15. It's really you!

1340 Words

- Chris P. O. V.- I stood there with my mouth open, looking like a complete fool. She was here, a bit dirty and visibly tired, but to me she still looked like the most beautiful woman in the world. "It's really you?! Where were you?" She looked conflicted. "I'm really here. Let's sit down and talk. I have a lot of explaining to do." I just nodded and showed her to the couch where we both sat and waited for her to start. "Your sister found me in the town, I was looking for you. But you have probably a lot of questions so best if I start from the beginning. My name is Melanpe Black, but everyone calls me Mel. I come from the tribe called Moon Goddess Daughters. Our community is hidden from the outside world, that's why you couldn't find me. In my tribe lives only women, we follow

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