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Sun Chloe left and dad told the team to cancel everything. Luckily it wasn't too late. I was so anxious that I wanted to cry. I was really afraid when we were alone. I knew what I've done wrong and I couldn't believe how I just let myself go with him.. not thinking about my responsibilities. "Where have you been?" dad asked me very angrily trying to breath normally like he wasn't going to freak out.. He was looking so mad.. he was surely about to kill me. The way he raised his eyebrow and clenched his jaw made me nervous and I wanted to disappear.. I scratched my neck. "I was with a friend.." I tried to explain but I knew how stupid it sounded and that it was no excuse for my actions and for making them worry.. it was no explanation.. he slowly walked towards me. "Who's your friend?" his voice was so deep that it made me shiver for a second. If I would've told him that my 'friend' was a boy, he would've totally freaked out and our mansion would be lit up in flames. "A.. new friend.." my voice was shaking because he came closer. "Why is your heart beating so fast?" he asked, talking very fast. Telling him that it wasn't true would've be dumb because I knew he knew it. He was looking straight into my eyes. Denying it wasn't an option.. I never lied to him.. I hated this. I've always been the innocent, kind, real and reasonable one who never caused trouble or made any mistakes. I was the perfect child and I started my biggest mistake with something really huge.. "I..-" I wasn't sure what to say.. it was an uncomfortable situation. I bit my lower lip in guilt. Then he laughed. I looked at him and he looked like he totally went crazy. Then he got serious again and mom tried to calm him down. It was a little unfair because I did something like this for the first time. I did something wrong for the first time.. he couldn't be so mean about it. "From now on.. you're not leaving your phone anywhere!" his voice got louder and he screamed the last word. I looked down because I couldn't look into his eyes while he was so mad at me.. he's never been so mad at me. He was always exaggerating over some stupid things.. but he's never been seriously mad at me. That made me feel sick.. it made me want to crawl into a ball and cry.. "If I have to, I'll glue it on your hand!" he added and to be honest I thought worse things were going to happen. Suddenly Moon rushed in. He looked angry as well and a little exhausted. Dad turned around and Moon nodded at him. Then he turned back around to me. "And you won't go anywhere else than school for at least one month!" he said and my jaw dropped. He couldn't do this to me and be so mean.. only because of something so simple. Why did he have to be so strict? "But Dad! Nothing happened! I just left for a few hours and now I'm here!" I tried to explain and defend myself. "I DON'T CARE!" he screamed out of nowhere totally stressed. For the first time he really screamed at me. My heart was aching. "Elijah.." mom tried to stop him or make him calm down at least but he was too angry.. I was asking myself why... What I did wasn't that bad to freak out like that. "Sun.. do you even know how careful you need to be? Do you know how dangerous it is for you to leave without your phone or telling anyone?" he was trying to calm down but his blood was boiling and his voice was shaking. I knew what he meant and I was always taking care of it and his secrets but I couldn't hide from everything and everyone all the time. He was afraid that somebody was going to hurt me or something. He knew that his enemies had no mercy and that's why he always needed to know where I am and what I was doing, that's why he always needed to be able to reach me.. "ESPECIALLY WITH A BOY YOU DON'T KNOW?" I looked at him eyes wide open. That's why he was so angry.. he knew about it. He knew that I was with a boy.. but how did he know that? Moon I was shocked and confused.. I didn't tell my dad about him. I didn't tell him anything about a friend. But I totally forgot that my dad knew everything, all the time. Sun "But... that's ridiculous! I'm here now and I'm good so-.." he cut me off.. "NO!" "ELIJAH!" mom grabbed his arm but it wouldn't help. "You don't know what can happen to you out there! You're going to school and then straight back home! You're not leaving the house for one month and if you have to, then go with Moon or one of us!" he was really serious about it.. he was really mad and I could understand him but he didn't need to be so mean and exaggerate. "That's unfair! You're overacting! I just left for a few hours and you're-.." I was so angry. Especially because he never let me finish a sentence. Why was he doing that to me? Why was he acting like that? Always but only with me. "Sun.. go to your room. Now." he tried to be patient. "But I-." "SUN!" he screamed at me again and his eyes... they were spitting flames. I held my breath and just walked passed him to walk up to my room. Moon Seeing her like that broke my heart because I didn't want it to be like this. But he was right. She never understood how serious and dangerous this all was... my dad had so many enemies who were ready to hurt any of us if they could get the chance. We needed to be really careful and she's always been careful but this time.. it was all because of him. He was such a bad influence that he destroyed everything in two days. If I would be him I would've freaked out too.. especially because she was with him. Dean I was driving back