13. Leaving home

1051 Words

-Mel P. O. V.- I returned to my cottage and began to think. What could I do?! My Mother made it very clear that she won't allow any man to stay in this tribe, not even her own grandson. So my only option if I don't want to lose my child is to run away. But where should I go? I have no money and no real knowledge of the outside world. 'Mate' - whispered my wolf. She was very quiet lately, so her weak voice scared me a bit. 'Are you alright? Is the baby ok?' - I asked her, a little panicked. 'Pup is fine, I'm keeping him safe. Go to our Mate.' - said that she cut our link. Is that even an option? Would Christopher be pleased to see me after two months? No, probably not. But it's his child. If I have to give him to someone, my boy should be with his family. Besides Christopher seemed

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