Chapter Two

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DESIRE I open the gate and enter the compound, Timothy my gateman is nowhere to be found. I'm too tired to reprimand him for leaving the gate unlocked so I don't bother calling out for him. I make my way into the house and call out. "Honey I'm home." I get no reply. I call out again. Still no reply. I make my way into the living room and drop my bags. That's when I start to feel it. The sense that something isn't right. I look around but nothing seems out of place. I check again and I see it staring me squarely in the eye. I don't know how I didn't notice it sooner; a bright red lacy bra two sizes too small to be mine.  I pick it up and inspect it like it's an alien. I drop it immediately and my heart starts pounding in my chest, I look around and listen. At the moment I don't know what I'm listening for but the house seems quiet; too quiet.I get up and spot a red shimmery dress behind the couch I just got up from. I pick it up and the cloying perfume that wafts from it makes me want to gag, oddly enough it smells a tad bit familiar. The material feels stretchy and soft to the touch like silk. It looks like something a skank would wear. I drop it and march up the stairs, as I move up the stairs I see pieces of clothing strewn all over the stairway and my heart rate increases. I hear a roaring in my ears as my head starts to pound, it feels like there are Zulu dancers drumming and dancing on my head. My legs feel wobbly and I grab onto the rails for support. Despite the fact that I know what I'm going to find up there, I can't seem to stop myself from moving up the stairs. The roaring in my ears become louder as I move closer. Just like a moth to a flame, I'm drawn to the room. The door is left wide open, even though I can already see the outline of people on the bed, my legs carry me closer to the scene playing before my eyes. I stop just outside the door and stare in shock as tears roll down my face. There laying on the bed is my husband and another woman wrapped in post coital bliss in each others arms. I stare at the face so like mine in repose and I feel my heart drop and shatter. It seems like the floodgates have just been opened as the tears pour down in torrents, I bring my hands to my mouth and wail. Anger courses through me and l grab the next thing my hand touches– a ceramic flower vase set on a stool by the doorway– and hurl it at the both of them. Unfortunately, it misses them and hits the headboard. It chatters into pieces and jars them out of their pleasure induced sleep. Akin blinks up at me drearily and my sister stares at me in absolute shock. If I were an outsider looking in, I would've laughed at the comical expression on their faces but I find no humour in the situation as all I see is my world crumbling before me. The man on the plane was wrong . Oh he was so absolutely, irrefutably wrong. Everything just went wrong. I'm filled with a whirlwind of emotions and I don't know which one to focus on. Is it anger, heartbreak, shock, horror, or disgust. The shock seems to wear off of all of us. I whirl round and bolt for the stairs, out of the corner my eyes I see him push her off him and dash for me. He grabs a hold of my hand and turns me to face him in all his naked glory. Suddenly, I feel disgusted at the sight of him when mere hours ago I was longing to see him and his touch that I craved now makes my skin crawl. "Baby please listen to me I can ex–" he doesn't finish his sentence as my hand connects with his cheek. The sound echoes as pain shoots up my arm but I don't mind it. I point a finger at him. "Don't." I warn as tears spill down my face. His eyes gloss over with tears. They look so pain filled that I feel like comforting him. Then I remember why we're in this situation in the first place and I'm filled with so much anger. I turn away from him and run down the stairs before I do something crazy like stab him in his crotch. My heart beats wildly in my chest as I bust out through the gate, my heels make a clanking noise on the pavement as I make my way out of the estate and into the street. Cars whip past me and the cold wind blows on my face as I cry my heart out. The wind feels icy on my face but I can't seem to stop the tears from falling. I can't breathe properly as my chest feels like it's being battered and torn open. I try to drag air into my lungs and I shudder against the pain. I wrap my hands around myself to protect me from the cold even though it doesn't help. I don't know where I'm going but I keep walking I just need to get as far away from here as possible. Suddenly I hear the sound of feet behind me and his voice calls out. "Desire please stop." I don't stop. Instead I pick up my pace and try to get as far away from him as possible. "Desire, Desire listen," he grabs my arm and holds on tightly. "Desire baby listen to me, I'm sorry." "How dare you touch me, let go of me." I yell. My breathe comes out harshly, I feel so much rage and pain staring at him. "Baby no, don't say that, please come home with me," he says as he tries to wipe my tears. I bat his hand away from my face. I tap his hand holding onto my arm and jerk. "Let me go Akin." I warn. "Desire I'm sorry, I can explain okay," he cries, tears roll down his face and he looks so lost. "I don't...I don't know what came over me please I love you, you know that. You know how much I love you." "How could you Akin? How could you do this to me and with none other than my sister? I was so happy to come home Akin." I yell out in frustration. "I was so happy to give you the good news. Why did you have to do that? Why?" I jerk harder. God I can't stand him touching me. The tears seem to make my head pound harder and my vision blurry. "Baby please, come home with me we can talk about this." "No, let go of me!" I jerk out of his hold, hard. "I said let go!" I jerk harder and his hand loosens. I sway backwards. My heel twists under my feet. Everything seems to happen in slow motion. "No, nooo!" yells Akin as he tries to grab a hold of my hands, my hands flail and he doesn't succeed. He grabs the necklace on my neck.  It tugs and loosens, then I free fall, onto the road and the car moving at the spot.They say when you're about to die your life flashes before your eyes and you feel it as your soul leaves your body, but I felt nothing as my body hits the car. I hear my bones c***k. Nothing as my body bounces off and fly's over the car and my head hits the asphalt. I feel nothing other than the clawing pain in my chest from Akin's betrayal. I see nothing other than Akin's panicked face as the world fades away.
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