home, totally pissed and too fast again.. My feelings came to the surface because of her and that made me aggressive.. I remembered a piece of my childhood.. that made me even more aggressive. I hated that. I hated my childhood and my whole life. I hated myself, my dad, my brother and everything around me. I hated the world. There wasn't even a piece of love in my heart or my body. Not even a piece of mercy, positivity or happiness. There was nothing inside of me because I was filled with pain, anger, fire, jealousy, madness and silence. My grip around the wheel tightened and I had to clear my throat. I was breathing heavily. Her life was so perfect and fun.. full of happiness, luck and love.. and mine.. was s**t. It was empty and dark.. and not only because my dad adopted me when I was five years and my brother was nine years old. He always loved him more.. he always loved everything more than me. He even loved the damn trash bag more than me. I was working my ass off for him, doing everything he wanted, never saying anything against him and he still didn't love me. Not even a little bit. I didn't even want him to love me I just wanted him to leave me alone, accept and respect me at least but he was the reason why I was filled with hate.. why I was heartless. Really heartless. All the smiles, al the laughter, all the kind words and kind moments.. were all acting.. I started shaking. That girl deserved so much better... she was so cute and her big heart made even me melt. I wasn't sure if I could do that. I wasn't sure if I could hurt her. I hated my dad even more because he wanted this all. My anger was so big that I just had to scream. I started crying.. I hated myself even more because I was crying.. like a little p***y. Sun I've never been so angry.. I was standing in the middle of my room shaking and breathing heavily. I hated everything in that moment. He was acting as if what I did was the baddest thing ever. I totally understood him, he was really right but he didn't need to exaggerate. Why couldn't he just talk normally to me? Why did he need to scream and be so cold? As if I did something that would disappoint the f**k out of him. No matter what I did I was never be good enough for him. One mistake and he was ready to throw me away. I was grounded for one month and that was so ridiculous and humiliating. No matter how much I loved him, I had enough. I had enough of always being the perfect daughter who was doing everything he wanted. I loved my life and my family but my whole life seemed so fake since I didn't even get his love in reward for all the years I've done everything to not let him down, to keep his secrets, to make him proud.. Thinking about it made me freak out. I took a few of my pillows and threw them trough my room. I ran my hands trough my hair and tried to hold my tears back. I was so annoyed and disappointed.. He was always hurting me because he was always overprotective, he never told me that he loved me and he never had time for me. He was the one who was disappointing me all the time while I was giving my best to be the perfect daughter for him. He didn't give me any freedom only because of his stupid secrets and his stupid gang. I found myself in front of my mirror. Dean was right.. a princess in her dreamworld with cotton candy as clouds.. Melissa "What did you've do?" I asked him while he was changing his clothes in the closet. He was still very angry but I needed to ask him about it. "What I've done? Nothing!" he said very loudly putting a black sweater on. He was always wearing black these days. "You exaggerated! Why are you acting like that? She just went out with a friend!" I said protecting her. He needed to understand that she was going up and being a little more free. "Oh baby, that friend is a boy and do you know how worried I was when Moon told me that he didn't know where she is? A million thoughts went through my head!" he explained and came closer. "My heart stopped beating because I was so afraid that something happened to her." now I finally saw how sad he was.. I knew that but I was still angry at him. "I know but you hurt her. She's a girl, she's a teen and she has the rights to have a normal life. You can't be so mean only because you're worried." I looked straight in his eyes. He shook his head. "Melissa you know that we don't have a normal life and as much as I want her to have a normal life, it's too dangerous for her to disappear for a few hours without telling anyone.. and sometimes I have to be this mean because only like this she will understand how serious this is." I looked away and sighed. He was right but I still didn't like this all. "Elijah I just want her to be happy.. she's already so careful and.. I don't know.." I sighed again he came even closer and leaned his forehead against mine. Then he held my hands. "Me too.. But just give me some time.." Sun I hated that picture in the mirror.. I was doing everything wrong.. I was who they all wanted and expected me to be but I didn't know who I really was. I didn't know what I really want.. if I really liked this all.. Then I kicked the mirror and it broke.. not completely but it cracked. I thought I would feel good if I would let it out somewhere but I didn't.. so I sat down on the ground between my pillows and started crying. I hated crying, yet I could never stop myself.. I heard someone knocking on my door. I wiped my tears away very fast and when the door opened I saw Moon coming in..
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