
War of the Savagers

kingdom building

Savagers are subjected to a life of zero rights and forced to live underground for many generations, but that would have to change as there emerged a great and knowledgeable warrior from the ranks of the Savagers, organising them

But would the royals of the dynasty allow generations of wealth extracted through the Savagers just come to an end?

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 The savage busines "That's a pretty large number to transport" lord Alzath instructed him thinking about the traditional order of about 50-100 savagers that comes in “Yes I understand your suprise, but it is a very big healthy that would be coming up in the demise Coliseum this coming 'month of traph', haven't you heard of it? ” lord Cuscox inquired "Yes without a doubt I have heard of the staggering savage video games that is to be held in the land of Galviberth, who hasn't" lord Alzath who used to be nicely aware of the games was once awaiting the request for the savagers in view that the Earl and his son arrived Cussusex, a extremely good admirer couldn't comprise his excitement "the video games are going to be marvelous, the sight …..oooh, the hostilities in the field, and the anxiety in the air in anticipation of bets made" “yes, it would be a wonderful match, seeing so many savagers battle to the death, that is really worth gazing a thousand instances over” Earl Cuscox was once just as excited as his son “So the 300 savagers you are to convey to the coliseum games, are they your having a bet chip or simply for turn over” lord Alzath inquired to recognize if he ought to be a part of in the coliseum fit bet “my betting chip of course, why else would I prefer the strong ones” Earl Cuscox stated “i can also even go into the mine together with my guards in search for specific savagers who are regarded for their previous dealings” “Yeah that would be exact for selection, I even have a list which you can use for the extraction, tho most savages in the listing would now not without problems give in ” lord Alzath advised the Earl, so when he and his minions go into the pit of dying he would be barely prepared Cussusex regarded to be questioning about something, placing his idea off from the dialog from time to time “What seems to be the hassle boy” his father requested him noticing the expression on his son's face “Nothing, simply wondering about stuffs, lacking Michigan also ” he stated smiling “Then it's settle for the nubber of extraction, 300 savagers ideally robust ones” lord Alzath made sure not to say any price yet “My team of savager extractors with their tools would be arriving right here very soon, I hired greater on account of the volume I desire to extract” Earl Cuscox said “We would get the entirety set in instruction for their coming and in due time our land mine protect would guide you in the extraction” “Thank you very plenty lord Alzath, i guarantee you your deeds would would not go unrecorded” stated Earl Cuscox, now not recognize his counterpart has everything planned out Like the initial state of affairs the place the Earl trampled on one of the maidens in the tavern Alzhamera on his experience right here which he vowed to add to his fee on the savage business So is any extra assist or help presented would be delivered to the universal charge later on and this had lord Alzath constantly smiling “My lords, the carriage has arrived” a defend of the royal court docket got here to announce, standing in a formal demeanor as required when addressing nobles of excessive ranking status “And what carriage is that?” Earl Cuscox inquired of lord Alzath while the the royal courtroom shield stays in an professional stance in their presence “Must be a shock and I hope a delightful one” Cussusex added in a smiling tone Lord Alzath stared in suprise, his mouth slightly agap and his eyes fixed to the saying guard, he had no expertise of an incoming visitor or goods “i myself have no knowledge of this now arrived carriage” lord Alzath divulged even tho that is a misgiving on his part, having no statistics on a traveler to his royal mansion Now in curiosity they both turned their heads returned to the asserting shield in synchrony searching on him for further details, the defend who was once so perplexed that his whole physique grew to be stiff like an ice in regard to the powerful eyes constant on him “So?, why the wait, who and what does the arrived carriage contains” Cussusex inquired from the asserting guard “am sorry my lord, I did get the file but the small print wasn't included in the message, so I predicted m…” the guard answered with all his might to keep away from shrinking into his very own body “what nonsense!” lord Alzath shouted at the guard, who was once positive his remain is over as a protect of the nobles Shivering, the protect couldn't stand it any longer "Please enable me my lords, I would go confirm the occupants of the carriage now" he requested, geared up to move away from this weird role he is in, that have appeared to final a lifetime "No you would now not do that, we will all go collectively to welcome this unknown visitor who comes to a royal mansion without getting an invitation or requesting a visit earlier than hand" Earl Cuscox of Michigan said as he waved the shield to preserve his peace, whilst looking at lord Alzath for confirmation “Call my honoured guards and all other warriors on the premises, we are going to provide our uninvited visitors a well deserved welcome” he ordered the announcing guard The saying protect who used to be so grateful for the order which would require him to depart the royal court docket room, the intimidation of their presence and the preceding attention on him used to be simply too great Fleeing in rush and haste to move away from the presence of such high dignitaries and carry out the order assigned, the announcing defend could not experience his legs, it used to be as if it had a lifestyles of its own, transferring in speedy strides in a rush out of the hall except his command now not realization, however giving all thanks to his body for the moves he appears not to have instigated As the defend went his way to operate the mission which have been assigned to him, the royal court docket was once as quiet as a graveyard, no one of them said anything, no one moved It was a time of wait, ready in anticipation of who or what have simply arrived, with a sense of curiosity and impatience they sat quietly “Do you have any notion who this ordinary arrived vacationer would possibly be?” Heir Cussusex requested lord Alzath to make his at peace, which have been going wild on one of a kind eventualities in all likelihood to take place “No, it is the first time such an event have happened, usually