14. Guess who I've found 

1013 Words

-Cece P. O. V.- I couldn't believe my own eyes. There she was standing in front of me, looking at me as if she knew me. I recognized her immediately because her picture was the one that Chris showed me a thousand times in the last two months. She looked hurt and conflicted and most of all ready to run away from me. I must thank Keith for his overprotectiveness, because if it wasn't for him Seth, our Pack gamma wouldn't be with us when Rea pled to go get some cookies for uncle Chris. I asked him to grab her, so she wouldn't disappear on my brother once again, and he managed to get her just in time. She was struggling to release herself from Seth's grip, but it was no use. His iron hold kept her in place, well maybe a little too firm as she fainted. Seth put her in our SUV, I in the m

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