The call

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Elijah After a while our heartbeats calmed down and we were really tired. She was laying on me with her arms around me and I had my arms around her. I kissed her forehead and stroke her head. "I'm sorry if I hurt you.." I pulled herself closer to myself even tho that wasn't really possible. "It's okay.. I can't complain about the way it felt..." I stroke her back gentlefolks withy my fingers. She was so calm and so soft I never wanted to let her go again. It was worth the wait because it was the best feeling ever.. I was so damn relieved and happy because I could finally do it with her whenever I wanted it. I could give her my love whenever I wanted to.. We fell asleep and as I woke up she was already awake. She had my shirt on and I loved it when she was wearing my clothes. Her being the first thing to see when I woke up. was all I wanted. "Good morning daddy!" she said totally motivated while she was combing her hair. "Good morning babygirl.." I yawned and buried my face in the pillows.. they were smelling just like her.. "Why are you already awake?" I asked her rubbing my eyes. Melissa I sat down next to him and began to play with his hair which was still messy. "I couldn't sleep..." he raised a brow at me. "You sure that everything is alright? Did I..?" I interrupted him. "No, no, no! Don't worry! Everything's great! I did sleep. I just can't get enough of it or stop thinking of you..." I laid down on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "I hope you liked your birthday and the presents.." he said and I blushed. I sat up again and looked at him. "Of course I did." I said and he smiled softly. "You can't imagine how bad I want to spend the day with you but I have a meeting.. I have so much to do.. there's so much that needs to get done.." he said and he seemed really stressed and annoyed about it. "I'll be waiting here for you." I hated that he had to leave after such a great night because I wanted to cuddle with him. After last night I didn't want to leave his side. He got me addicted and I hated that he had to leave but there was nothing to do about it so I wanted to keep him happy and motivated. He shouldn't think about me during his meetings. So I gave him a kiss and he stood up. He got ready while I was watching him.. He wore a suit and goddamn was he looking good in it. He literally made me drip. he was looking incredibly good in suits. We walked down together and I opened the door for him while he fixed his sleeves. "Don't forget anything and be safe!" I said and tiptoed to give him a kiss. When he left I heard the girls in the kitchen so I decided to join them still thinking about last night and how he made me feel Elijah We decided to do the meeting at a secret, fancy breakfast club. As I arrived, the boys were already waiting for me. After I sat down and they greeted me and I could see the curiosity in their face. They couldn't wait to ask me a question. "How was her birthday?" Jason was the one who opened the subject with a smirk. I looked at the table and smiled. then I looked at him and said "Sshh.." also with a smirk. Josh gave me a fist bump laughing.. "That's good but we need to talk about KCG" James said really serious and worried. I clenched my jaw. "Any news?" I asked with a raised brow. I couldn't stand hearing these three letters because they made me aggressive as hell. "No news. Only threats." I was so pissed about this whole situation. Some bastard was threatening us with stealing my girl in a completely different way than these high school boys knew it and I didn't even know who he was.. "I swear if they wouldn't involve Melissa then I wouldn't even care... but I want to f**k them up.. like really bad.." I saw clenching my fists. "How does it come that none of us could find out where they are?" I asked getting even angrier.. We knew who they are but we didn't know where they were based, who their leader was or what their next step was going to be. "It's not that easy.. if we would have a clue or a number or anything else.." Melissa I was sitting in the living room, eating some grapes and watching a movie again. Usually I would've done that in the garden but it as already too cold so I grabbed a cuddly blanket and laid down comfortably.. That was how I always spending my time without him. The girls were busy so I had to entertain myself. In the middle of the movie I got a FaceTime call. It wasn't an unknown number what made me wonder. I wasn't sure if I should answer or not. I thought it could be one of the boys and I was too curious so I answered the call after I sat up. The black screen disappears and I could see a guy.. He was sitting in a chair.. with a leader jacked in an almost dark and empty room... I raised a brow and as he saw me he said "Oh no.. excuse me.. wrong number." he looked very worried. "No problem!" I smiled and he did too. As I wanted to hang up he stopped me like he could see that I was going to hang up. "Wait! Uh.. can I ask you what your name is? You're really beautiful.." he said and he seemed less worried. I squeezed my hair behind my ear feeling a little uncomfortable. "Thank you but I have a boyfriend..." I answered and he looked upset.. "Too bad.. we'll see us soon anyways.." he smirked and winked at me.. than he hung up before I could ask him what he meant so he left me in confusion. First I was really worried but then I thought it would just be a prank or some weird guy who got the wrong number and decided to mess