
1968 Words
Melissa We all put our masks on and grabbed our weapons in case we needed to defend ourselves our shoot any witnesses.. that was hella scary for me because I wasn't planning on killing anybody and already the idea of it scared me but it seemed like we had to.. It was late in the night. We all were standing in front of the huge building. Everyone in separate cars. Of course Elijah and I were sitting in one together in the darkness.. "Did you set the alarms off?" he asked me and I looked at him. I turned the whole system off with my moms account because otherwise she would've been informed about it. "Yes. Of course I did." I answered totally cold.. The streets were empty. "Are you ready?" he asked and I nodded again. Then he handed me the Walkie-Talkie. "Remember. I'll go and you'll come in exactly ten minutes after me from the window on the rooftop which I left open yesterday. We only have thirty minutes so we need to be done as fast as possible. We're gonna break a world record." I said that I handed it back to him. He had one hand on the wheel. "Be careful." I got off the car immediately because I didn't wanted to talk to him. I didn't want to give him the chance to say another word.. I didn't want to hear his voice. I walked in and of course I already set the cameras off. I set everything off. It was so easy.. but I would make it difficult for him. I slowly sneaked around and checked if the security guard was somewhere... there was nobody. No noises. No life. Nothing. I looked at the clock and saw that I was already five minutes in the building that means I had five more minutes to save my way to get out here without them.. I opened another window and locked every way out. After they were going to enter I was also goin to lock that window and disappear from my secret window that they didn't know anything about. I made sure there wouldn't be another way to get out there. I felt like a huge fraud. I was a huge fraud but that was the outcome of people playing with me. I looked at the clock again. Ten minutes were over and I heard the boys coming in so I rushed over to the control room as fast as I could... After leaving the most important stuff behind them they began to open the safe and I watched them through a display since I left some cameras who were showing them perfectly on. I could also hear them.. but they didn't know that. And even tho everybody was wearing the same things I could recognize which one of them was Elijah. the was he was walking.. was so different.. like a masterpiece.. I watched them putting everything in bags. Some of them ran to the underground parking spot and loaded everything in their vans. I could see Elijah clearly.. I could hear what he was saying. I wanted to hear it because he was standing with his arms opened laughing and I was so curious about what he was so happy about before he was going to drown. "The benefits of having a girl with a CEO mom!" he said and I hated him a little more.. I got a little colder. I knew he was honest when he said I wouldn't mean something to him.. he was honest with every word that he broke my heart with.. but with his.. he's just shattered even my tiniest hopes.. even the way he looked at me when he caught me from that balcony.. was fake.. everything was so fake I hated it.. Josh gave him a high five. "I knew that there was something! I was asking myself why you were insisting in making her stay. I mean she's fine but so young you know.. Not like a real woman.« They laughed. It was such an unfitting time to talk about me.. their time was running and I could feel the heat hitting my cheeks. "Now you know it bro! But she hella fine tho you gotta admit!" that actually made me upset.. I felt like I couldn't breath and I couldn't understand why he was meaning so much to me that he could hut me but that couldn't stop me. I pushed the buttons and the alarm was so loud that I had to close my ears at first. Their jaws dropped and they began to move faster. The other ones already left because we planned that if the alarm would go off that they would leave first and as fast as they could.. So I ran to the open window and climbed up. I felt great when I was standing outside. I felt like the evil one in the movies. After I climbed down the ladder I got in his car and drove away since I stole his keys earlier. He didn't even notice. What a stupid jerk. I could feel the adrenaline all over my body.. it felt like I was going to explode. My whole body was shaking.. Thank god that I didn't lave any clues because while we all were planning together I made my own plans only for myself.. Elijah We were moving as fast as we could and the anxiety + adrenaline hit us like a truck. Putting all the money in the bags was somehow harder this times. It felt heavier. This wasn't the first time we were struggling with the alarm but I thought Melissa would keep it under control. "THE POLICE SHOULD BE HERE IN TEN MINUTES." Josh screamed because the alarm was too loud and I got panic what made me move even faster