Chap 54: Who and who?!

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Mr William sat outside, he called to Belle without turning his head, a call that contained an unusually old feeling. Belle was sorry to hear that, she opened the door and went out, nodded and said: "Yes, father." "Sit down and talk to me for a while." The moment Belle pushed the glass door, Mr. William threw the cigarette in his hand, using his hand to ward off the smell of tobacco in the air to prevent Belle from inhaling secondhand smoke. At this moment, Mr. William was crouched under the eaves, his eyes fixed on the silent world outside, looking at him with a serious look. Belle froze, then sat down next to Mr William as he said. Father and son sat side by side, looking at the towering wall not far away. The two stayed like that for a long time, Belle hesitated, just about to open her mouth, actively looking for a topic of conversation, when she heard Mr William's heavy question: "How do you definitely want to give birth to the baby in your womb? ?” "Father, I must give birth to this child." Belle's attitude is resolute, no one can shake her determination to give birth to Tieu Ai. “After giving birth, what kind of child are you going to raise?” "Just according to common sense, it's just like that!" Belle immediately told the truth to Mr. William, after giving birth to Tieu Ai, she was raised like that. She has experience in raising children, in this respect parents do not need to worry. Mr. William sat next to her, the light in his eyes was heavy, he nodded, "If you have thought about it carefully, in the future, if you encounter any problems, don't regret it. As for Lor, to be clear, it's best to be willing to take responsibility. Not wanting to be responsible, nor begging for it, you are responsible for your own children. Parents will also do their best with their grandchildren.” Is there anyone near the age of the earth and the sky, but do not want to see their children and grandchildren declare their love? Of course, To's parents also want to enjoy the happiness of children and grandchildren, but the situation is too difficult now, an adult man still living very hard is a pregnant woman, a child. To be honest, To's parents didn't want Belle to give birth to a baby. Although they wish Belle could be happy, but the baby in her belly is growing every day, Belle will feel more and more miserable. Nine months and ten days of pregnancy, once giving birth, it's not as simple as opening and closing eyes. Childbirth is a bet - one foot on the door of death! Mother round and square child, all are happy. If there is a mistake, it is four lives, why four lives? At that time, To's parents didn't want to live anymore, so they followed Belle's mother and daughter! "Don't worry, father, I believe you will be okay." Belle tilted her head to look at Mr William's sideburns in the dark night. It was such a dark night, but it was impossible to hide his salt and pepper sideburns, her eye sockets suddenly became wet, and said with a smile: "Parents wait for their grandchild to be born!" Mr William smiled and said nothing. Although Belle showed such confidence, her parents' worries could not disappear with just a sentence or two. After laughing, Mr William patted Belle's head like she did when she was a child, as if telling her to take care of herself, then sighed again, got up and went back to his room to rest. Belle was still sitting on the porch watching her father's back disappear into the living room. She lowered her head, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart, touched her belly, and gently said: "Tieu Ai, grandparents really poured their hearts and souls for me and my mother. It's okay, when I grow up to prove to my grandparents, I will definitely be a filial child, I will love and care for them with my mother." As a girl, Belle felt she had never done anything for her parents. She is 20 years old and still is a caring parent. It was like that before the era of decadence, after the era of decadence it was still the same. She is not unaware of the worries and discomforts in her parents' hearts, but she is also a mother, a mother who will not make the black turtle withdraw its head. Nine months and ten days are really hard, she must overcome all obstacles and bring Tieu Ai to this world. Whether her parents are worried or sad! Stomach full of guilt with their parents and hope for a good future, Belle and Tieu Ai sat for a while and then went to their room to sleep. The next day, To's parents seemed to have a good relationship, both lost sleep, almost can sleep in the morning. Belle, too, slept until the sun rose. When a family of four with the surname Su woke up, Lor had brought ten people, including Lap Ha and Thu Sinh, and hurriedly set off. Mother To opened the iron door, just harvested the next batch of rice in the greenhouse in the backyard when she heard a commotion outside the door. She stood up and was about to go outside to look, but Belle slipped her slippers out of the door. Mother To left the knife and rice in her hand to chase Belle, she intended to call Belle home for soup. Outside the door, a truck full of Coca Cola just stopped in front of Belle, and Peter jumped out of the cab, greeted Belle, threw her a bunch of car keys and ran to see her baby. But Mr. Bi's group of thugs couldn't help but open the back door of the truck and unload the Coca Cola inside. Someone soon brought Coca Cola out to drink. Coca Cola is what the thugs love the most! Even Phap Phap ran up and hugged two bottles of Coca Cola to Trac The Giai, kindly handing her a bottle. Trac The Giai shook his head again, refusing the Dharma protector's kindness: "Thank you, carbonated water is not good for the body, it also increases the amount of sugar absorbed unnecessarily." “Ha ha ~~~” Fahat smiled shyly. Trac The Giai did not want to, he immediately gave Coca Cola to Belle. Belle