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Moon She looked really shy. I knew that she was scared of me and it was good like this. She should just stay away from me. "I actually.. wanted o apologize for what happened yesterday." She pulled her sleeves down and as she did that I saw the blue and purple marks on her wrists.. I raised my eyebrow and this all started getting a little more interesting for me. "I really didn't want to make you angry or something.. it really wasn't on purpose.." she couldn't look in my eyes but she wanted to convince me. She must've thought that I was still mad and would make a big deal out of it all but I already didn't care anymore. It was the last thing I thought of. She was really weird... "Uhm.. Okay. It's no big deal so.. leave me alone now." I said and she looked into my eyes. I got goosebumps for a second. See seemed really sad and turned back around and I realized how thick she was.. Although she was hot, the way she was acting was extremely weird so that was turning me off. Just as I wanted to look at my phone again I saw a guy rushing in. He was out of breath and seemed irritated. He seemed older.. and a little messy.. weird and aggressive. He was tall and definitely not from this school. I furrowed my eyebrows when he made eye contact with me but he seemed as if he was looking for someone else... and when he found her.. he furrowed his eyebrows.. "Finally.. I found you.." he said with a very deep and angry voice. He clenched his jaw.. he was shaking. I was confused. Maybe it was her brother or someone else she knew.. but it didn't really seem like that because she seemed nervous as hell. Like she was going to have an anxiety attack.. she started hyperventilating. "I..-I.." she was stuttering and started walking backwards when he walked towards her. "Oh Skylar.. did you really think you could run away from me?" he said with furrowed eyebrows.. his face seemed so filthy and mean.. like really mean.. and I could see that he was a freak.. I slowly stood up knowing that she definitely didn't want him to be here. I didn't get anything but I knew that something was going really wrong. Actually I didn't wanted to have anything to do with that but she looked so scared and she was almost crying. I could see how she was shaking and I thought he was going to assault her or something. "Please leave.. not here.." she said with a broken voice. Suddenly she seemed so weak and vulnerable... "You need to leave me alone.. it's over.. please understand that." she whispered but I still heard her. And the I realized that he was her ex boyfriend. I was completely irritated and shocked. How could someone like her be dating someone like him? Someone harsh and disgusting like him? He was definitely harassing and making her feel uncomfortable. He probably forced her to date him or she was too blind to see what an asshole he was. He approached her quickly and grabbed her wrist.. "Nothing is over! You're coming back with me and you won't go anywhere! Not this time.." he said through his teeth, getting louder. I was trying to understand what was really going on before I would make a move. Before I would make sure that it was worth to get involved. "I-I don't w-want to... you're not the same anymore please-.." I watched them and she couldn't continue her sentence because his grip tightened. She screamed. "You're hurting me!" she screamed and I walked towards not noticing that I was already breathing heavily.. I pushed him away as soon as I reached him. He let her wrist go and looked at me totally shocked like he forgot about my existence. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and gave him a death stare.. My blood was boiling. No girl deserved that. I didn't know her past or what they have done together but no girl deserved this. Maybe he was the reason why she had to switch schools and that bastard found her so quickly.. he definitely had issues.. "She told you to leave." I said very coldly with my deep voice. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.. "Who the f**k are you?" he asked raising his voice even more.. Then he turned back to her. "IS HE YOUR NEW LOVER" he screamed at her but pointed at me. She flinched and I almost went crazy.. guys who were treating women like this.. were making me crazy. She started crying breathing so fast that I thought she was really going to have an anxiety attack or she was going to faint. "YOU LITTLE SLUT!" he screamed and all of sudden he raised his hand to slap her but I grabbed his wrist and put his hand down. He was really going to hurt her.. he was really going to slap her.. as if his words weren't enough. As if his appearance wasn't enough. I was going to kill him.. I finally understood why she was acting so weird. She was terrified. He scared her. She was terrified of him and me.. of all the other guys who were mean and cold. I just couldn't hold myself back and finally I