
Little Do I Know ( Completed)


The nerve of this guy I mean he won't just leave. Adam is mine. I can feel my wolf coming to the surface and I shift charging for him. He sees me and smiles as if he welcomes the challenge and shifts to charging at me. He strikes and I dodge before I have time to recover he bites my leg and growls telling me to surrender I do for my babies. He turns from my body and howls as if in triumph, that's when I bare my canines and bit him in the neck. Next, thing you know I can read his mind and I realized what I did...................................................................

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Chapter 1
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up in the middle of surgery? I mean, would wake and see them cutting your stomach open and being able to go like "So that's what I had for lunch." "Allena you're talking to yourself again, get up please. Don't want to miss your first day of school." I hear my mothers feet go way from the door and I snuggle back down into my covers, dreading the fact that I must know get up to enter Satan's Playground or as normal people call it, Prison "BANG!" The sound of a metal spoon hitting a pan very close to my ears causes my insticnt to punch the air kicks in. It finds purchase on human flesh and the crack that echoes in the air as I look up and see Bella with a bloody nose. "Hey shh, you're okay, you're okay, please don't start crying." And just like that there are waterfalls coming from her eyeballs. These shed water for a good five miutes before my brain cannot take any more. "That's it, shut up or I'm putting Mr.Snuggles into the blender and he's getting pureed." Even more crying "GOD DAMNIT, THAT'S IT. GET UP RIGHT NOW OR I AM CHANGING THE WIFI PASSWORD!" With those fifteen magic words, my body flings from the bed going staright towards my closet. It's always like this, every single morning my mom and my little sister. If it not one thing it's the other thing. "Where's my blanket" "I don't know sweetie. Let mommy get you another one until we can find it." "I want it now now now now now now now now n-" And mom always gives her what she wants, don't blame her I'd give her anything just to shut her up. Bella's like a freight horn that gets louder and louder as each minute passes when she doesn't get what she wants. She was born loud, literally. When she was born she was the loudest baby on the hospital floor. I don't know what happened to her or what her problem is but I hope she gets out of it soon. "Hey sis. You know where my soccer Jersey is?" "No, maybe if you put your clothes in the right place, you would be able to find it. You ever think of that?" "You may be right Allena, but who's got time for that. See ya down stairs, and mom says you got twenty minutes to get down stairs or your gonna have to ride the bus to school". That was my twin brother Allen, star of the house. All-star soccer and football player, Straight- A student, apart of evry single club, Homecoming King. Just about every good thing you can think of. Looking in my closet I try to look for something to wear in my clisterd and disorganized closet.I would just wear swaepants but I know mom will say 'Your not trying hard enough' then i'll get an entire conversation about having pride in my appearance. So I picked out an outfit that says 'f**k with me at your own risk'. "Get down here now, your brothers ready to go, and I don't think there is time for you to eat breakfast." I ran down the stairs as fast I could before mom went on another rampage. When she starts she does not stop, she will continue and continue till you reach the point where you want to duct tape her mouth. "Look at your hair! I love you outfit but look at your hair." "We all know, there's really nothing you can do with my hair". "Your brother is waiting for you outside in the car". She gives me the look that says, we'll talk about this later and I internally grown. "Wait, James already left for work, and your car is getting fixed, what car is Allen in?" Mom pushes me outside without another word and to my surprise. Lo and behold, Adam Green, the guy i've had a crush on for years and my brothers best friend, has decieded to grace us with his presnece. As I walked to the car I can see my brothers huge grin on his face. Karma's gonna be a b***h, I just know it. "Hey sis, what took you so long". He is enjoying this way too much. I get in Adam's car ignoring him and trying my hardest to make myself disappear into the seat. I don't exist, I don't exsist, I don't exsist, I don't exsist, I do- "Hey Lena, is that a new hairdo I'm liking it". Why universe, just for one day, work with me. "Hi Adam, this is not a new hairdo it's just a mess". "I know that Lena, I just didn't want to make you feel bad. You still look good. Your one of those few girls that don't make fuss about their appearance. It's a good thing, it means you're a self centered bitch." All I could do is smile. "Are you two done, cause I would like to get to school on time, We got a soccer meeting this morning before first hour". Adam starts his car and we're off to school. While driving my brother and Adam went into their own little conversation, leaving me to myself. I put in my ears and the sountrack of the masterpiece that is Hamilton begins to play, the only good thing to come out of this century was this show. Every now and then I see Adam look up into his rear view mirror, look at me and smile. Almost certain that I am hallucinating I smile back but ignore it just as "Satisfied" plays and I go into full fangirl mode, singing along and everything. To my surprise they sang along and Adam even rapped. It was a great ride. By the time this was all over we had pulled into the student parking area of Little Creek High School and we parked. Adam usually parks where I like to call the 'you can't sit with us 'area. Most of the athletic and popular kids that have cars or trucks park here. This is a place I don't belong. I get out of the car and fast walk to get the heck out of the parking lot,that is when in what my honest opinion, an android from the futre programmed to come