~Twenty Nine~

2021 Words
Not edited. Will edit in a day. Thank you. Atarah When I reached infirmary, my neck was still aching. I couldn't even look straight. I didn't knew if Ansel felt my pain; because if it did, he didn't comment on it. Neither I did hear from him from the last night's encounter. Did I scare him? Were my thoughts too dark for him? I felt a pinch of pain in my chest. The idea of Ansel not wanting to meet me again, made my heart to clench painfully. My eyes were gazing at the side of the infirmary, my neck felt too stiff to even make any sort of movement. "Miss Atarah, Yuri is the emergency ward, waiting for you......... what happened to you, Miss Atarah?" Bailey said as soon as she lifted her gaze from the file she was carrying. Her eyes were filled with concern and I shook my heard, holding the side of my neck to relieve the pain but I think, I'll need a some stretches to relieve the tension. "I sprained my neck, I think. I whipped my neck too quickly. And Yuri is in the emergency ward? As in the ten year old, who was in the infirmary a few days back because she jumped down from the two storey building?" Bailey nodded her head, pushing the file towards me. "Yeah, the same Yuri. But I think something is really wrong with her, Miss Atarah. This time she has a few broken ribs again and she had always broken her left arm. And I sort of saw some belt marks on her back and thighs— they were fresh. I think she is getting abused. What do you think, should we inform the royal guard about this? She is just ten, too small to endure this pain." Bailey said, rubbing her temples and I nodded my head in agreement. But wasn't she the one to claim that she was an angel? Are angles so weak that they can't stop these abuses? "Is her mother with her?" I asked lowly and Bailey nodded her head, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, she is crying. Like her tears can fool me. I can smell her crocodile tears. I don't smell any pain in her tears. Some mother she has!" Bailey spat angrily and my widened at her anger. I placed my hand on her shoulders as looked at her with my serious gaze. Though, I wasn't looking straight but my gaze was at her. "Calm down. Let me meet Yuri first. Maybe I can get some answers before actually calling the royal guards. Did you atleast give her some pain relief?" I asked wearing my gloves and she shook her head, letting out a sigh. "The girl is more stubborn than I ever was in my whole childhood. She was crying for you. She wouldn't even let us touch her. Doctor Atarah will check me. She kept on chanting. But aren't you in pain? How will you treat her...... like this?" Bailey asked, motioning towards my neck and I let out a sigh, trying to move my neck but no avail. "Once I treat that girl, you treat me, okay? Your physiotherapy works wonder." I said, remembering all the time Bailey helped me in situations such as today. Bailey smiled, nodding her head as she handed me a mask. "Of course. I'll go treat other patients." And with she left for the right wing as I walked straight to the emergency ward where Yuri was lying on her bed with Fuji beside her, cradling her head to her stomach and I almost felt bile rising up my throat at Fuji's fake love. "Doctor Atarah. Thank God, you're here. This little one won't let your colleague treat her and she is in immense pain. Please help her, doctor." Fuji said, looking down at her daughter and my eyes narrowed at the bloodied frame of Yuri. Lord. She looked really bad. Her forehead had blood. Her arm looked out of shape and her knees, they looked scraped. "Holy cow! What happened to her?" I said, rushing to Yuri's side and Fuji was quick to let out a string of tears as she stroked Yuri's head. Something about her affection felt odd. Like really dangerous. Affection should look like an affection, not like she wants to strangle the ten year old. "What do I say, Miss Atarah? Yuri was playing with our neighbors and one of them pushed her really hard off the swing. She fell down and hurt herself terribly. I don't know why she keeps getting these injuries, this breaks my heart, doctor." I looked her warily before forcing a smile on my face, forgetting that my mask was hiding my smile. "Do not worry, Ma'am. Please let me have a look at her injuries. I would really appreciate if you could wait outside while I clean her wounds plaster her broken arm, hm?" I asked politely and she sniffled, nodding her head as she stood up from the bed, stroking Yuri's hair before she went outside, closing the door behind her, making me sigh. "Now, lie down, Yuri. Let me clean your wounds, before they get infected, okay?" I asked but much to my astonishment, she stood up from the bed, walking towards me like she was no longer in pain. She wiped her tears and smiled brightly at me, making me stare at her in horror. She was crying loudly a few seconds before. "Hello, doctor. Don't be scared." Yuri said with a chuckle and I shook my head, looking at with my uncertain eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Weren't you in pain, a few minutes ago? How are you walking now?" I asked and she giggled, shrugging her shoulders. "With my legs? See, like this." She spoke lowly, walking around to show me how she was walking, making me gulp. "Stopping thinking about me, what did you do to yourself? Your