Chap 2: Home

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"You guys can't win the case." Lor said very sincerely, hearing the cry in his ear reached out his hand to rub his bare chest. Even though he was kicked and punched by Lion Kelly recently, the strength of the student's ability to tie the chicken was not good enough for him. Lor put his hand on his chest because he heard the cry in the toilet, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart. He decided to have a nice talk with this weak librarian, a rare kind of conversation. So he swallowed, looked directly into Lion Kelly's hateful eyes: "I said you guys can't win the case not because you want to deny responsibility, but I am a soldier, maybe the army will give me some perks. But this is really my fault, I will change another way to make it up to you two.” It is true that he was drunk last night, and in the bar there was not only his group. Surrounded by chaos that made his head drowsy, he saw Belle being drugged, staggered upstairs to the bar. Lor was also drunk, running after him. Belle rushes in to hug him first, then... what else to say. The male instinct rose, although Lor had never had experience in this field, but the effect of alcohol left him without much time to think, so he hugged Belle into the room. In the end, Lor can only say one sentence: Emotion is the devil! "No need, even if we have to sue to the end of the world, we will definitely not forgive you!" Lion Kelly sneered, his attitude extremely tough. He loves Belle, he believes he will not love her less because Belle's first time was not for him. Belle cried so pitifully, as her boyfriend, he must definitely claim justice for her. Lion Kelly does not care if the other party is a soldier or has any privileges, he will definitely not give up his case to the Supreme Court. At this time, the crying in the toilet also began to weaken, because Belle suddenly thought of a problem, she cried bitterly in here, and her bad mood will also affect Tieu Ai's personality in her stomach. That year, when she gave birth to Tieu Ai, she cried every night, so as soon as she left Belle's arms, Tieu Ai cried uncontrollably, definitely lacking a sense of security. This of course has something to do with Belle's mood during Tieu Ai's pregnancy. Belle suddenly relaxed, it's okay, now Tieu Ai is just a zygote of eggs and sperm, not yet nested. This crying scene probably won't affect Tieu Ai too much. Thinking clearly, Belle quickly adjusted her mood. Era of decadence 12 years, what the hell have you not seen? Could this be a reincarnation? Or trans? Oh… even if this is a dream that doesn't come true, she'll sing the dream continuation song; Belle decided that she would never wake up forever, she let go of the blanket on her body to get dressed and go out to adjust to the dream of living again. The girl's slender body in the mirror was covered with purple and blue marks as if someone had beaten her to a match last night, looking very unsightly. Belle looked at herself in the mirror, her face innocent, a few strands of hair tangled. She pushed her fingers through the hair on the side of her face, revealing kiss marks on her neck, and a bruised bite mark on her shoulder. The two "grapes" in front of her chest were bitten to red, swollen, between her legs was a sticky wet area, with her standing movements, there was also some unknown liquid flowing down her legs. After all, how long had that Lor tormented her? No wonder her back hurt like it was about to break. After trying to take a shower, Belle picked up her white bra and frowned, trying to put on her clothes and then watching myself in the mirror. The aunt of 12 years ago was terrifyingly innocent, a white one-piece dress, a blue jean jacket outside, long wet hair that was messy and loose in front of her chest. She always gives the impression of being a lovely innocent white rabbit. That was before the era of decadence. Before the era of decadence, Belle was a delicate rose (1), a rose with Lion Kelly. Lion Kelly found out she was pregnant at the beginning of the era of decadence. Her belly was getting bigger and that's when he started to hate her. At that time, Belle knew she had Tieu Ai, so she tried to be more resilient and mature. (1) Pink rose: also known as the rabbit flower, indicating purity and softness, dependence. Belle gently stroked her belly, smiling softly at her pale face in the mirror. She is made again, whether it's a dream or not, she will try to take good care of herself and Tieu Ai. Based on 12 years of living in the previous era of decadence, in any way she had an advantage over those ignorant idiots. "Rest assured, Xiao Ai, this time I will definitely not leave you. I won't hand you over to anyone else!" Belle swore, her beautiful