Mr Collins

1071 Words
Kingston It was 2am when we arrived back home. Blake and I walked in laughing about something that I said.. We had so much fun like always without Dean. That kid made me angry but he was doing whatever I wanted so I needed him. Blake was okay. He was my left hand. I needed him more than I needed Dean. They both had their special places in my plans. We kept laughing and to be honest we were a little dizzy.. but as we walked in my heart stopped. I stopped Blake immediately with my hand. My jaw dropped and I couldn't stop looking at it eyes widened. “Wha-..” I cut him off. “SSSHH!” My heart was beating so fast.. it felt like the moment I was waiting for.. all the time.. finally came. I slowly walked towards them...they were sleeping so peacefully.. so quietly.. Sun Dalton... in my sons arms.. he finally made it. I finally made it. My whole world stopped for a moment and I even forgot about Blake. Everything around me disappears when I saw that beautiful little girl who looked exactly like her mother when she was younger.. “Is that...” Blake asked, looking at me eyes widened pointing at her... I nodded. I took a step towards them and slowly bent down. I started staring at her like she was a piece of art.. she was so beautiful. Just like her mother. She was in my house.. she was sleeping in my house and I finally got her so close... her hair.. so soft, just like her skin and her lips.. like a little doll. So perfect.. I couldn’t explain what I was feeling in that moment.. I was so in love.. I was in love with every piece of Melissa and her daughter... Dean held her so tightly in his arms that I couldn't touch her. Just like a diamond.. She was holding onto his arms.. his face was buried into his neck.. I almost cried because she was so beautiful. I was so proud... I wanted her and I was so close. “Dad you need to calm down..” Blake said quietly. He could see how close I was to take her out of Dean's arms to take her with me. “Blake.. I was waiting for this moment... look at her..” I whispered still totally amazed. Blake I've never seen him like that... the way he looked at her. He seemed so in love... so lovely, soft and weak. I knew he was scary and a creep but in that moment I thought he was going to explode of love and the walls would be covered in glitter instead of blood. But all of sudden they both started to move at the same time like they felt that they weren't alone. We looked at each other eyes wide open. "What now?" I asked him screaming but whispering at the same time. That was not how we planned it so we had no idea what to do... he looked around very quickly. "The kitchen!" he screamed whispering as well. He started running, I jumped over the table and we got out of the door of the kitchen straight to the backyard.. Sun We both woke up at the same time. Waking up in his arms felt so good that I knew I could get used to it. I never thought I could be so comfortable with somebody.. without any worried.. unconditionally. I buried myself more into him.. he laughed softly and I liked him even more when he was happy and kind and not rude. I never thought he could be soft but I enjoyed it. I only hoped that he would stay like that.. "Do you feel better?" I mumbled in his chest. He wasn't cold anymore. He was warm and soft. Suddenly he pulled me on him so I was on top of him. I held my breath for a second because I didn't know what to do.. I've never been on top of a boy. "Definitely..." he whispered with his deep voice. His blue eyes were literally shining. Then I remembered my phone.. I slowly got off him and turned it on. I opened it and my jaw dropped... I wanted to throw up because I forgot to tell them where I was and that I wouldn't come back home. 30 calls from dad, 25 from mom and 9 from Moon. My heart stopped. They were going to kill me. I was dead. My stomach dropped and the anxiety was enough to make me run away instead of go back home. As I looked around I realized that it was dark outside. I started shaking with the thought of how I was going to die after going back home. I've never been so scared of my family before because I knew what I've done. I stood up very quickly and put my shoes on. I took them off earlier when we started to cuddle and because the carpet was so fluffy but now I needed to hurry and get my ass back home. This time they were really right.. this time they had the right to kill me.. I was still grounded, I couldn't imagine how angry dad was.. I didn't want to imagine it because it made me feel like I couldn't breathe. "I need to go!" I said panicking with shaking hands and he stood up too. First he yawned and rubbed his eyes but then it hit him too. "Wait... what time is it?" he asked eyes widened. When I looked at the time on my screen I wanted to scream.. "Oh my god! It's 2am! Dean they're going to kill me!" I said with a shaking voice. I was about to cry and I wished that I could beam myself back home.. I didn't want this beautiful time to end. I didn't want anything to end, especially not like this.. I wasn't regretting the time we spent together, I was just scared because I disappeared again without telling anyone. I was so stupid.. "Okay.. uh.." he tried to get himself back together and looked around. He froze when he saw the car keys on the table. His face changed slowly like he just realized something.. I guessed that he was confused because he just woke up and he was asking himself which one of the keys he should take. Well I hoped that it would be like this because I needed to go back as fast as I could. Dean He was here... they were here... they saw us.. and her. His keys... My heart stopped. I stopped breathing and the air around me tensed. I could barely concentrate. MY blood was boiling and I was asking myself were they were hiding. "Let me drive you home." I said totally nervous and grabbed my keys very angrily. She put her jacket on and I could see that