pleasant memories

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I have been feeling pains down my abdomen and I decided to keep it to myself . I didn't even tell soli . Few minutes later the emperor was back with one of the palace doctor .he sat down while she examined me, when she was done she asked me to rest and went to the king "The baby shifted from the rightful position" ,that is why she is going through those pains" "Tell me what can be done "he asked looking worried "I will start massaging her for a week, to push the baby back ,don't you worry my king it's not a big problem " The kind nod his head and walk out of the room King Kai POV "Get me some wine" I commanded the maids "Another baby complication. why must my unborn kids suffer for my punishment". I took the wine jar and throw it on the floor. I stood up from the chair and went to Melanie room. When I got there, she was fast asleep. I went there and saw she wasn't covered properly.I covered her properly with the blanket. I was about to leave when a memory flash in my head . I saw Melanie dragging my blanket with me and laughing seriously. That was all I could remember, I look at the sleeping Mélanie and Wonder if she could remember everything that happened that night. Melanie POV I woke up and saw the emperor still by myself "Are you okay " he asked, sounding worried "I'm fine, my king" "Next time don't keep such things away from me, "he commanded. I nod my head and decided to stand up. "Have you gotten any new memory of that night, "he asked "Nothing new, your highness " "Very well then, have some rest, I will be back later tonight" With that, he left my room. Soli came in with some food for me .she told me what was going on in the palace, how the three queens vow to make my life miserable after I give birth. I wasn't scared of myself but my unborn child, I wonder what he or she will go through, when I'm gone. Emperor Kia POV I'm in my chambers but was restless.I wanted to be with Melanie and my unborn child. I left my chambers and walk into her room, not knowing she just took her bath and was naked. When I realized she was naked, I quickly left the room, but before I could leave, she caught me already I left the room with shame. , seeing her naked brought a memory I didn't know I have. I saw myself kissing her naked body so passionately, I saw myself telling her how I love her body between those kisses. Sadly, I couldn't remember more than that The memories are coming, and it's clear I did have s*x with Melanie .we were both drunk, and she never took advantage of me .for some strange reason I wish I could remember everything, for some strange reason I find the memory pleasant to me Melanie POV It's been a week since the emperor saw me naked, since then he has been avoiding me like a terrible disease I told soli I want to to go out and l see the flowers in the garden .but she told me the king commands I stay indoor. I have to see the emperor, he can't keep treating me like a prisoner. The emperor guards announced my presence to the king .and he let me in Once I got into the King's Chambers, I greeted him and took a sit beside him "Is there any problem" he asked "Not at all, my king" " I just want to know why you won't let me out of my room even with guards around "I asked "It's all for your safety ,you are now carrying my child, I can't risk your life " He sounded worried and concerned.I did a better look at him and saw how worried he looks. I know he was scared of something happening to this child. I went up to him and sat on the floor "Get up" he commanded me "Just let me do this "I requested I took his feet and began massaging it.he made a sign of relief and shut his eyes, I took the other feet and did the same .when I look up, I saw the emperor was fast asleep. I got up on my feet and left the room Emperor Kai POV When I woke up, I realized Melanie was gone .oh how I miss those hands . I got up from the seat and made my way to her chambers, when I got there, she was not there. I was scared and started looking for her, I asked the maids I saw on my way, but they couldn't give me any details of her whereabouts I called all the palace maids and guards, but none could tell me where she and her personal guards went to . I became angry and furious .but above all I was really worried, not just for the baby but for her. I was about sending the guards in search of her, when I saw her coming towards me with a big smile on her face, the moment I saw those smile all my anger went away . I dismissed all the maids and guards "Where were you "I asked ", I went to see the water fall "she replied happily "Did I not warn you to stay at the palace "don't you know you are putting yourself and the unborn child in danger "I shouted with anger . "I'm sorry, it won't happen again " she replied With that, I left her and went to my chambers When I went back to my chambers, I became really sad, maybe I shouldn't have shouted at her Later that evening, I went to her room and found her eating some fruits "Greetings my king ,do you wish to join me I sat down close to her and took some fruits and ate "I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier, I was just worried about you" "Are you worried about me or the baby "she asked I was angry with her statement, how can she think I don't care about her. "I care about you Melanie ,I care about you a lot I couldn't believe I said those words to her, she just took an apple and started eating with a very big smile on her face .
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