and destroy all forms of happiness bumps into me. "Watch where you're going, oh look who It is. It's little Allena. What are you doing here, this isn't usually your area". "One: I'm not little were the exact same age. Two: I was just going to go meet my friend on the other side of school. Three: I didn't mean to bump into you. Four: Even if I am not usually around here it is public property and is free for anyone to walk around on" "You tell yourself that Allena, but you don't belong here and you know it. You belong with the rest of the nobodies and the outcasts." "Leave lena alone. Don't you have someone else's life to screw with." "Oh Adam, always coming to little Lena's rescue huh. When you want to rescue a true woman give me a call." "In your dreams sunshine." "You say that now Adam but we all know that you've always wanted me, even when I was with Allen." "I haven't wanted you at all much less any girl, even if I did you're not my type. Why would I want a girl who goes around thinking she's all that and thinks she can get away with cheating on my best friend? Walk away b***h cause there's nothing really special about you. Your just a girl, who thinks too much of herself. And one day that's gonna come and bite you in the ass one day. " With that Felisha walks away, to where my brother's at with his friends. " You okay" "Yea, that was something. Thanks Adam you know you didn't have to do that. Sorry for all the trouble." "There was no trouble at all. We're all friends here and I knew you would do the same for me. I like you and always have so-" The words seem to be a blur as I try to wrap my head around what Adam had just said. It was as if I was learning english for the first time and thsoe connection of words just didn't reach my ears in time. "Y- you like me?" "Course I do. Here wear this over your hair, I don't think you want to walk around with your hair like that and your hoody over your head. You know we can't wear hoodies in school." "I thought you liked my hair like this?" "I do, but others don't know originality when they see it." It was chilly outside and I realized that while I was rushing to get out of the house I also forgot my jacket, so I shivered. "Are you cold?" "I'll be fine". "Here wear my jacket". Adam Green was taking off his jacket and giving it to me to wear.I am wearing his jacket and hat, at the same time. I think I might just faint. People were staring to stare at the whole ordeal. Adam saw this and just laughed. "To think I believed people had better things to do". "Yea, nothing is really going on, it's just a jacket." " Well it' s not just a jacket, I've never given anyone my jacket before. If I do its only to someone I like." I think i'm gonna hurl. Is this really happening Adam Green my long time crush liking me. Am I being punked, I feel like i'm being punked. "Lena, I know you've liked me for awhile and I do too, I can't wait anymore." "How long did you know I liked you?" "Since I started calling you 'Lena'. I thought you would catch on.So Lena Blackwell, will you go out with me. " "You don't even have to ask." This must be what Rapunzel felt like when she finally left her tower. I feel like I could literally grow wings at any given moment. "Yo, Adam come over here." "Looks your friends are calling you." "I better go, remember to meet back here after school. I'm taking you and your brother home." "O-ok." Adam Green leans down kisses me on the cheek. "I've always liked your eyes." "But they're just a dull brown." "I know but there's something about your dull ones that make them seem more bright and full." He puts his forehead on mine and for a brief moment time seemed to have stopped. "Hey I got to go ,but I'll see you later, k?" "ok." At the corner of my eye I see Felisha looking at me with hatred. That's when I realized that this whole thing played out in front of everyone. Now before I even reach to lunch people will know that Adam and I are thing. Even before I have time to wrap my head around the whole thing. Also, people who never ever talked to me before are gonna want to know. Felisha and her friends are gonna give hell with this. Not to mention my brother who is gonna be all in this due to Adam being his best friend. I bet you Allen knew about this long before and kept it a secret, I bet he did. I need Jacky!!! I reach into my pocket and take out my phone and texted Jacky. Jacky, you missed the weirdest thing. What ? You know Adam right? Nope, have no idea who that is, describe him for me. This is serious, he kissed me. WHAT!!? And we're dating. Your what, you mean the Adam Green, hot guy who no one was good enough for. Your brothers best friend and all time guy you've had a crush on for years, Adam? Yeah! That Adam! How did this happen I want details, nothing left out. We need to go over every clue and see if this is right, and make an action plan. The action plan is a plan for what your gonna do so there are no unexpected surprises! You need an action plan for how your gonna deal with Felisha. Knowing her, she's in her cave, making plans to bring you down for all we know. his whole you and Adam thing is a big deal, more bigger than your brother and Felisha's break up over the summer. Yea. I get ya. She's gonna stop at nothing to get rid of me. I don't know what I ever did to her, we all used to be cool. I guess it's because I told my brother about the whole cheating thing. What was I supposed to do? I knew something was up, he's my brother and he deserved better. You had all the right to tell your brother. If you were in that same situation, I'm sure your brother would have went and told you too. And Felisha deserved it no matter what people say. He deserves a girl who won't cheat on him, love him unconditionally. Your just saying that cause you have a huge crush on my brother. There's nothing wrong with that. Ttyl see you in class bells about to ring and I wanna get to class early so I can get the seat I want. I'll save you one beside me. Yeah, see you in homeroom. To think I thought this school year would suck. This is gonna be the greatest year ever, I just know it.

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