Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 “Not a horrific set up I suppose, never knew such a astounding is being set up for this unknown carriage” lord Alzath informed his guests as he known as out to his guards and warriors who were set to get hold of whatever that comes at them “Why the wait, why haven't the occupants of this carriage printed themselves” lord Alzath was once getting impatient as he had no know-how of what the carriage holds, putting him in an uncomfortable scenario While internal the carriage unknown to the the long waited lords, the geared up for struggle warriors and the a couple of guards In their formal stance had been two boisterous guffawing girls dressed in pleasant apparel and adorns and jewellery “Wow, what a superb welcome they have prepared for us" one of the noble girls said as they each started giggling “now I know Astoria is sincerely a genuine friend” “sh… ahh.. Look over there it is Cussusex, wow…..” one of thee women gushed in shock as she noticed him “So Astoria wasn't lying or enjoying us a trick when she stated he has come to her father's land and he is looking for us ” “This is so unimaginable, Cussusex and the lords coming to welcome us in such a majestic spectacle, this is in reality the dream” the different girl was smiling and waving her fingers like a dancer which had the excessive quality gloves on “Thalia we must wait a bit longer, I do not desire to depart this moment” the other noble lady stated to her friend, having no thinking the mood of their outdoor companions Lord Alzath waved his hand to call for a guard to come forward, on reaching the place he was “where is Jinto my honoured warrior” he asked the guard “An sorry my Lord, I heard there was once a combat off between him and your daughter lady Astoria” the guard replied “What on earth!!?” his voice was once so loud at the shock of the formerly unknown information to him that absolutely everyone turned their head in quick reaction to see what the hassle was ‘Have the lord been shot by using an archer from the carriage whilst we have been all here? That's impossible' Fear gripped their heart, on the thought of that happening “Where is my daughter 'Astoria', and on what Ed's name do Jinto have to lay his arms on my only child, my daughter!!” he shouted in anger at no one in specific for Jinto actions, but it was the shield that was directly in the front of him that was receiving the have an effect on of the outrage, shivering in bones now not knowing how to react The other guards and warrior now conscious that it was once not an arrow or any damage directed on their lord that referred to as for such a shout used to be relieved from the preliminary anxiety that held them on the concept of it They all felt a bit of shame for Jinto as lord Alzath made recognized his angered thought that Jinto must have harmed his daughter considering they have been in a combat while it used to be the different way round “My lord it didn't go the wa…” the shield was once about explaining as Lord Alzath shouted again, now without delay at him "Go get Jinto, he has crossed a line, a blasphemy to the land of Alzhamera" he was clearly angry now as the shield ran off to do as he was once ordered to do “He wants to be severely punished for his actions, honoured guard or not, who dares elevate his hand on a royal noble” Cussusex additionally got angry at what he has just heard The Earl 'Cuscox of Michigan' now tired of the happenings all around and wanting to go returned to his visitor chamber directed his displeasure with the total business at the carriage “Why has the carriage not been torn apart with so many warriors around, do some thing now and quit standing there like performers in a circus” he spoke in a displeasing tone “Reveal your self strangers, of we take over the carriage by using force” a high rating warrior spoke in a shout to the hearing of Thalia and Alva, the occupants of the carriage The two female nobles in the carriage now getting burdened at what used to be going on “Thalia I think we want to go out to meet them, we have stayed too long in right here ” Alva said to her friend “I don't assume they want us out simply yet, if they did then why haven't they despatched a protect to open the door for us to come out, they ought to be possibly ready for Astoria to come because I can now not see her there among the lords standing” “But this have taken too lengthy and there must be something wrong, l suppose we have to go out and greet them” “Oh see…!!” Thalia beckoned as she pointed to the upward left side of the stairs at what Alva couldn't definitely make out what is “Look closer, its Astoria..., now the wait is over she” she said to Alva “Can we come out now” Alva asked, having grown impatient and feeling some thing isn't right from such interest given to them by such high lords and their warriors “No no seem to be again she's coming to us” “Astoria?” lord Alzath requested in shock as he turned to see her on his right hand side walking ahead “i notion I used to be just given the records of you having a battle with Jinto, did he hurt?” lord Alzath asked nevertheless in suprise “He wish he did, he was once fortunate I didn't put an arrow thru his head” she replied her father the lord, besides even looking to the facet where he was once as she walked by means of toward the carriage which was nevertheless afar off, passing the centre of the guards “No Astoria do not go further, that is an unidentified tourist and a workable threat” her father referred to as out to her as she moved at a steady tempo in the direction of the carriage Nonchalantly she spoke back as she reaches the carriage “they are my guests, oh magnificent lord of Alzhamera” she stated the ultimate tone with scarcism as the warriors enclose the carriage with a bit distance from her Astoria who used to be dressed now in the gown of a noble, how she used to be usually supposed to be constantly dressed was a delight to Cussusex who admire her so a whole lot and a fantastic surprise to all in the target market at the moment Surprised, all the onlookers were, as two woman nobles ventured out of the carriage wearing their lengthy gown of the best materials, their floral layout hat tilted to the facet of the head and their white glowing gloves covering their refined skin, they could almost be taken for twins if now not for their slightly unique complexion and height Thalia was a daring, courageous and exciting craving kind of woman, he was once taller than her friend Alva, and used to be of a bit darker complexion, she had a knack for dragging attention closer to herself While Alva used to be a little more on the reserved facet of the line, continually being curious but aware of her surroundings, also a fun craving variety of female like her friend Thalia, she was greater lovely than Thalia human beings constantly said however she by no means felt so, with Thalia constantly sucking all the attention and herself in the background They are a longtime acquitance of Astoria, not in reality pals tho, assembly eachother in a ballroom dance the place Astoria was pressured to attend with the aid of her father, now not being in a position to dance she was mocked by the two female and with a punch from Astoria, so did their relationship started Meeting in another event for the nobles there Thalia and Alva had fell for Cussusex, and have ever considering been long rivals on who receives him, even though luckily for them their rivalry for Cussusex did no longer break their relationship with eachother (Thalia

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