
My Destined Zombie Bride

magical world

What if one day you were killed, then suddenly came back to life, lost your memories and met a millennial goblin?

Perhaps due to magical fate, Belle's life has experienced such things as miracles.

She is chased and killed by her sister, then buried in the suburbs, but then, a bolt of lightning crosses the sky, Belle emerges from the ground, and loses her memories.

It was a rainy night.

Then, she accidentally encounters Lor- a thousand-year-old elf who is living in the form of an old man.

Their fateful meeting began there.

If you are a single lover for a long time, what if a girl suddenly appeared in the house?

It would have been a very interesting thing, but it also gave Lor a lot of headaches.

Belle is naive, Belle is clumsy.

Lor is irritable, Lor is difficult.

Then from that meeting, Lor's fate was tied to Belle, he accidentally got caught up in the plots of the William family, about the famous antiques and the secret of the spirit land - a magical place and spells exist side-by-side.

"Belle, I love you in every universe."

"Humans or elves, that won't stop us from loving each other, Lor, let's be together forever. Write Lor's name beside Belle wherever you are, even in the assembly hall. "

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Chap 1: Why aren't you dead yet?
In the white rain, a horde of zombies began to gather to prepare for another fierce attack on the lucky remaining human base. The people inside the base were bewildered, the corpses of zombies and humans piled up in piles outside the castle. Screams, cries, screams of fear mixed with the "oh my" sound of zombies taking turns resounding inside and out. At the same time, in a bedroom of a villa in the famous Truc Lac Cave, Bach Ho base, a man about 50 years old was lying naked in the corner of the room. He had several layers of rope wrapped around his body, with some blood on it, and even fresh wounds that had been cut by a knife. He half-closed his eyes as if opening them were too difficult, struggling to see his surroundings. Beside the bed, a well-built girl was leisurely adjusting her clothes. Behind her, the messy bed still had the scent of love, which couldn't help but make people suspect what had just happened on this bed. "Arrived?" Hearing footsteps outside the door, the girl asked. She was dressed properly, sitting neatly in front of the dressing table, carefully painting her face. The carved door opened a c***k, revealing the pale face of a girl, this was Belle. Belle is very thin, not very tall, looks like a young girl who has not yet reached puberty, walking down the path of innocence. But this is just a facade, everyone knows Belle has the nickname "Dareless Aunt" in the era of decadence. Her insides are not as cute as her appearance. Belle entered the room, her ink-black eyes scanning the man in the corner, then closing. She pulled out a loyalty card from the pocket of her black windbreaker and handed it to the girl who was wearing red lipstick in front of the dressing table. “Here is the loyalty card I promised you, take it.” The girl slowly put on lipstick and turned her head to look at Belle, smiling beautifully. She raised her fingernails painted red as blood, her fingers holding Belle's scorecard to her mouth, her eyes enchanting. "Thanks, in the future if you want to make anyone come to me, I'm willing to do business with you." “There is no later, this is the last time.” Belle looked coldly at the man lying in the corner, perhaps he also knew that he did not have much longer to live, so he trembled even more. The more he shivered, the more blood flowed out, drenching his surroundings into a small pool of blood. The girl standing next to Belle painted smoky eyes, after listening to Belle's words, she looked at the girl who was a head shorter than her. Feeling an unprecedented sadness in her heart, she reached out and patted Belle's thin shoulder: "We've cooperated for so long, what you want to do I more or less understand. All I can say is that if this is the last time, then if the results aren't as good as you think you should... just think for a moment." Belle didn't say anything, her whole body was so cold that it made others feel despair. The hair on her back gradually condensed into ice and snow, she stared at the man. The girl standing next to Belle looked at Belle for a long time without getting an answer, so she sighed and shook her head out of the bedroom, and when she reached the door, she turned her head and said, "Ah, that's right. When you're done, remember to clean up the body, clean up the whole place by the way. Don't ever get my place covered in blood." Belle nodded as an answer. After the girl closed the door, she strode over to the man's side in high heels, raised her foot and kicked him in the head, then smeared the blood on the heel of her shoe onto the clean flesh of his body. The man screamed in pain, reluctantly opening his eyes filled with pain and fear. Belle took the opportunity to open his eyes, grabbed him by the hair, pulled out an