just a brief comment. I never thought he would set himself on fire! -I think he just wanted to help – The warrior chuckled before returning his attention to the kid, shaking his head and clicking his tongue at him with disapproval – Now back to you child, we need to work on those tricks of yours. Come here… Let's train you for a bit. With that, he picked Axe up and took the toddler outside with him. A couple of hours later, Souna woke up. She got out of the tent and wandered a little farther away from the campsite, her steps guided by the sound of Ussi voicing commands. She stopped, absolutely fascinated by the scene taking place before her eyes. Axe running happily towards the Yahurian as he presented him with wooden panels that the kid alternately made explode, set on fire or blew away effortlessly from the warrior's strong hands. Both laughing animatedly as Ussi encouraged him to keep going. -Well done Axe, enough for today – The Yahurian announced a moment later, picking him up and leaning his masked chin against the kid's slightly sweaty head, then placing him back down, whispering into his ear – Now, go on and apologize to Souna for hurting her. The kid walked up to her timidly, cracking a broad smile and hugging both of her legs tightly, making her heart melt. Then he reached for her throbbing hand and placed a small, almost imperceptible kiss on it, the painful blistering instantly vanishing away.
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