lashes tinged with a faint murderous aura. She tilted her head to hear the screams of Lion Kelly outside the door, sneer in her heart. She took a deep breath, turned the doorknob and opened the door. Outside the toilet, Lion Kelly was rubbing her belly sitting on the sofa in the living room, Lor had finished wearing her camouflage suit. When Belle came out of the bathroom, Lor felt her gaze on the gun strapped to his waist for a few seconds, and leaned over to hide it. What to hide? This toy was hard to find before the era of decadence, but after the era of decadence, it was not a rare thing, but in the early era of decadence, if you could have a gun, it would be more convenient to kill people, rob, find some things! Belle looked at Lor scornfully, in that moment suddenly saw that he and Tieu Ai were too similar, just like the adult version of Tieu Ai. Remembering this, Belle's eyes began to turn red again, this whole process just caught Lor's eyes, he thought because of the damage he caused to Belle, so she cried. His face was slightly panicked, his black army boots took two steps forward, showing a brave stance ready to admit mistakes. “Sorry, what happened last night was my fault. Whatever you want me to pay, I accept." "No need!!!" Without waiting for Belle to answer, Lion Kelly sat on the sofa and stooped to his feet and rushed towards Lor, roaring, "We don't need money, we don't need anything, we just want a f*****g soldier like you to go to jail!" "f**k off!" The word was Belle speaking to Lion Kelly, her fingers moving slightly. But the fingertips only felt smooth, there was no ice, otherwise Lion Kelly would be dead by now. But Belle doesn't even try anymore, she hates Lion Kelly. The way she looked at Lion Kelly was like looking at a dead person, someone she would kill sooner or later, but that wasn't before the era of decadence. Before the era of decadence killing people was illegal, like now 45 days from the end of the world, Belle still has a lot of work to do, so she doesn't want to waste these 45 in prison. Giving Lion Kelly another 45 days is no big deal. Belle's patience has been well trained because she wants to find Tieu Ai in the era of decadence. Lion Kelly looked at Belle in bewilderment, and instinctively assumed that the "Go away" sentence said to Lor, as well as Belle's kick was actually for Lor? "Belle, get out of that guy, let's go, I'll get justice for you." Lion Kelly raised her hand and walked over to Belle without pain. Belle also walked quickly over and kicked Lion Kelly's crotch, viciously saying in his groan: "Lion Kelly, don't let me see you again. The next time we meet again, you will surely die!” Lor, well-dressed and well-dressed, stood next to Belle, watching Belle's killing kick and clenching her butt. This is so strange, is this Miss Belle so shocked that she has a nervous breakdown? So mistake her boyfriend for the enemy who abused her? So what about a real enemy like you? “Belle, are you crazy?!” Lion Kelly rolled on the ground, clutching his crotch, “Do you hate me? You know, I hate you, but last night you didn't know that Bai Luoluo drugged me." Belle remembered, she and Lor went to bed together today because of the drink Bai Luoluo gave her. According to Bach Lac Lac, she just wanted to give Belle a lesson, who expected Belle to run upstairs to the bar and meet a group of soldiers gathered to hang out with friends. If she didn't run upstairs and look for Lion Kelly to help her, the person who went to bed with her wasn't Lor but Lion Kelly. Look, back and forth it's Belle's fault! She snickered, looking at Lion Kelly's sweaty head on the ground, "You're not wrong. I hate you, Lion Kelly. While you have some time left, in these days you are still alive, please honestly satisfy Bach Lac Lac! Don't let her spare her time to fight for s*x, drop aphrodisiacs everywhere!" Bach Lac Lac, Bach Tuyet Le, these two damn children, there are people who help these two with Tieu Ai's trade… 45 days later, Belle wants to give these guys something worse than death! That year, Bach Lac Lac was jealous of a Belle with an ice-type ability, becoming the number one player in the Xiang Dai group (2), so when Belle was on a mission, she instigated Lion Kelly to pick up Tieu Ai, the two fell in love. The wolf ignored the baby crying and called "aunt and uncle" until he couldn't breathe but still sold it to Bach Tuyet Le, White Snow Le sold Tieu Ai to Thoo. (2) Xiang Dai: stands for the university in Xiangcheng. After completing the mission, Belle discovered that Tieu Ai was missing, but when she searched everywhere, the people who knew the story did not make an appointment, but together concealed her, even when Belle found out the truth, they also helped her. Bach Lac Lac and Lion Kelly both cornered