old photo from his pocket, and asked loudly, "Where is the little girl in the picture?" “Little girl… what?” Guys He coughed with difficulty, and even coughed up blood. Belle was afraid that the man's blood would contaminate the photo, so she quickly withdrew her hand and brought it closer again. The hand grabbed the man's hair and pulled it a little harder. “I ask you again: the girl in the picture is 2 years old now, where is she now? It's… it's also 12 years old now.” “I… I have bought many women, also humiliated many children… Too many can't remember that child, 12 years old? There are a lot of 12-year-olds at my place.” “Don't you remember? So let me remind you: 10 years ago in Xuan Thanh, you bought this 2-year-old baby from Bach Tuyet Le, where is he now???” Belle stood up, kicking him on the head again and again, as if she wanted to unleash all the nostalgia for the past 10 years. 10 years of era of decadence, in this chaotic time, she finally found the last link of that year's Tieu Ai trade. All the pain and longing waiting for the answer to come to release, Belle couldn't wait any longer. "I remember, I remember... Don't hit, don't hit!" The man lying on the ground crying bitterly, he held his bloody head and begged: "I remember, that year, it was true that Bach Tuyet Le sold me a baby girl, is it called Tieu Ai right? are not? It's dead, there were too many zombies that year, and it was crying and fussing at the same time asking for its mother, and then... after that..." He didn't dare to continue, the result didn't need him to say. Zombies surround, if no one distracts the zombies, everyone will only die. Belle stopped, standing still as if petrified. She slowly lowered her legs, her mind constantly replaying his words: Tieu Ai, your Tieu Ai wants to find her mother, wants to find her mother? There are too many zombies, surrounded by people Tieu Ai doesn't know, isn't it natural that she wants to find her mother? But this man in front of him dared to throw Tieu Ai away to distract the zombies?! Well that's fine, it's better than falling into this Depraved Cave! “Mother… mother come here! Tieu Ai, mother said that she would definitely find you, but Tieu Ai…” Each teardrop fell like a string of pearls, hitting the pool of blood on the ground at Belle's whisper, blood splashing. follow back. Belle suddenly smiled, lowered her head and broke her heart, lifted her right foot and kicked the man's head off, growling: "My Xiao Ai is dead, why are you still alive?! !” Era of decadence in the 12th year, Belle also searched for Tieu Ai for 10 years, because she wanted to keep this life to find Tieu Ai, but she did not know how many times she escaped from death, nor did she know how many people she had killed. Her unyielding will to frighten others, having to live had been the most important thing of all to Belle. But now, Belle looked down at the picture carefully kept in her hand, in the picture was a sweet, sweet, smiling two-year-old girl. Belle's eyes filled with tears, her pale lips appeared silvery ice, she whispered: "I can't live anymore, Mai Tu, I can't help you to clean the room anymore, still bother you to help me clean up. My body too." Era of decadence in the 12th year, "Miss Ba Dare" will not die no matter what - Belle lives as recklessly as Tieu Cuong - after killing her last enemy, commits suicide in the villa of p********e Mai Tu at the apartment. Just White Tiger. While in a coma, Belle was startled awake by the shouting of a man. This voice felt both familiar and foreign, as if it belonged to Lion Kelly that he hadn't seen in many years. Belle felt disgust in her heart. Then her lower body felt like it was being torn apart, causing Belle to open her eyes and frown; The first feeling after opening her eyes was that her back hurt like it was about to break in two, it had been a long time since she had this pain. This makes Belle feel suspicious, how badly did she end up injured? Catching the eye is the simple decorative ceiling without style, the yellow curtains gently swaying by the glass doors that are illuminated by light. There was a faint smell of blood on the nose mixed with the smell of alcohol and the smell of men and women after doing it, and the pure scent of the trees outside the window, all slowly transmitted to Belle's brain. Angry screams accompanied by punches and kicks made Belle roll her eyes, why did she feel that this scene was familiar??? "Belle, Belle, are you awake?" Seeing the person on the bed sitting up, Lion Kelly stopped punching and kicking the man in front of him, hurriedly rushing to the side of the bed. Belle reflexively stepped back, conveniently grabbing the thin blanket that was slid down in front of her chest, her messy hair falling to her bare shoulders even more emphasizing her thin appearance. She couldn't believe her eyes, looked at Lion Kelly close to her, frowned in disgust and asked: "Why aren't you dead yet?" The next second, Belle froze. She looked at this face: this was not the Lion Kelly in her memory. To be precise, this is the Lion Kelly of