Chapter xii. The Scotch Verdict.

2224 Words

Chapter xii. The Scotch Verdict. We walked to the far end of the hall. Major Fitz–David opened the door of a long, narrow room built out at the back of the house as a smoking-room, and extending along one side of the courtyard as far as the stable wall. My husband was alone in the room, seated at the further end of it, near the fire-place. He started to his feet and faced me in silence as I entered. The Major softly closed the door on us and retired. Eustace never stirred a step to meet me. I ran to him, and threw my arms round his neck and kissed him. The embrace was not returned; the kiss was not returned. He passively submitted — nothing more. “Eustace!” I said, “I never loved you more dearly than I love you at this moment! I never felt for you as I feel for you now!” He released hi

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