Birthday parties

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Sun He wasn’t there. I couldn’t spot his car either.. somehow that made me sad but what did I expect? That he’s been sitting there for two days? Even the cotton candy man was there. I asked him if he saw him but he only shook his head. I felt how my blood started boiling. Who did he think he was? How could he just disappear after yelling at me? How could he dare to do his own thing and leave me behind without texting me once? He could’ve been dead and I wouldn’t been aware of it. I called him and waited for the voicemail since I knew he wasn’t going to pick up. Blake looked at me. He was angry as well because just like I said the time was passing we were worrying more and more. I didn't even care about what he did to me. I only wanted to know where he was and if he was okay. I was afraid of losing him.. “DEAN I SWEAR TO GOD DON'T YOU DARE TO NOT CALL ME BACK, BLAKE AND I ARE LOOKING FOR YOU FOR HOURS NOW! YOU'RE WORRYING THE s**t OUT OF ME SO GET YOUR f*****g ASS OVER HERE OR I'LL CUT YOUR DAMN LEGS OFF SO YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GO ANYWHERE ANYMORE WITHOUT TELLING ME WHERE YOU'RE GOING OR IF YOU'LL COME BACK AND DON'T YOU DARE TO LEAVE ME LIKE THAT AGA-...” Blake cut me off. “SUN!” I looked at him. As he looked around I did the same and realized that people were staring at us. I put my phone away and tried to calm down. “You need to stay calm.. being mad wont bring him back.” I hated it when people told me to calm down. So I gave him a death stare and walked to his car. He followed me. Blake She was even cuter m when she was angry.. how quickly she was walking with her short steps.. screaming and giving me that death stare that almost killed me. I couldn't help but smile while she walked in front of me and got in my car still very mad. How could so much anger fit in such a small and cute body? Dean was so lucky.. but so dumb at the same time. Sun We checked so many other places but didn’t find him. I was frustrated and really pissed.. but at the end we had enough and we were really hungry so we decided to eat something. I was so annoyed that I didn’t say a word unless I didn’t have to. I had to wait for him to come back because there was nothing else I could do. It’s not like someone kidnapped him.. Of course I was almost too late to Moon's party so I told Blake about it. We wanted to keep looking but none of us had the nerve to. Dean needed stop acting so childish and come back.. Blake drove me home. I sighed when we arrived. “Sorry for wasting your time.” he apologized and I shook my head. “You shouldn't apologize. It's not your fault.” I said and let my head fall back. My head was aching and I was really tired.. but all I could think about was Dean.. “Maybe he's not coming back because he knows we're looking for him.” he said quietly as if it was really upsetting him.. maybe he was right. Maybe he just wanted to be alone for a while.. “Yeah.. Maybe..” my voice was really raw.. I cleared my throat and saw just realized that our property was full with cars and people.. and then I heard the loud music. I looked at Blake. He looked at me as well. “Would you like to join my brothers birthday party? I know this sounds weird after this all but we could see it as a little thank you, if that’s okay for you.” I said trying to smile. It felt unfair to go and have fun while he was still worrying about his brother.. he deserved to be cheered up as well.. he smiled and looked at the amount of people. “Why not? Seems like fun.” he smiled and I smiled back. “I'll just go, change my clothes and come back..” he said. I nodded. I needed to do the same. “See you later then..” I said and he smirked. I got off his car and walked in.. It’s been a while since I’ve seen so many people at the same time... and I knew that wasn't all. I knew there were so many people who didn't arrive yet or who were already at the backyard. I just hoped that he locked dad’s office. Of course he did. He would never forget it.. I had to make my way between some dancing people. Moon saw me and raised his hand. He waved me over and hurried. It was so warm and so loud that he had to scream so I could hear him. “YOU'RE BACK!”I leaned in to hear him. “YEAH I'LL CHANGE MY CLOTHES AND COME BACK DOWN!” I screamed back.. he nodded. Then I thought of Blake. “I INVITED A FRIEND! I HOPE THAT'S OKAY!” I screamed and he nodded so I walked upstairs. Melissa Elijah threw me over his shoulder when we walked into the lodge that we bought a few years ago. It was far away from home. The kids still didn’t know about it. That was our secret place but of course we were going to pass it down to them one day. I had to scream when he slapped my butt. “OUCH!” I laughed. He walked towards the bedroom and threw me on the bed.. I chuckled and covered my face but I saw how he smirked. Elijah Her eyes were still shining like they did on the first day.. the way she was chuckling.. made me still go crazy. I knew that leaving although it was our sons birthday wasn’t really the best parenting but he wanted us to leave. I asked him if it was really okay for him and if he wouldn’t be mad at us later but he wanted to do everything to make us leave for that party. First I resisted because we wanted to be a part of his eighteenth birthday but he wanted to throw his own party with his own people and I respected that. I trusted him enough to leave him alone. And of course I really wanted to