also shook her head rejecting the good intentions of the Protector. "Thanks, I don't drink." “I see, you guys want to lose weight!” Hoa Phap nodded, hugged two bottles of Coca Cola and turned around. Belle took two steps forward, walked around the truck, and at this time, one of Bi's subordinates came and explained to Belle: "We found this car in the back of the big supermarket next door. next door, roughly when the era of decadence this car was delivering to the supermarket.” "YES." Belle nodded, raising her head to look at the truck, “You've been driving two blocks all morning? Are there no zombies around?” “No, no. Not only are there no zombies, but there are sometimes people running back and forth on the street.” “Are there people still living on the street?” Hearing that, Belle felt a little unexpected. It was midday, the sun that had not been seen for a long time appeared, shining on warm people. Bi's subordinates who talked to her nodded and shook their heads, telling Belle: "No, he's from the army. We saw that someone from the army was walking nearby, so we went directly to the big supermarket in the next neighborhood, afraid that by the time the army people had finished, the big supermarket would be cleaned up. In fact, there is almost nothing left inside, heard that Erik Kelly brings a team of fake powers, every day he comes to this big supermarket to sweep." Remember that day, the To - Diep people went from outside the apple villa to the big supermarket in the neighborhood, that was the way to meet Tam Nguyet, it took almost a day, it was also because they were fake abilities. should kill zombies relatively fast. But now ordinary people like Mr. Peter can go away for a morning and then come back, and sweep a few trucks back, can see the real army has arrived. As soon as Lor left, the army arrived. Belle tilted her head to look at the back of the truck, Bi's men were in a row of trucks next to unloading. All are blankets, bedding, red and white beers, shower gel, scented soaps, large mirrors, computer clocks. These are all the remaining items that are swept away, it can be seen that the large supermarket is indeed left by Erik Kelly's team. “Oh, the Tangerine notebook!” Belle glanced at a thug who was about to throw a tangerine laptop out of the car, she raised her hand and shouted, went to look at the other laptop, smiled and said: "Just when I needed it. notebook, can you give it to me? I'll change it for you." "Don't don't, you can take it if you want. This thing is only worth it before the era of decadence, after the era of decadence it's just trash!" The thug hurriedly handed the laptop in hand to Belle. This thing was worth more than ten thousand before the era of decadence, but now after the era of decadence, the internet is good and bad, electricity is sometimes not, and I don't know what it can be used for? Belle took it with a smile, nodding, "Okay, I'll ask Mom to give you some more vegetables later." “Oh my, okay!” When he heard about vegetables, the thug didn't seem happy. Follow Belle's house, don't worry about water, don't worry about vegetables, nothing new. Belle's family has so many vegetables that they raise pigs, everyone knows. "Bring back so many trash, see if you girls need it, take it when you need it, don't throw it all away!" Not far away, Mr. Peter hugged his child - Tu Lei, Luong Tieu Ky followed behind, came out from the treatment house, and by the way also greeted the other four nurses, very generously said: "Something What is the fragrance of shower gel and soap? Hurry up and choose, girls definitely like to be clean, hurry up." Belle turned her head and just saw Peter holding her son, revealing a satisfied smile. She raised her eyebrows, saying like a daily chat: "After choosing, don't throw the rest, these things will have a big effect sooner or later. Mr Peter, you can send someone to clean a villa, put these things inside , they will need it very soon." The incoming army will organize a primitive base, but at that time it was not yet a base, it can only be temporarily called a safe area or safe zone for short. At that time, whatever miscellaneous items had to be exchanged with crystal cores and items, survivors who wanted to enter the safe area they listed had to submit a certain number of crystal cores. Anything can be used, not necessarily food. Belle's Apple villa is safe like this, and has certainly entered the range of the listed military safety zone soon. Those who are already inside, the army probably won't chase them out. But the Belles couldn't wait to stay in the safe all their lives, sooner or later they'd come out, and when they got in, they'd have to deliver. Usually entering a safe zone and the future base must surrender, which is the three parts of the whole team. In other words, if you go out with ten carts, you need to submit three carts. This is obviously a trap, but the military is responsible for protecting the entire safe area, people can stay safe and worry-free, walk around with peace of mind, sleep well and dream well, think so in their hearts. It feels natural to be fair. At this time, the nurses chose to go back and forth, choose some bed sheets, duvet covers, mirrors, cosmetic lipsticks, chirping excitedly like celebrating Tet. Peter hugs the child and smiles at him over, walked up to Belle and asked: "Belle, I heard that you and Dr. Trac plan to go back to the hospital to get some medical supplies." "Must to." “So when are we going? Don't lie to me, my son has diarrhea twice a day, his health is not very good. I asked Doctor Quan, Doctor Quan said it's best to keep it in the incubator for a few days. It's too cold today, I just want to go back to the hospital sometime and bring the incubator." Doctor Quan was one of the doctors who followed along, the one who was so hungry that he thought he was going to die in the isolation room. For the past few days, eating