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Melissa I held my breath. The water was really cold. It reminded me of something but I tried to forget it.. We were still under water as I felt his hands on me I opened my eyes immediately without minding that they would burn. He was smirking and holding me very tightly. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He smiled and kissed me but I almost drowned because I couldn't breathe so I gasped when we came back to the surface. He laughed when he looked at me. "You're cute when you're wet." he said and winked. I blushed again.. Minutes passed and we had so much fun with messing around.. swimming.. making out.. french kissing.. other things that came to our minds.. and after a while we got hungry so we got out of the water and headed straight to the bathroom.. he was still shirtless and I was nervous.. I slowly took my bikini off in front of him.. I was going to be naked in front of him for the first time.. he glanced at my body and froze with a dropped jaw.. I could literally feel his heart beating faster because mine did too.. he couldn't take his eyes off me.. but then he looked into my eyes. I put a pair of panties on and he handed me one of his sweater instead of wearing it by himself. He didn't say a word... he just kept looking at me in that way.. he was looking at me differently.. His sweater was too huge for me but I liked it. He smiled and I smiled too. I approached him and touched his abs.. his arms.. I looked at him and he looked down at my hands.. a streak of his hair fell onto his face and he was still so handsome even tho his hair was still wet.. just like mine.. Elijah Her fingers were so fine... so beautiful.. and her body.. I thought I was going to lose it. She had the most beautiful body I've ever seen.. she just undressed herself in front of me so quietly and carefully.. I was keen on her.. She kept touching my abs and she was so careful... She chuckled and I couldn't help but smile. We dried our hair together and after that we ate something. She was walking round in my sweater and I couldn't complain about it because I loved seeing her in it... And after we've ate something and talked to Sam a little bit we decided to keep spending the rest of the day in my bed. Just cuddling. I was laying on her and she was playing with my hair. Honestly her boobs were the most perfect pillows ever.. It was a perfect day. For the first time we could spend a day together without arguing or getting interrupted until I heard the boys coming. She was pissed and so was I. They didn't even tell me they would come.. Like every time we were doing something together we couldn't end it because someone had to interrupt us. I stood up and sighed. She sighed too and she seemed sad about it.. "Sorry sun. I know you hate it." She smiled. "It's okay moon. It's your job." I kissed her forehead and appreciated how understanding she was. I got dressed and went to my office where they were waiting for me. I yawned as I walked in. They looked at me very confused. "Just call me the next time before you come." I said and sat down on my table like always. "We're sorry but it's an emergency." Josh was very serious. He was almost shaking. He seemed impatient. "What happened?" I couldn't wait to hear it. James stood up. "The KCG wanted to rob the Maze bank too.« I lifted my shoulders. "So? Who the f**k even are they??" I asked. I've never heard of them before. I was pissed because I was chillin with my babygirl and they destroyed it because of this shit.. "They want the money from us. They're threatening us." Josh answered. I bursted out in laughter. "Are you serious? And you're afraid of what? Yo get the f**k out of my team if you're scared because we don't need pussies." We were a very big gang and every other gang knew who we were so... there was actually nobody who could scare us and no newcomer should be able to threaten us. They were quiet. "Come on! Tell me what are you p*****s afraid of"" I was still laughing. Jason stood up too. "They know that Melissa helped us." I stopped laughing immediately and clenched my jaw. "What do you mean they?" I don't remember the last time I was that serious and strained. "They want her or they're going to hurt her." I began to breathe faster. My blood started boiling but I tried to show it off. I needed to keep calm to understand what was going on. "The hell I'll give them Melissa. She's mine and only mine. Who the hell do they think they are?« I tried to calm down but it wasn't easy. "Bro that's why we are here. We have an idea." "What idea?" I asked immediately raising my voice. Josh came closer. "The only way to clear this is to finish them." "We don't need to finish them. They're not as big as we are that means there's nothing we have to be afraid of." I stood up too and crossed my arms in front of my chest.. "We don't need to be afraid but they're already existing for a while and they're bigger than before. Their threats were very serious." Josh explained and it pissed me so off so extremely. When it came to Melissa I got really aggressive in a quick time.. They were really threatening us trough they knew that we were the biggest gang in the state. "I'll f**k them all alone. They're not even going to touch her." I said through my teeth. They said nothing. "Nobody's trying to take my princess away from me." "That's why we made a plan." James said. I raised a brow. "Tell me about it." They told me about it with every details and it was a very good one. I wanted to kill every single one of them for even thinking about her but I couldn't move on my own without knowing anything about them. "But there is one problem." Josh said and Jason continued. "We need Melissa's help again. She's good at these things." My jaw dropped and I looked at him eyes widened. Was he crazy? "No she's not. She won't even find out about this! She's not going to be a part of this!" I would never involve her in something like this again since I almost lost her in the last one. Especially not when she was what they wanted. Robbing a bank was okay but this was serious. It was dangerous. "But Jason is right. We-" I interrupted him screaming. "NO SHE WON'T HELP US! SOMETHING COULD HAPPEN TO HER AND THEN I WOULD KILL EVERYONE!" I was really angry. This whole thing was stressing me. "Dude.. are you.." James didn't continued his sentence because he knew that I already got what he meant.. "Yes. I love her.. we're a couple." their jaws dropped at my answer. "Okay that means she's out of it! No questions."« Josh said. "She wasn't even in!" I said and took a deep breath rubbing my eyes. This all was unbelievable. "When are we going to do it?" I asked. "Within this week." I sighed. "That won't be possible. Her birthday is this week." Josh pressured his lips and thought about it. "Okay then we'll do it in two or three weeks it doesn't matter but you need to be careful bro. Don't leave her side and take her with you wherever you go." I nodded slowly in anger. I couldn't be more pissed. There was this weird silence for a while until James asked me "Did you plan something for her birthday? And if yes, what?" I smirked although I was still very pissed. "What do you think I planed?" I winked and he laughed. "And what's your present?" Jason looked very curious. "My dick." I answered laughing and they joined me. That was the only thing that made me happy. Thinking about her.. Even if she was younger than me and underage, I loved her with all the heart that I didn't have. I never thought I could say that I love someone so easily.. I never thought I would love someone in such a short time but love wasn't about time or age. It was about soulmates and patience. I looked at the ground and smiled. "A car." I said and looked up. "What?" James asked confused so I answered. "I bought her a car and personalized it. She loves rosé gold." Josh smiled. "Dude.. if I wouldn't know that you're a bastard I would say that this is cute." I laughed. He knew me too well. No matter how much I was going to love, I was going to stay as an asshole. We talked a little bit about her birthday and then they finally left. And I said finally because I wanted to hug her. I just wanted to hug her and never let her go. I was taking her for granted and now somebody wanted to take her away from me. I couldn't stand the thought of it.. I literally ran back to my room. She was standing in front of the window looking out... I hugged her from behind and buried my face in her neck breathing her deeply in. She chuckled and I loved that sound. "I love you.."
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