she wanted to resist or say something else but I didn't give her enough time. I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door totally nervously.. I needed to get her out of here as fast as I could.. My heart was about to explode. Dad was dynamite and he was close to blow this house up. I could feel it and I didn't want them to be in the same house.. We both turned around when we heard them walking in.. my heart was racing so fast that I almost got a heart attack. "No.." I whispered. I felt like it was too late.. I wasn't afraid of him doing something to me next to her.. I was more afraid of him hurting her instead of me.. but I knew that he loved her too much to hurt her. "Dean.." he looked surprised and happy but that was all fake... he was never happy to see me. She was standing a step behind me.. next to me. "You must be Sun.." he said smiling and in that moment I hated him more than ever. His voice was soft.. his eyes were shining. The way he smiled.. so painful.. so creepy. My hands started shaking. I wanted to punch him. Imagining how he stared at her while she was sleeping... I knew him too well. I started breathing heavier.. faster.. more impatient. She took a step forward. "Yes I am.." she was smiling although she just woke up, almost got a heart attack and panicked... she was too polite to say that she needed to leave.. she was going to take her time instead of being disrespectful. He walked towards us and came closer. I started panicking.. As he reached his hand out to greet her I grabbed her other hand out of reflex and interlocked it with mine. I wanted to pull her away from him but I couldn't. I didn't want things to escalate while she was here. I didn't want her to touch him.. I didn't want them to be in the same place. She looked up at me a little confused. He kept smiling because he was focusing on her. Of course he was happy that she was here. I hated myself and regretted immediately that I called her and made her one here. She shook his hand and I wanted to explode.. "I'm Kingston... Dean's father.." he said very proudly like he won something and I wanted to burn him alive. I hated to hear it.. that he was my father.. that he needed to say it. "Nice to meet you Mr. Collins! I'm Dean's..." she didn't continue her sentence. She froze. She looked at me with her big eyes and I looked at her... I've never been more overwhelmed and confused.. I guess she wasn't sure what we were... neither was I. "Girlfriend.." I continued her sentence and I saw how her eyes started shining. She smiled totally emotionally. It was a huge thing.. like it was for me.. I said that she's my girlfriend.. I never had a girlfriend.. no one who meant something to me. All I did was f*****g girls and telling them to f**k off.. but I never went this far. It was kinda official... "You can call me Kingston.." he said still shaking her hand and getting me out of my damn thoughts.. "Okay, good we need to rush! I'm going to drive Sun back home!" I said already pulling her to the front door. I was still nervous and tried to be as quick as I could. I knew she would've never been disrespectful enough to tell him that she needed to leave just after she got to know him. She turned around and waved just like he did it. "Be safe and I hope you can stay for dinner or breakfast next time!" he was talking way too much. Like he could've just said 'I'm a freak that's in love with you and your mother and I'm planning to make you mine because I'm even in love with your organs, so I can hurt you with using my adopted son who I hurt everyday as well.'. I was so embarrassed and annoyed.. I just wanted to puke but she chuckled... "Your dad is so nice! He seems like a very positive person!" she said smiling at me while we got in the car. If she would've only known how psychotic he was.. and how negative he was. I drove her back home as fast as I could without saying anything about my dad.. I went ogg in my thoughts again. I didn't said a word. A few minutes passed. "Are you sure that you feel better?" she asked me. She was still thinking about me while she was the one who was in trouble.. To be honest I wasn't even sure if I felt better. I mean I knew they were going to meet one day but that... I didn't expect it to happen so fast. I thought I could get her out before they would come back. I didn't expect it to be like this.. I couldn't get it out of my head.. how excited he was because of her. "Yes now stop asking me." I said driving faster than I should and keeping my eyes on the road. She leaned back. I got a messages I grabbed my phone. I knew it was dangerous to check my phone while I was driving but that was no problem for me.. It was dad.. 'If you have any feelings for her I'll kill you..« I sighed. What was he expecting? That she would fall in love with me, I could get her and then he would kill me and she would run in his arms? Did he think she would fall in love with him instead of me while she was spending time with me? That sounded so stupid. It was stupid. Then I got another message.. 'I saw the way you held her.' I got so mad that I wanted to throw my phone out of the window. I clenched my jaw and my fists... I was sleeping, how in the world should I control what I'm doing? "Dean are you sure that everything is alright?" she saw how much I clenched my jaw and how tight I gripped the wheel. She was worrying.. "YES SUN!" my voice came out louder than I wanted it... I hated it. I hated myself.. That I let my anger out on her every damn time while it was the last thing that she deserved. She was there for me all day. She did everything for me, was so patient and calm, she took care of me like a mom that I never had and I screamed at her again instead of thanking her like a normal human being. That was too much. She sighed. "Well I guess the old Dean is back.. or let me say the real Dean.."
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