her to death. A bunch of rags, whose hearts are dirtier than sewage, really don't need to live in this world. Belle cleaning up this mess also counts as a contribution to the era of decadence, like purifying the world! One of her feet stepped on Lion Kelly's finger, and amid his pitiful screams, Belle strode out of the room. Now that she can't kill the bastard, she's going to find something else to do, such as the era of decadence is almost here, she's just hoarding some wealth! This place is a bar named "Vuong Phi", above the hotel, surrounded by hundreds of supermarkets, all kinds of items on the market. This is the largest commercial center in Tuong Thanh. And people like Belle, Lion Kelly or Bai Luoluo are all freshmen of the same school now high school in Xiangcheng. Yesterday the semester was coming to an end, so everyone gathered to have a little fun before the final exam. Thanks to her ability, the 19-year-old Belle of the present and her 12 years later has not changed much, the only difference is that the Belle of 12 years later can make people feel great from afar. hope. Era of decadence has come, who doesn't despair??? She tightened her cowhide coat on her body, the cold wind blowing through her made her suddenly shiver and then laugh again – she was a pseudo-water ability, then mutated back to ice, although now her water-type ability If she hasn't woken up yet, she's also the person who's not afraid of the coldest in the world, what's the point of shivering?! Out of the hotel's main door, across the street corner, Belle remembers the past, thinks about the future, and is filled with anticipation for the era of decadence. Era of decadence comes, Tieu Ai also comes, a world dominated by the strong, as long as being strong, anyone can live as they please. She really wanted these 45 days to pass in the blink of an eye. Belle suddenly turned her head, and in the cold alley, her dark, glittering eyes widened as she stared at the man following her. She frowned: "Why are you following me?" The man approached, his face slowly emerging from the darkness, still shy and serious. He hesitated to stop a meter in front of Belle, but didn't know what to say, so he raised his hands in surrender, reassuring her: "Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you." "I do not scare." Belle eats straight to tell the truth, but looking at Lor's extremely similar Tieu Ai face makes her heart ache. She tried to wipe her tears, choking: "I ask again, why are you following me?" “I… I don't mean to… I…” Seeing Belle about to cry, Lor filled her head with guilt and broke down. To show his sincerity, he took the initiative to take a step back, scratched his head and thought of excuses, "I… I saw that you were alone, so I chased you and asked you if I… what should I do… only then did you realize that you were alone. happier?" He thought that all of Belle's grief and despair was rooted in his abuse of her, so the more annoyed Belle appeared, the more Lor felt guilty. In fact, it's hard to tell what happened last night, and last night Belle was also very proactive. "Stay away from me for a bit, don't touch me, I'll be more comfortable." She considered this man nothing more than a stranger. In her previous life, Lor also pursued to compensate Belle, but Belle hated Lor at that time as much as she hated Lion Kelly now, whenever she saw Lor, she rushed in and cursed. It seems that he has appeared a few more times since then. But at that time, Belle was upset because her first time was not for Lion Kelly, so she entrusted all communication with Lor to Lion Kelly. I don't know how the two of them came to an agreement, but when the era of decadence came, Lor didn't appear anymore, Lion Kelly no longer mentioned this person named Lor. Later, Tieu Ai grew in Belle's belly, she also felt the magic of motherly love. Although for Lor, it is not enough to love her son and her father, but Belle gradually no longer hates Lor anymore. Either way, he also gave her an angel Tieu Ai, if she hates anymore, it doesn't make much sense. Regarding abuse or not, Belle has met too many times in the era of decadence, it's not that he abused her that night, it's true that he volunteered! Something about motherhood Belle suddenly remembered one thing: her parents are still alive now. Some people say that motherhood is like a one-way loop, this statement is not wrong at all. Every woman loves her child the most, it's been so long since she's returned, but only now does Belle remember that her parents are still alive. That year, the situation was chaotic, the time when insecure people gathered in groups to help each other survive, find the nearest shelter, and have the strength to travel thousands of miles to find their loved ones. Later, because of the loss of