Chapter 18 - Little bottle of red-head fire.

2366 Words

Erik “I thought I was the only one she could get so mad at.” Dad and I are in the living room staring at a huge box that has a huge flat screen television inside and a smaller box that has the latest gaming console. “Why is mom so mad? Did Dad chew on her favourite toy? What is this big box? Can we climb into it?” Lykos bombards me with questions. “No, you i***t! Mom is mad at dad because he bought a big-screen television and game console, and we are definitely not climbing into the box. We aren’t going anywhere near it. In fact, I think we had better go to our room. Mom might just get angry at us for being close to it.” Just as I get up to leave, Mom comes around the corner, fuming with anger. “See! The damn thing has hardly arrived, and you have already influenced our son into sitti

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