who are you ..

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King Kia POV "What did you say?" I asked while getting up from the couch "My king our spice alerted us that Melanie ran away. I hissed in relief and sat back on the couch, she ran away that mean she should be coming back any moment from now. "Get few guards and stand at the boundaries of the Village and wait for her there ". "Yes my king".he stood up and was about going, but I called him back. "Take food and water she might need it" "Yes my lord ".he stood up and left. I relaxed on the couch and smiled at myself. Melanie was indeed wise to escape from such an intelligent and brutal warrior. I stood up from my Chambers and went to the camp where the villagers were camping. They all saw me and fell on the floor. I ordered them to get up and look around to search for the green eye boy. I search around but still couldn't see him "Guard ". I called out "Yes my lord" "Which camp did you drop the boy?" I asked "Over there my king" he pointed a camp to me. I walked to the camp and heard voice from inside. "The king is here ".the guard announced my presence. Quickly the people inside came out. "Greetings my king ".they bow their head to me, I took a better look at them and realized it was Malik's godparents. "Where is Malik?" I asked. "He is inside my king". The man replied "Doing what ?" I asked in curiosity "He is sick my lord".the woman murmured. I did not let those words finish from her mouth before I rush into the hut and saw the green eye's boy laying on the bed shivering despite, so many clothes was put on him. "What is wrong with him ". I asked while taking him in my arms "We don't know my king, he woke up last night crying over his mother, we calm him down and told him she will be back soon, but he wouldn't listen and the nex thing we know he started having fever".the woman spoke in pain. I stood up from the bed with Malik in my arms. Seeing him in such state I became restless and scared and it was so strange. I left the hut and walked back to the palace with my servant and the guard stealing a glimpse of me. "Get me the herbalist". I told my guard He left my side and went for the herbalist. I lay the boy on the bed and stared at him with care and concern ,I touch his head and noticed he was burning with fever. I hissed in frustration and waited for the herbalist. In a few minutes, the herbalist came in "My king you sent for me "he bows his head before me and walked up to me. "Please treat him ". I spoke with fear and panic. "Yes my king " he moved to Malik, touch his head and check his vitals before bringing out things from his bag. He made some mixture and forced it into Malik's mouth and forced him to drink. Malik drank a little portion of it before the herbalist kept back the mixture "He will be fine my king".the herbalist assured me. I nod my head and stared at Malik who was sleeping peacefully. "What was wrong with him ?" I asked "I think he woke up from a bad dream and the dream kept on tormenting him, so when he wakes up, I think you should try to speak to you ". "Thank you ". "Anytime my king " he bows his head and left. I hissed in relief and stared at the boy in my bed. I was getting too attached to this kid, and it scares me, this was another man's child, and yet, I was so bothered like he was my flesh and blood. Melanie POV When the maid brought in the food I kept on asking them questions but none of them gave me a reasonable answer. I eat the food out of hunger before leaving the room. I got out of the room and realized I was in the middle of Bushes and trees. "How did I get here ". I whisper to myself. I search around and could see other four hut just like the one I was in. I walk around in fear and wondered how I got here "You are finally out ". I heard a familiar voice behind me, I turn around and realized it was the man who brought me here. "Where is this place". I asked while staring around "My place of rest ".he muttered out those words and started walking away, "Wait". I murmured those words and walk after him, "Who are you ?" I asked, "You what to know who I am ?" He asked why staring at me. "Yes, I need to know who you are ". I declared nervously. He chuckled softly and kept on walking around but did not say a word. I felt angry and irritated by his attitude that I stood in front of him and folded my arms in anger. "If you don't tell me who you are, I will leave this place ". I spoke angrily "Then leave".he said those words nonchalantly and move away from me, I groaned in anger and kept on walking besides him "If you don't want to say who you are at least tell me where I am, I need to go back home ". I murmured in anger, "Home?" He asked while staring at me with curiosity "Yes home ". I replied firmly "But I thought you were running away from your home ".he asked confused. I hissed and ran my fingers in my hair in Frustration before speaking up, "Where did you find me ". I asked while trying to remember how I got here. "I saw you at the boundaries of a village ".he spoke firmly. Now I remember how I was approaching a village. "Then why didn't you take me to the village instead of bringing me to this place ". I muttered out those words while staring around with fear. He turns and stared at me like he was trying to read through me. "Do you know the people who live in that village?" He asked, "No, but what does it matter ?" I asked, He hissed softly and kept on walking. "You should be glad I found you before they do".he muttered out those words like he meant it. "Why ?" I asked confused "Because they use human sacrifice, they would have used you for sacrifice seeing that you were running from someone". Hearing those words from him, I felt fear and panic run through my blood and I couldn't say a thing, We walk in silence until he spoke up "Who were you running from".he muttered out those words like he wasn't talking to me. "My kidnapper". I murmured He stared at me with wild eyes and disbelief. "You don't look like royalty, why will anyone want to kidnap you"? I hissed and roll my eyes at him before speaking up "We were kidnapped by someone who wanted our king to give a land to him" "Where are the others ".he asked "They're all set free, I was the only one remaining". He turns and stared at me confused "Why did he leave only you ".he asked. "It's a long story, I need to go back home, can you help me ?" I asked almost like a pled "Where are you from "? He asked, "I'm from busan ". I spoke up. "Busan village?" He asked "Yes do you know there ?" "I'm a very good friend with your king actually I'm on my way to the kingdom, but I decided to rest here for a while ".he spoke firmly "You know our king?" "Yes he is a good friend of mine" he expressed those words like he meant what he said I felt happy and at ease when I heard those words from him. "Can you help me ". I begged "You mean by taking you back to your Kingdom".he asked "Yes please, I need to go ". I begged, He stared at me for a while like he was trying to read through me before he spoke up, "I can take you back home, but that will be in three days from now ".
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