Tieu Ai, Belle fell into a state of madness, stubbornly searching for Tieu Ai, so she did not focus on finding her parents in the era of decadence. It was not until the four major surviving bases were established, in the process of searching for enemies that Belle heard the news that her parents had died at the beginning of the era of decadence. Because they wanted to find her, they ignored all of them and headed to the South, even the golden opportunity to move to the North was also missed. That is to say mother's love is a one-way repetition, the person her parents love the most is her, and the person she loves the most is Tieu Ai. Belle suddenly turned away, not waiting for Lor to answer. Still, she didn't intend to listen to him continue. She walked faster and faster, finally running like a fly to find a small supermarket and ask the owner if there is a pay phone there. She trembled as she dialed a familiar number in her memory, pacing impatiently, waiting for the other end to pick up the phone. "Hello???" There was a familiar female voice on the other end of the line, Belle put her hand over her mouth, afraid of the sound of crying coming into the phone. The female voice on the other end "hello" a few more times, just as she was about to hang up when Belle shouted, "Mom!" “Belle??? What's wrong? Why do you use an unknown number to call back? Where's your cell phone?" “Mobile, mobile…” Where is Belle almost forgetting her phone before the era of decadence? As he lowered his head to flip through his coat pocket, next to him was a hand reaching out, in that hand was a small, pretty white phone. This phone is so familiar, it seems to be her phone before the era of decadence. She took the phone and looked up at Lor. Why is this guy following you? Not only did he follow her, but he also held a female handbag in his hand, the bag looks familiar, isn't it Belle's bag??? "Oh, this girl from childhood to adulthood always forgets first, has she lost her phone? Call home to ask if you still have money to buy a new phone?" On the other end of the line, To's mother didn't need Belle to open her mouth, she automatically began to reprimand, grumbled for a while hearing her mother's cry, and softened, then continued: "Okay, okay, don't stop. cry again. It's just that I lost my phone, a few days later, my mother asked my father to transfer money to me to buy it. Buy the cell phone Guo tang, let's buy the good one this time, Guo tangerine!" “Mother, no. I.. I need money, a lot of money, parents hurry to Xiangcheng, hurry! I need a lot of money.” In the familiar grumbling of To's mother, Belle is still crying does not stop, speech is also confused and unclear. Although in her heart she tried to remind herself not to cry, not to cry, which would negatively affect Tieu Ai, but in her heart, she couldn't stand it. For Tieu Ai, she did not fulfill her motherly responsibilities, and for her parents, she did not fulfill the duties of a child. Belle felt that her past life really deserved to be tormented to death. Lucky to be able to go back again, Belle promised herself 1001 times, going back this time she will correct all the mistakes of her past life. The people she loves will all live well, everyone must live well. Mother To on the other end of the line was frightened by Belle's anxious cry. Before Belle had to explain why she needed a lot of money, her mother asked loudly: "What's wrong with you? What's up? Need money for what? Want to talk to mom?" "Don't ask me again, mom and dad hurry up, mom and dad hurry up to Xiangcheng! Don't delay a minute! Bring more money!” Belle also spoke loudly to her mother and then hung up the phone, she did not want to explain much to her mother about the era of decadence. Tell the truth and her parents will send her straight to a mental hospital, it is better to let her parents worry and immediately go to Tuong Thanh. She wanted her parents to go to Xiangcheng, not her, because Xiangcheng was quite busy, the suburbs also had a few military factories, the medical conditions were relatively modern, and the surroundings were clear. , again in the plains. After the era of decadence, the percentage of survivors in Tuong Thanh was much higher than in small cities like Gioi Thi, Duc Thi... Finally, besides Tuong Thanh, the bases in small cities were all defeated, the Those who are lucky to survive will either go to the Imperial City in the North or go down to Tuong Thanh in the South. If the arrangements are good, staying in Xiangcheng for about five, six, seven, eight years shouldn't be a problem, but the era of decadence is unpredictable, staying in Xiangcheng for two years, two years is enough for her to give birth to Tieu Ai and calculate it. next. So Belle wanted to stay in Xiangcheng and arrange an absolutely