Chapter 2

1005 Words
"I am Ms. Rape. " At the sound of her name, everyone in class stops talking and stares at her wide-eyed. "You will respect my classroom, and I will respect you back. I know Physics isn't everyone's favorite subject, but your gonna have to deal with it." Know that I know her name, I am very wary to ever be left alone in a room with her. "You all look comfortable in your seats that you've chosen." Everyone collectively nods their heads. "Well sorry, to tell you, but I have assigned seats for you all." Everyone groans. Going up to the board I see that Jacky and I are sitting together and we do our signature handshake while sitting. "Allena, your stepfather was sure to tell all the teachers that you two should be sitting together. You have him to thank for this." "Okay." How more embarrassing can things get! My step dad going to my teachers and telling them to put Jacky and me together. That Is low, for all I know this is another way for him to bribe me to like him. "Felisha still seems to have her dark eyes on me". "I see her. How many classes do you think you'll have with her?" "I hope the only homeroom, knowing her the instant she gets me alone, I'm dead". The rest of the period goes off without a hitch, until... "Allena, I need you to stay after class." Really, are u f*****g kidding me? "OK Ms. Rape" While doing my work I try to figure out what could I have done in the forty-five minutes for me to have to stay after class? "You gonna be okay without me?" " I think so." "Okay. See you at lunch". I watch Jacky walk away as the bell rings. "You said that you wanted to see me Ms. Rape." "Would you mind looking after someone for me. It's a close family friend of mine's son. He just moved here and doesn't really know anybody. I know it's a lot to ask for you kids and your so called social life but if you do this I'll give you extra credit on any assignment or test grade that you get a low score on." Free extra credit and all I have to do is make friends, Sign me up "Sure, I like making friends. Does he have a name." I could tell that she was genuinely happy that I had said yes. "His name is Fate." Mysterious, I like it. "That's a pretty name. I'd be happy to be a welcoming face. What does he have now?" "Right now I believe he has the gym." "I have that class right now before I go, though, could you write me a pass? Don't really feel like being stopped in the hallway." "Certainly." After a while, she writes the pass and I am sent on my merry way toward the gymnasium. The hallways are so silent that it feels as if I'm the only person in the school right now. I've always hated walking around alone in hallways. Ever since reading The Sorcerer's Stone I feel as if a troll gonna come out of nowhere and smash me into pudding. If it can happen to Hermione, it can happen to anyone. Just as my paranoia was starting to calm down I start hearing footsteps coming up behind me. Oh god, don't let this be like taken. I don't have anything those boys would want, I barely have boobs or an ass! "Allena, what are you doing out in the hallway?" It's step-douche, the bane of my existence, the c*m-shot that should've been swallowed. "Hello, James." "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" "If you would open your eyes, you would see that I have a pass right here in my hands from Ms. Rape, and you guys did a thorough background check on her right? Cause with a name like hers and all." "Allena that is rude." "It's also rude to barge into someone's life and decide you can take over but you've already done that." "Why won't you just help us make this work. You're the only person who's against your mother's and I marriage, it's been three years." "I'm not gonna talk about this with you right now. I'm gonna go to class before I'm forced to run extra laps, now good day sir." I turn on my heels and walk away from him, getting faster with every step taken. "Allena,-" "I said good day!" Who the hell does he think he is. He's not my dad, always wanting me to f*****g treat like like I came from his ball-sack, f*****g Casper is your twin looking ass. Just as I was about to continue with my rant, right when I am about to open the door to the gymnasium, the floor decides to fall in. Now I am a very skinny person. You could use my arms as a pool noodle if you wanted to. As I try to maneuver my foot out it gets worse and I go deeper in, with half of my body now on the floor. This is turning into the worst day of my life. This could not get any wor- "Allena sweetie it's so nice to see you!" What's the worse that can happen if nuke the universe? Felicia stands in front of me with a red light blaring on her phone. At least I'll be internet famous by the time this is over, they might make a vine out of me, or a meme, maybe even a dank meme. "Felicia, do you think you could lend me a hand." "Only on one condition." "What's that?" "You promise me that by the next day you will break up with Adam." "Your joking right?" Her face told me she was not. "If this is the case, then I'm just gonna stay here." "Suit yourself." With that, she walks away leaving me in a hole by the door. Fucking bitch
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