chapter 2

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Mayra's p.o.v Graduation Day Last night I told my parents everything. I could tell they were disappointed, but they never said anything to make me feel bad. I also didn't want to wait and keep this secret. The sooner I tell them and get it over eith the better, I mean eventually my stomach will begin to show and then what? "We will be here to help you every step of the way" Mom said. Dad just walked out of the house, got in his truck and left. I haven't been able to tell Omar, but I am hoping I can do so today. I get ready and mom says dad will meet us at the school so I grab my cap and gown and we take off to my graduation. I look around for my parents once the ceremony is over and I see Omar walking towards me. He is alone, this is the perfect opportunity, because I doubt I can get him alone any other time and I don't want to tell him through a text message. "Hey" I say. He smiles. "Hey babygirl" My stomach flips, but for some reason it doesn't feel like a good flip. Not like an I love you so much that when you talk or even look at me I melt, no it feels Like a dreadful flip. "Omar, I know I don't have much time, but I need to tell you that I found out I'm pregnant" I tell him quickly. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Omar, hubby" I hear Julia yell behind me. She runs up to us and pushes me with her shoulder and grabs him and brings him down to her to kiss him. A tear escapes my eye and I quickly wipe it away. Omar's eyes are still on me, but I turn around and walk away. He didn't even say anything. I walk around until I find my parents. "Hey girl. I am having a party at my house if you want to come. Everyone will be there" Ania tells me. "Sorry dear, we are having a private family dinner for Mayra tonight. Maybe another night" mom tells her and gives her a hug. I follow my mom to the car and we go back home. I sit in the backyard while dad starts the bbq and I can't help it. I just start crying. I can't believe this is happening to me. My phone dings. "I want to be there for you and our baby" Omar texts me. I wipe my face. "What about your wife?" I reply. "She doesn't have to know. Meet me at the Di Marco hotel on 5th Ave. Room 212 in 30 minutes" he texts me "Okay" I respond. This is good. He wants to be there for our baby. I go inside. "Mom, can I borrow your car. I want to go walk around the thrift store for a bit. I will be back before dinner. I will even pick up a cake for dessert" I tell her, lying just to get to Omar to see what we are going to do. "Yes dear, here is some money" she says handing me a $100 bill. "Be back by 7, that's the time dinner starts." she says and I give her a kiss on the cheek and hurry out. I get to the hotel. I park and get off and walk towards the entrance. I see Omar's car parked as I make my way inside. He is already here. I take the elevator and make my way to room 212. This place is beautiful. The name Di Marco is printed on the floor and ther are beautiful pictures and sculptures of wolves all over the hallways. This place is amazing. I knock on the door and Omar opens it and pulls me inside. Right away he attacks my lips. "Fùck babygirl, I have missed you, your lips, your body." he tells me as he explores me. "Omar, we have to talk" I tell him. "After, let me just get a taste." he says. I give in and we end up having sèx. Once we are done, we are putting on our clothes when he finally speaks. "You aren't getting rid of it right babygirl?" he asks. I shake my head. "I can't" I tell him. He smiles brightly. "I am staying at home and going to the local college. I already got a job. There's a man who hired Tucker and I at his construction company. He is going to teach us and Tucker and I want to eventually open our own company, but we have to start somewhere. I can't tell my family that you are pregnant though." he says and my face drops. I realize I will be doing this alone. "Hey, hey. I will be there for you as much as I can okay. You let me know about your appointments, keep me updated on everything and when you give birth, I will be there. I will try my best. We can meet here as much as we want. Julia can't find out though okay, that is the deal. If she finds out then I won't be able to see you or our baby and you wouldn't want that would you?" he asks me. I suddenly feel guilty. This is so wrong. What have I done? I might not like Julia, but they are married now. "Of course I don't want that to happen." I shake my head. I want him to be in our baby's life. "I love you and our baby" he says and kisses me. "You going to the party?" he asks me and I shake my head. "No, we are having guests over the house" I tell him. "No other guys right?" he asks. His jealousy showing. I decide to tease him. "I don't know, mom invited some of the neighors. I think the Wellington's are coming with Jacob." I tell him. "I hate that little shìt. The way he looks at you like he wants to eat you." he says and I just laugh. "I have to go" I say. "text me if you need anything" he tells me and kisses me again. "I love you both" he says and I just nod. My heart knowing the truth. This man does not love me and just used me for sèx once again. I am so weak, but never again. I return home with a tres leches cake. It is my favorite flavor. I place it in the fridge and go out to the backyard. The neighbor is already here. "Mayra, come over here" mom waves at me. "Chris here has some great news" she says. "Well, Adam and I just found out that we are expecting" she says and I smile. She is younger than mom. She looks just a couple years older than me actually. I think she is like 20 or 21. Her and her husband got married very young. They have been in love with eachother since they were kids and his family doesn't like her or accept her because she doesn't come from a wealthy family. His family doesn't think she is good enough for him so he married her and they moved to our small town. They both seem so happy and in love. I hope they prove everyone wrong. I hope one day Omar opens his eyes and looks at me the way Adam looks at Chris, but deep in my heart I know he doesn't love me, no matter how much I try to tell myself otherwise. I am not even sure if I love him. Maybe it was just a stupid puppy love and now I am over it since I am seeing his true colors. Too bad that now I am pregnant and stuck in this messed up situation. One thing I do know is I can't keep having sèx with him. I will let him be in our baby's life, but not mine.
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