with me. Elijah "I know something." Jason said and I glanced over to him. He got my attention.. "I did a little research and.. they're not what we thought they were.." I furrowed my eyebrows and the others seemed really confused as well. "They're dealing with drugs.. guns.. alcohol and.. let me say.. 24/7 at the strip club." he said opening a folder and sliding it towards me on the flat table. I clenched my jaw and shrugged. "That's nothing special. Every gang is doing that." James said and he was right. "But they're also dealing with girls.. prostitution.. murdering them.." he said and I froze. I thought about Melissa immediately. They weren't gonna get my baby.. "Fighting with someone who's on drugs all the time ain't really fun or easy.." James said already imagining how complicated it all could be. At least Jason found out what they were doing. I wanted to ask him how he did that and what else he knew but James said "I think we should wait.. and see what happens." "That idea is trash." Jason said. "But what if they-" Josh interrupted James. "We don't need to be afraid of them! I think we should fini-" James interrupted Jason. "Yeah but we need to pla-" I hit my fist onto the table and made everyone shut up. It was silent when they looked at me. "We won't wait. I'm.. I could even kill them all only because they said her name." I was shaking of anger. This all was getting too much and I was getting impatient. I couldn't live with the thought of some hoe trying to find her or something. I couldn't stand it and it made me f*****g aggressive. "How are we going to protect her?" James asked and I took a deep breath. "I don't know.. I mean I can't let you stand on the rooftops every time we go out and she can't always come with me wherever I go..." I looked at the papers on the table. "I have no idea dude. You can't leave her at home all the time tho! It's too dangerous if she's alone." Josh was right... and I hated it. "And we know exactly that you would go crazy if anything would happen to her.« Jason knew me too well.. "Aaand.. you don't want her to know anything about this." James was right too. Somehow it seemed like there was no way out of this. Their threats were stupid. That was obvious.. but they weren't joking and I couldn't risk her getting hurt or losing her again like last time when I left her alone. If I make her come with me wherever I go she could get hurt again.. the boys standing on the rooftops wouldn't really help.. leaving her at home alone all the time would make it look like she's in prison. She would get bored and that bastard could take the opportunity to sneak in or something. I couldn't tell her anything because she would worry too much as caring as she is. She would either be scared or want to help us and I would never allow that. This all was getting too serious and the walls were coming too close. I closed my eyes and sighed. "There's only one way.." Jason said. "What?" I asked really curious. "Breaking up with her." he answered deadass serious. Melissa I couldn't continue watching the movie because the same number and the same guy kept calling me. It was really scary and extremely annoying so I closed my MacBook and tried to read something hoping I could distract myself and kill some time.. but all of sudden I heard my phone ringing. It was literally the same number. The same f*****g number. I was so close to throw my phone across the house but then I answered hoping he would get the message. "Okay! I don't know who you are and what you want from me but just leave me alone because this is some childish s**t and I'm really busy okay?!" I was really serious and pissed. This happened for the first time to me and I really didn't have the nerves to deal with him. After I said that I hung up in anger.. holy piss that was so annoying. Finally I could lean back and enjoy reading my book until I got a message. 'Be a part of us and I'll tell you who I am.' I froze and furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell did he mean with that? 'a part of us'. What a damn creep. What did he want from me? Elijah "Are you stupid Jason?" I leaned in raising my voice. "Bro.. that's actually a good idea.." my jaw dropped at what Josh said. "What..?" I looked at them all and James nodded agreeing what I couldn't believe. I couldn't believe any of them. Was I really the only person with a brain? "Never." I said shaking my head totally aggressive. Jason sighed. "Look dude.. you want her to be safe right? But she won't be safe unless you stay away from her." I clenched my jaw because I was about to choke Jason. I was literally throw this damn table beneath my hands on him. "Oh tell me Jason. How am I supposed to protect her if she's not around me?" Holy piss I was so mad. How could they think of this? I couldn't understand how his brain came up with something stupid like that. It was beyond stupid. That brainless fucker. "We can still take care of her undercover." James said. "That's true! And after we're done you can tell her everything so you can come back with her again. So it's just for a while!" what Josh said didn't sounded that stupid but I was still pissed about how hopeful they were about it because I didn't give it a chance. Not even the tiniest.. I was never going to consider that. Melissa I got another message. 'You can save me under your contacts as 'KCG K' What was that standing for? I wasn't sure if I should talk to Elijah about it but I saved him under my contacts...
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