I get a letter mentioning an acquaintance request for visitation even before they start their experience or on their way here ” lord Alzath replied him “ this brings me superb displeasure, for am amazed just as you all are” “What if this was an attack on your royal mansion, or worst an assassination which is disguised like a visitor” Cussusex said in the heat of the moment “They might not be capable to pass the inner gate I guarantee you, the security we have in the royal surrounding of Alzhamera is impeccable” lord Alzath said to relax the tension growing up in their minds Having waited a while, seeing that the message that the asserting protect was given have to have been carried out by way of now, the Earl used to be now prepared now equipped to explore “Your warriors and guards have to have been already alerted via now I suppose, we must go acquire this vacationer and see what we are dealing with” Earl Cuscox stood up as he moves away from his sit While lord Alzath and the Earl's son observed swimsuit as they head toward the majestic door of the royal courtroom hall which had other respectable buildings surrounding the premise “My Lords” an official of the land of Alzhamera bows his head for a whilst till they handed him by, a noble with his glittering robes and nicely visible signs of wealth Must be one of the show off kind of nobles, who goes around in their majestic garb to show off the difference between a noble and a commoner, by no means a savage that would be way beneath them they thought They are no longer all useless, they serves their purpose' lord Alzath concept as he and the different lords passed by “I bought a message not too long from now, added by a messager from my land” Earl Cuscox stated to draw their interest as they walk like kings, slowly and gently in their majestic appearance, every step carrying the air of mystery of a lord of lands Maidens kneeling down with their heads completely bowed down till they have passed by, guards bowing their heads until the lord's are out of sight, so is the strength the lords hold when in their land or a neighboring land “My extracting crew of warriors and guards with the cage carts for transporting the savagers would be arriving in two to three days time” the Earl persevered speakme as they walked “so we would be right here for a while for the extraction and finalization of the deal, my bets for the upcoming video games are going to be large, so the choice would have to be a detailed one" “We gladly welcome your continue to be here, as lengthy as you like and is needed, myself, spouse and all the occupants of the royal surrounding of Alzhamera will make positive the entirety goes smoothly and comfortably for you and your son” the lord gave his word He smiled inwardly 'and as usually the whole lot comes with a price' he thought, feeling appropriate for his gathered wealth Getting to the important entrance the place all incoming visitors and items arrive via to enter into the premise of the royal surrounding which hosts most of the official buildings of the land of Alzhamera The lords had been greatly surprised by means of their sight, at what it beholds before them The Organization flaurixe operation…. Back at an unknown base in the land of -unknown, in a bright shining room in the middle of the day, there had been nine people sitted spherical a table, one made up of high great materials and made no reserve in showing it, each dressed in the glittering trend of a noble however with shining armour interwoven with their exclusive dresses, and their weapons made from the high-quality of blacksmiths, a few of them on hoods and the rest overtly visible "The plans are getting prepared and some of its implementation have already started, that suggests growth from the last meeting, and with that stated we hope on an equally fruitful end result from trendy meeting like that of the last" a voice introduced to the group sitted round the table “Now earlier than we go to the problem at hand, I suppose we have a lacking member” the same voice which used to be for sure a male voice said searching at an empty chair in the some distance left of the table, and all different individuals followed suit A hand with a black glove and barring any armour raised up “she said I have to ship apologies on her behalf to the group, that she may additionally be arriving late due to some sudden occurance” he smiled as he said the last two word in emphasis “its a shame one of our few woman is absent, Karen 'the gold-digger' should be reprimanded on arrival, a retrieval need to be made from her assets” any other member stated raising his hand to signify a call to a vote on his proposal Only two different individuals raised their palms following his, making it a whole of three out of nine, so his concept used to be no longer considered and no retrieval was to be made “Ok with that passed, we would let her be on her arrival, on the groundwork of her fore warning and apologies transferred to us by using one of our honourable member here 'Jordan the silent ripper' ” the first voice said once more The voice which is the one of the tagged leader of the Organization, a secret crew birthed out from some of the over bold individuals of the Creed, any other secret group, one which is based on some core set of idealogies The chief of the Organization 'Gallious the colossal slayer' was a rebellious Creed member who constantly attempt to go against the standards of the group, calling it old fashioned and extinct, he was one of the fine warriors within the Creed but additionally one of the worst in breaking the laws the Creed warrior are to abide by, this had been a catch 22 situation for the historic men of the Creed On a massive scale event, one which Gallious openly renounced the Creed and it's idealogies used to be the day of the spilt, his followers, admirers and other creed members with like minded beliefs broke out of its core regulations and idealogies that the Creed is based totally on, forming the Organization and almost going into a full scale warfare with their former group, the Creed and it's members “Now transferring on, our first and important operation is already active, and some of us are already engaged in it's activities” Ballious said in the most authoritative voice, he's the chief and he wants to exhibit it to all or a coup would most likely result in such an over formidable group of people “Please, sorry to say…., But I have no longer been too conscious of the happenings lately, and you all understand why, so would we be sort ample to give an explanation for the small print about the 'operation flaurixe' so we few of us can understand” one of the individuals of the crew omit Flasky said

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