could use what my dad taught me all the time. I hit my head so hard against his that he tripped and right after that, I punched him into his face. I've never enjoyed something so much... She screamed and told me to stop but I couldn't. "WHO IN THE WORLD DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" he screamed at me but I just laughed and gave him an uppercut. He wanted to punch me but he didn't know that I got lessons from a pro. Skylar I was crying and totally scared.. My hands were shaking and I didn't know what to do.. Moon was fighting with him and when Liam pushed him away I literally saw Moon's blood boiling. His hair fell on his forehead and he was breathing very fast.. I knew that he was one of the cold guys.. but I didn't think he would get this angry... Liam was my ex boyfriend.. he has always been screaming at me, hurting me.. hitting me and cheating on me... As I told him that I would break up with him he just laughed and told me he would never let me go anywhere. I ran away from him, so far away from him but he found me.. Suddenly Moon ran towards him. He almost threw him over his shoulder like a bull and threw him on the table. The table broke and I could see that Moon's nose was bleeding. I didn't even realize how much I missed... I was overwhelm and anxious. I grabbed his arm and begged him to stop. "Please Moon.. Stop! It'll make everything worse!" I begged him because I knew Liam very well and I just wanted him to disappear. He looked at me and clenched his jaw. Then he grabbed y wrist and said "Skylar get our of here. Now.". He looked deep into my eyes and he was so serious that I did what he said... Moon I could finally get my anger out on someone. I didn't even realize for how log I've been needing this... breaking his face felt so good. But sadly just after she left, a teacher walked in because he heard the noises and as he saw us his jaw dropped. "MOON DOLAN!" he screamed and I looked at the guy beneath me who had a bleeding face and punched him a last time. His face was totally destroyed and I finally felt better than before. I really needed this.. I looked at the teacher and he screamed at me. "TO THE PRINCIPAL! NOW!" That made me even more angry. "WHY ME? I MEAN LOOK AT HIM! HE'S NOT EVEN GOING TO THIS SCHOOL!" I screamed back not minding that it was a teacher. He looked at him and then at me. "Moon.. now!" Sun "I wish we could just escape from school.." I said as he made me turn around like a ballerina.. he smiled and pulled me closer.. I felt like we were standing on a cloud.. so fluffy and soft.. And I asked myself how I could be so comfortable and open with him. I was questioning it all because he wanted to make me fall in love with him but he didn't even tell me why. He was acting so weird but so attractive and lovely.. but still like a player. I wanted to get to know him and he was right.. I needed to stop counting the days.. It was like a dream. Everything seemed so easy... "We can.. I'll just 'kidnap' you like yesterday." he said holding both of my hands.. I rolled my eyes. "But I can't... I'm grounded.." I admitted and he looked at me eyes wide open. "For how long?"he asked and I bit my lower lip a little embarrassed. "One month..." I answered and his jaw dropped. Suddenly he laughed and I sighed again. "Because of me?" he asked totally amused. I could see that he liked it. That was so mean. I looked at the ground. I didn't want to tell him that it was because of him and how strict my dad was.. "No.." I slowly turned around and felt his arms around me immediately. He pulled me closer and leaned his chin on my shoulder. His raspy voice in my ear gave me goosebumps... "You still can't lie to me. I only want you to know that I'm trouble in person..." he said and his words were really true.. I looked at him. "I know that..." I said and realized that that was one of the reasons why I liked him. He smiled and kissed my cheek. His grip tightened and I almost gasped.. his hands on my waist made me melt.. I bit my lower lip again and smiled. "If you can't come with me.. I'll come with you.." Moon I was sitting in the principals office right in front of him, very pissed. "Well.. I knew you were troubled but.. you need to stop fighting Moon.. it's not working like that." he said totally serious and my jaw dropped. I was hearing this for the hundredth time and it was boring but this time it was my right. "But he literally wanted to h-" he cut me off , totally angry.. "I don't care! We'll handle that with him. You need to stop being so aggressive." I couldn't believe my ears. "Goddamn I'm not aggressive!" I said hitting the table a little too harsh. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Okay maybe a little bit." I added and he took a deep breath. "I have to call your parents." I leaned back. "Come one. Do it." I laughed and he looked disappointed but I didn't care.
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