neck looks sprained. Must be hurting too, no?" She asked as she walked closer to me. "Hm. Let me treat your injuries first. Please lay down, Yuri." I gently asked her and she frowned, looking up at me with such intense turquoise gaze that it made me wish to bow down to her. The aura surrounding the ten year old was so demanding, so powerful that made me quiver on my spot. "I am the guardian angel here, doctor. And you are my human. I should be the one protecting you. Come, sit down on the bed, doctor. Let me heal your neck sprain, must be hurting you, no?" She asked. Her childlike voice held maturity of an adult. I blinked my eyes, taking a step back from the little girl who claimed to be my guardian angel. "Lie down, Yuri. You can't treat a neck sprain. I'll have Bailey help me with it." I said and she laughed, the one that told me how dumb I was. Like she was aware of the truth, I was oblivious to. But then again, there were so many things, I was unaware about. "Humans are the most weird species, doctor. I am telling you, I can help you with your neck sprain and yet you want to approach that pup! I can heal you, you won't have any pain. And that pup will help you to relieve your pain but not completely." Yuri said, his turquoise eyes staring at me impatiently and I shook my head. "Last time when you jumped down the building, did you hit your head?" I asked softly and she rose her brows, letting out a sigh. "I did but that doesn't matter." "That explains it." I mumbled with a tight smile before I turned to the ten year old, covered with injuries. "I'm am not a lunatic, doctor! I am an angel. Moon Goddess' third daughter to be precise. Now, sit down. I'll prove you by healing your neck." With that she flicked her fingers, jerking her palms up and I was suddenly flying in the air, making a shriek to escape my mouth. What the....... With the next second I was sitting on the sitting on the bed. With her small feet, Yuri walked closer to me, her lips were curled up in an amused smile and I looked at her in horror. She chuckled softly, no malice in her eyes. Just raw amusement. But that didn't mean, it scared me any less. "Don't be scared, little human. Your soulmate is a vampire. Atleast I'm less dangerous than him." She laughed at her own joke before she let out a sigh. "I mean no harm to you. You're like my child. Think of me as your mother's sister?" I snorted at her words. "You're literally ten years old, Yuri. Don't you think, it will a little too awkward to think of a ten year old as a mother of twenty two years old?" Yuri smiled at my question, shaking her head. She gently gripped my palms, making me bit my lips at generous she felt at the moment. Just ...  just like a touch of a mother. "I am in the body of a ten year old. But my soul is older than any number you can imagine, okay? Now relax and close your eyes." The ten year old demanded softly and I couldn't help but comply. It was like my body was obliged to obey her. I felt her small, cold hands moving closer to my neck before I felt something warm pressing against my skin and then the pain vanished. Just like that. I could freely move my neck. It felt like there was no pain, half a minute ago. My eyes jerked open and Yuri smiled at me, sitting beside me and I looked at her with shock. She healed me. "You look astonished, doctor. I told you, I can heal you. You chose to not believe me. I am your guardian angel. Expect me when you are in trouble and I'll be there. Except for the cases where your soulmate is helping you, of course." "I have a question, Yuri." I asked and she laughed, nodding my head, making me look at her with confusion. "If you can heal injuries, why don't you heal your own self? That way, you will not have to bear the pain either? Or does these injuries cause you no pain?" I asked and she looked down at her broken arm before letting out a sigh. "Oh, trust me, doctor, these hurt like hell. Though I never visited hell, but that's not the point. It hurts. But I have high pain tolerance compared to other species. That shall explain why I am crying like you expected me to. Does this answer your questions, doctor? Or do you have more?" I bit my lips. Gosh, she makes me feel so....... small. "Why not heal yourself?" I asked and she again laughed. "Think of this, doctor. You hurt someone physically, to an extent that they break their bones and bleed like they won't survive, won't you get suspicious if they get healed in less than a second?" Oh. "But since you're an angel and Moon Goddess' third daughter, can't you stop these abuses done to you? Why endure them?" I asked and she suddenly went sad. Like a very unpleasant memory flashed in front of her eyes. She shook her head, a sad smile gracing at young face. "Fuji's husband is a demon, doctor. And Fuji was my biggest devotee. Though, her love towards me was fake but I'm a Goddess' daughter, doctor, I had to reward her devotion. And she always wanted me to be closer to her physically. And besides, I just want to know how far can Fuji and her husband can go to hurt a creature. I'm the Karma, doctor. But I only comeback when it's my time. And when I'll get in my original form, no-one would save them from me. Not everything is as simple as you think, doctor. Being a God is a hectic task."
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