disappear with Melissa for a while. I wanted it to be like it was back then for. Only for a while. Only us and our love. It felt like I barely had time for her and I didn’t like that. Melissa He got top of me with that seductive smirk.. I missed these moments and I knew how amazing the following days were going to be. “You know that I won’t let you go for the following days, right?” his husky voice made me shiver. Just like always.. “Who said that I want to go anywhere?” I asked him wrapping my legs around his waist. He pressed his lips against mine. I bit my lower lip when he pushed my top up and kissed my stomach. He places his hands on my hips and kept going further.. He pulled my jeans and my panties down at the same time. I had to laugh. I loved watching him while he was doing that.. he undressed himself so fast that I noticed how inpatient he was. As if he’s been waiting years for this. But to be honest I was impatient as well. I wanted him really really bad like he was standing meters away from me instead of inches. He got on top of me again and started kissing my neck. A little moan escaped my mouth. I could feel his smirk on my skin.. “If you already start moaning now.. then I want to know how loud you’ll scream in a few seconds..” he whispered. I let my head fall back. The goosebumps on my whole body were the outcome of his voice and his hands on my body.. “I missed you a lot..” he whispered and I nodded while he kept sucking on my neck.. I couldn’t say a word because I was too distracted and too busy with enjoying his moves.. “I missed hearing how you scream my name..” he kept going and my heart started racing a little more with every second. “I missed pulling your hair..” he slowly ran his hand through my hair and started pulling on it.. At the same time he slowly thrusted into me.. I don't know why but I had tears in my eyes. He just made me feel that type of way that I couldn’t explain and get used to no matter how many years passed. I moaned again and dug my nails into his back.. “I missed how you shiver..” he whispered into my ear under his breath.. I was shivering extremely.. “I missed how you screamed in pleasure..” he went deeper and I screamed just like he wanted it. Everything was like he wanted it.. He went faster and started kissing my neck again.. I was afraid that he was going to leave marks but I couldn’t tell him to stop.. I could feel the knot in my stomach so I grabbed the sheets instead of digging my nails in his back. I didn’t want to leave any marks either. He groaned and that was my death. I loved it when he groaned. I wanted to press my tights together but I couldn’t.. I was sure that we weren't going to leave this lodge or this bed until we were going to go back home... Sun I put on a white skirt and a matching top. Nothing that would make me seem too overdressed. My makeup was okay and I wasn’t in the mood to redo it or dress up really nicely.. I wasn’t in the mood for anything while Dean was gone. Having fun without him seemed already unfair enough. But I didn't want to disappoint Moon. I needed to at least act like everything was fine. He still didn’t like Dean and I didn’t want to ruin his birthday with talking about him or telling him what happened. It was his day and he needed to have fun. I checked my phone for the last time before I went back downstairs, hoping Dean finally texted me but there was nothing and my heart broke again. Nothing about him. Only a message from Blake. 'Could you please come downstairs? I'm sitting on your couch and these two people next to me are about to eat each other. Help.’ That made me laugh.. at least for a second. I left my phone in my room and rushed downstairs I save him. They were really about to eat each other. So gross. I walked towards him and grabbed his hand to pull him on his feet. Blake Her laugh was so cute.. especially in that short skirt. Her legs were really beautiful. They weren’t as short as they seemed and her skin was so smooth and so beautiful.. the way she covered her mouth when she laughed and how her eyes were shining almost made me melt.. Dean really needed to get his s**t back together. “You should've joined them!” she said looking at the couple or whatever they were. I had to laugh as well. I shook my head with a smile and noticed that she still didn’t let my hand go.. or I was the one who didn’t let go.. Dean I couldn’t spot dad’s or Blake’s car in front of the house so I went in and changed my clothes after I took a shower. I didn’t want to face any of them since I wasn’t ready to do that without freaking out.. I didn’t want to talk or listen to what they had to say. I didn’t want to do anything that was related to them. I read all of Sun’s messages, heard all of her voicemails.. saw each of her calls.. but I couldn’t respond or react because I was too mad about myself and I couldn’t find a way to look into her eyes. I felt too guilty and embarrassed about it all.. I decided to visit her.. my heart was aching with the thoughts of what I've done to her. My heart was aching when I thought of her in any way.. I needed to apologize.. she deserved none of this. Nothing was her fault. She pushed my button but I was going to explode anyways.. I hated that I wasn’t able to control myself that day and disappearing like that was very childish and such a b***h move. I needed to make it up. With the hope that she was alone at home, so we could talk I drove to her house..
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