Chapter xxi. I See My Way.

2217 Words

Chapter xxi. I See My Way. In the gray light of the new morning I closed the Report of my husband’s Trial for the Murder of his first Wife. No sense of fatigue overpowered me. I had no wish, after my long hours of reading and thinking, to lie down and sleep. It was strange, but it was so. I felt as if I had slept, and had now just awakened — a new woman, with a new mind. I could now at last understand Eustace’s desertion of me. To a man of his refinement it would have been a martyrdom to meet his wife after she had read the things published of him to all the world in the Report. I felt that as he would have felt it. At the same time I thought he might have trusted Me to make amends to him for the martyrdom, and might have come back. Perhaps it might yet end in his coming back. In the me

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