Thirty-Two - Ornias

1956 Words

“No!” I said with a stern voice. I knew that I was complaining, but maybe if I tried harder, I might be able to open the rift. Inviting a Legionnaire to jump all over our faces wasn’t an option for me. With a deep breath, I walked forward to pick up Raphael’s sword. The Angelic blade lit up. I held the weapon with both of my hands and closed my eyes. Archangel, I thought, focusing on the waves of energy flowing from the sword. Every part of my body thrummed with power. The chaos of thoughts inside my head disappeared and my heart calmed its wild beating. I opened my eyes and drew the sword over my head to gather momentum. With one long and loud scream, I slashed the Angelic sword downward in an arc. As soon as the tip of the sword made contact with the shimmering rift, a huge burst of en

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