but then I froze... "Wait..WHERE IS MELISSA" I asked screaming. He looked at me eyes wide open. "I DON'T KNOW!" I began to breath faster and could feel my heart racing even faster. "JOSH I NEED TO GET HER OUT OFF HERE! SHE'S UNDERAGE, IF THEY CATCH HER WITH US THEN..." I began to run instead of continuing the sentence. I never ran that fast in my life. Especially not without knowing where to look at fist. I looked everywhere. I looked in every f*****g corner screaming her name over and over again but it seemed impossible that she got stuck somewhere because she knew this place like her home and I was afraid that she couldn't hear me because of the alarm like maybe she tripped somewhere and hit her head or couldn't get up or anything else. So much went through my f*****g head and that made me crazy... I couldn't find her. "MELISSA!" The only thing I heard was my screaming voice and the police sirens. Melissa I was driving very fast but I felt something.. something in my chest.. something that made every breath feel heavy.. The way he sometimes smiled.. how I felt when he stroke my head.. hot good I felt when I woke next to him because he made me I escaped from that dollhouse.. how he made me forget about my old odd life so fast.. and when I kissed him... I did a full braking and drifted on the crowded street not caring if I would hurt anybody. I drove through the cars into the opposite direction which was very dangerous. They kept honking and evading me. Luckily I already had my license. I couldn't leave him there. What did I just do... he has already done so much illegal s**t they would've finished him when they would've caught him.. and that all because of me. I began to breath faster because I was panicking. Even tho I was driving faster than anybody should allow me to, it still felt like I was too far away and the way was long as hell... I needed him to get out of there. It was killing me. Good he has hurt me in many ways and even let me down. He pushed me into some cold water and left me on my own in the middle of the night. He was only using me and I didn't know anything except his age and name about him but it wasn't worth it. It wasn't a reason to destroy his whole life and what he's built until now.. Since when was I the evil one? Why did I even want that? I wanted revenge. My hate wasn't towards him. I wanted revenge from my mom, from Matt, from my dad, from my friends and basically the whole word. My hate was towards the world and not him.. even if.. then it still wasn't worth it and I knew I was going to regret it. I kept was switching lanes and I don't remember the last time I drove that fast. Elijah I ran back to the safe. Josh finished our work and I said "I couldn't find her. Get out of here and leave!" I said and he looked to me very serious like he would ask me if I've gone crazy.. "Bro I won't go anywhere without you! You have to come with me! They're coming, can't you hear it?!" what a bro right? But I couldn't.. even tho I knew he always had my back and he would never leave without me.. I couldn't leave without her.. "Bro maybe she's already out!" "That's not how we planned it, she would never do that." "What if she changed her mind?" "She definitely did not." "Just come with me, she knows this place and a way out. She'll be fine and I'm sure that this is more important now!" "JOSH I WON'T LEAVE WITHOUT HER!" I handed him the bags and he left. I could here the police coming. Melissa I was so afraid that I would be too late. I was almost crying because I was regretting it so much but I couldn't risk my vision to blur. We could've left with the money quietly without any problems but I had to be a stupid brat and get my revenge. My biggest fear in that moment was loosing him. Why was I that angry? How could I be that angry to do something like that? This was no game, this was nothing easy, this was real life and he was going to be f****d if I was going to be too late.. He just pushed me into water and nothing else. I was acting like he did something worse. Not everybody had to like me or have any feelings for me like not even the tiniest. He was just honest all the time.. He was mean and what I've done just showed that I wasn't different than him.. and I said by myself that being with him no matter if we hated each other or not was way better than being with my mom? What was I going to do if he would be gone because of me? What was I thinking? He was using me for his business and I was using him for my freedom.. that's it. I could see the police everywhere so I had to park the car somewhere else. I ran but I saw the officers standing on the ladder thinking about climbing up which almost made me have a heart attack.. so I had to get up there somehow... Elijah "Fuck.." I prayed that she wouldn't be in there as climbed out off the window... When I was standing on the rooftop I could see Melissa on the rooftop of the building next to the building that I was standing on.. I almost lost my shit..
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