a long, long time ago. Lion Kelly at that time was still a handsome young man, always wearing a clean white shirt with blue jeans, always giving others a feeling of lightness but aloofness. Lion Kelly now truly loves Belle, one-heartedly with her. Unfortunately, it was before the era of decadence, when Belle was not destroyed by a man, before Belle was not pregnant and was not determined to give birth to Tieu Ai. After Belle was broken, Lion Kelly overcame psychological obstacles, promising to love her until her head turned white. At that time, how did Lion Kelly say, such an iron-clad oath, such a promise to make people believe: "I don't care, Belle, Belle, don't be like that. I love you, I won't care. Let's treat everything today as a nightmare, let's not talk about death, okay?" Of course, the handsomely handsome Lion Kelly in front of his eyes was saying the same words as that year, but he seemed to have ignored Belle's question. Belle asks him why he hasn't died yet, because in her memory after investigating Lion Kelly gave Tieu Ai to Bach Lac Lac, causing Tieu Ai to be passed over by a few people and finally disappeared in Belle's life. Belle took his own life. It's two years after the era of decadence, everyone's life is very difficult, including Lion Kelly. The gentle yet aloof Lion Kelly was soon transformed into a man of inconsistency inside and out. Say you love Belle? Will Belle believe again?? As a conditioned reflex, Belle kicked on the stomach of Lion Kelly who was rushing to hug her, she wrapped the blanket around her body, glanced around, then took the gun from the nightstand, stood up and pointed it directly at the center of her forehead. Lion Kelly. Whether this is a dream or a living Lion Kelly Again, he must die. This man, Belle is sure to kill every time she sees it. Lion Kelly was kicked to the ground by Belle, before he could stand up, the man in the blue army shorts he had just beaten quickly rushed to Belle's side, snatched the gun in her hand and put it in the holster at the hospital. nightstand, then hung the holster on the back of his pants, smiling reluctantly at Belle 's astonishment . “This… it's my fault to you but murder is against the law.” This girl is so weird, it's obvious that he was drunk and abused her, her boyfriend rushed into his room for a match, but after she woke up, she didn't find him to calculate the book, but instead held his gun and pointed it at you. his son? This beat made Lor unable to keep up, but wrong was wrong. Lor can let that girl's boyfriend beat, kill, murder, he has to go to jail. But this girl can't, he made a mistake with her once, can't let her kill someone in front of him and then have to spend the rest of his life in prison. Belle was still surprised, the first thought in her mind was why has she become so weak now? Just stepped on Lion Kelly and her legs are numb, now the gun in her hand is stolen, her strength and movements are still the same as 10 years ago... No, this is back to the time before the era of decadence happened. Then she looked at Lor's face, the thought of taking back the gun was immediately erased, even the thought of killing Lion Kelly was ignored. Belle's tears began to fill her eyes again, her lips trembled as she muttered, "So similar, so similar to Tieu Ai." While Lor and Lion Kelly still didn't understand the bottom line, wanting to listen carefully to what she had to say, Belle suddenly turned around, hugging the blanket and getting out of bed. The blanket was pulled away to reveal a blinding red blood stain on the bed sheet. She dashed towards the messy pile of clothes, rummaging around. She wanted to find a clock or a calendar or any other mechanical device, and finally found a clock. It wasn't her watch, but it was enough for her to see the time and date. This look is a typical military watch, black and water resistant, very heavy in the hand, and has many pins on top that prove it has a lot of functions. Just look at it, you know it's the item of the special forces, not only can see the time but also can be used as a compass. But this is not the main issue, what is remarkable is the time written on it: November 15, 2017, 45 days from the era of decadence. Time goes back to 12 years ago??? Belle's face was pale, she turned her head to look at Lion Kelly who was lying on the ground, then turned to look at Lor standing behind her with tears flowing. Not waiting for Lion Kelly to hold her stomach to bear the pain to go to her, nor for Lor to approach her guiltily, Belle grabbed her clothes and ran towards the toilet like the wind, then leaned over the sink crying. really big. If this is a dream, please don't wake her up. Because starting today, her Tieu Ai will return to her belly, grow, be born, grow up into a mischievous child running everywhere. Outside the toilet, Lion Kelly sat awkwardly on the ground, eyes filled with hatred as he stared at Lor who was standing on the other side, hatefully saying: “You will be retribution, we will definitely sue you. "

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