well, looking at people is also fresh. When Mr. Peter mentioned Doctor Quan, his face was extremely reverent, there was no other way because his son Bi's body was healthy, all thanks to this doctor. Of course he would have a respectful attitude towards them. But when he said these words, the wrinkles on the corner of Bi's eyes when he smiled a few more lines, just afraid that Belle would refuse, the voice was extremely pleasing. Belle nodded and patted the truck next to her, sincerely saying: "If the army has arrived, we must hurry up, or else we have to wait until they pull up on the guard road, we have to surrender." A truck of medical equipment must deliver three parts to the army, is it regrettable? Of course, they had to take advantage of the fact that they hadn't started listing the safe zone, and quickly went to carry the things. Not far away, Trac The Gia was struggling with a bed sheet, hearing that, frowned, stood up, went to Belle's side, looked at Belle with disapproval: "Lor hasn't come back yet, I'm taking everyone alone. Walker?" “Isn’t there a Dharma Protector?” Belle's face was a bit murky, and she nudged Trac The Giai's shoulder, and by the way glanced at the Dharma Protector. The Dharma protector next to him immediately raised his head and stood upright, showing off his body. Belle then intentionally smiled and said: "Father Protector will protect you very well, Doctor Trac!" "Who and who?!" Trac The Giai completely did not understand what Belle said, expressionlessly looked at the Dharma Protector, turned around and went to do his work. If Belle herself felt there was no problem, Trac The Giai didn't say anything. This time, Lor left eight people for them, the Dharma Protector was fine with three people, and the zombies in this area were all handled well, the obstacles on the way were definitely removed. They returned to the hospital much faster than the last time, saying that it might take a day to go back and forth to solve it. After a while, Belle and Mr. Peter had made up their minds and planned to set off tomorrow, and everywhere they started beating gongs and drums to prepare. Mr Peter intends to bring fifteen subordinates, leaving four to follow four special commando soldiers to protect their small safe zone. Last time the fortune teller also went out for a few days, this time he stayed in the villa, the group of special soldiers on the other side led by the Dharma Protector. The doctor's side appointed doctor Quan Jiu and nurse Luong Tieu Ky, two people in charge of taking care of the injured. Trac The Giai obviously follows everyone, but now she is Belle's personal doctor, just in charge of Belle alone. The protector rarely gets to play the lead role, although he still remembers Lor saying that when Lor hasn't come back, Belle can't go out alone, but it's hard to get a chance to perform in front of Trac The Giai, again. Belle was supportive, so the old man just forgot about it. So, a small group split up led by Belle has temporarily formed without Belle's parents' knowledge, including gang boss Mr. Bi, fifteen thugs, two doctors, and a nurse. , four soldiers with special abilities. Tam Nguyet also wanted to come along, but Ly Tieu Vu needed someone to take care of her, so she ended up not participating. Saying it was, at three o'clock in the morning Belle was in a hurry to get in the RV. Right now her parents are still sleeping, if they knew, they would definitely not let Belle get pregnant, but go outside. Belle calculated that she was only going for one day, and before her parents could find her, she would have already returned. Ho Phap was driving, Mr. Peter was in the co-driver's seat, all the doctors and nurses were waiting inside the RV, also carrying a few small medical tools such as antiseptics, bandages, cloth buckets, hemostatic drugs..., precaution needed. Belle boarded the RV, placing the two blades Lor had left on the coffee table. Everyone quietly prepared to go. "Knock-knock-knck..." There was a knock on the door. Trac The Giai was about to measure Belle's blood pressure when she heard a knock, so she got up and opened the car door. Outside the door, the skinny Doctor Hong was standing in the night sky with bright stars behind him, exchanging a few sentences with Trac The Giai, handing her a piece of paper and then leaving. "What's that?" Belle tilted her head to see Doctor Hong's lonely figure disappearing in the starlight, then looked at the paper in Trac The Giai's hand. On the paper was a long string of names, talking about some kind of mechanical tool. “He wants to study the era of decadence virus, see if he can create a vaccine for babies. Here's the list of tools he gave us, so we can find them and bring them back." Belle received the paper from Trac The Giai, didn't understand it, so she shook her head and returned it, frowning and asked: "Doctor Hong even know this? Does he do vaccine research?" “I don't know do I? Mr. Hong is a doctor specializing in bacteriology", Trac The Giai smiled, put the paper in his pocket and continued, "Everyone has their own strengths. I'm good at killing zombies, but the progress of mankind is still indispensable for technological talents. Belle, raising Doctor Hong certainly won't lose money." Belle frowned, not refuting Trac The Giai. She is no stranger to the vaccine era of decadence. After ten years of era of decadence, Thanh Long base in the north has launched a vaccine for six-month-old children. But they guard the vaccine research team very strictly, outsiders do not know who is the person who researched this vaccine. So Belle does not know if the vaccine against the disease on that day at the Thanh Long base was invented by Dr. Hong, but she feels that the 80% success rate is too low. 20% of children who fail to evolve at six months will turn into zombies, the actual number is also too large.
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