safe environment. In order to clarify the era of decadence, it is not enough to tell it all in one or two sentences, those who have never experienced it can hardly imagine what it is like, Belle also has to take good care of Tieu Ai in her belly in the era. of decadence, the difficulties in it are even more difficult to explain. So she chose not to explain, just tricked her parents into coming to Tuong Thanh and then forced them to stay, later their parents would understand. After hanging up, Belle turned around and bumped into Lor who was standing behind her. He was looking down at her with his face full of worry, his facial features were determined and strong, this feature made the chubby Tieu Ai cut her hair short just like a boy. Normally next to Belle, Tieu Ai looks exactly like this, extremely mischievous. As if remembering something, Belle burst into tears again despite smiling at Lor. He widened his eyes as if he saw a demon, he rubbed his chest with his hand, carefully asked: "Hey, did you call your parents here to make the final judgment with me?" Usually in movies, it goes like this: When a good girl is violated by a rich son, a mandarin or someone with some influence, and loses her purity, the whole family of that good girl will come. make a fuss. Surely her mother will cry one, two tumultuous, three strangled, in the end not make it right, it's really sorry for the tears of the viewers. Although Lor stayed in the barracks for a long time, he sometimes watched this kind of romantic drama. Belle glanced at Lor and asked sarcastically, "Are you scared?" “Is this the case?” Lor looked a little flustered, awkwardly lowering her head, “Actually, I'm not afraid of people causing trouble. It doesn't matter if people make a fuss; In order to maintain its reputation, the military will stamp this out. I really think, instead of messing with you guys, I can compensate you.” “What way? Give me some money???" Belle's voice was somewhat shrill, killing intent flashed in her eyes, "You think I'm a call girl?" ******** “No, no, absolutely not…” Lor stammered, his hands hurriedly waving, Belle's bag dangling over her rock-hard arms, “I know you're not. is such a person. Last night I saw her being drugged by a classmate…” “You see me being drugged, you still…” Belle said in a low voice, “still ran upstairs, didn't refuse, and coordinated on top of me?!” “I…” Lor wanted to say something, her lips twitching, finally uttering a single word and then saying nothing more. He lowered his head sullenly, stared at Belle's chest for a moment, then quickly averted his gaze, raised his hand to give himself a strong slap, then straightened his neck, blushed loudly and said: "Sister, Your name is Belle, I'm Lor, shall we exchange numbers?" "Do you have a problem with your mind?" “No, I mean, look, now that you and your boyfriend have broken up, you don't want the money. Otherwise, I'm a rough person, can't talk, I, you feel…” “Who says I don't take money? I want money. Give me all your money!” Interrupting Lor's faltering words, Belle held out a pale, slender wrist that wore Lor's watch only commando troops could wear. This watch isn't bad, you'll need it later so just get it. Belle wiggled her fingers, looking coldly at Lor: "Give me the money and the gun!" "Guns can't!" Lor leaned over to hide the gun at his hip. "Belle, life is precious, guns can't be messed with." He thinks Belle can't stand the attack and wants to commit suicide. Either Belle is about to take a gun to kill her boyfriend, or is it some Bach Lac Lac drug her?? So giving money is okay, giving guns is definitely not. He couldn't hurt Belle, but he also sent Belle to prison. While inadvertently, Lor feels a sense of responsibility towards Belle. He rummaged through his body for a while, pulled out a bank card, placed it on Belle's small hand, and honestly said: "I didn't expect something like this to happen before, my salary is pretty good. already. There are four and fifty thousand left in this card, the password is xxxxxxx, just use it for now. If it's not enough, I will give more every month, I can also apply for early discharge money, roughly ten to twenty thousand. you sent me back to make a report to apply for that money and then all for you.” “How long?” Is it time to take advantage before the era of decadence? Belle's delicate eyebrows furrowed, she looked at the card in her hand, thought about how much living money was left in her card, first rented a house, stored tens of thousands of pounds of rice, and then calculated. “I will try really fast!” Lor began to get annoyed, Belle's attitude has a good tendency to break a ladle, it seems that other than money, nothing is needed. Did you give her a big shock? From then on Belle will go against the path of purity? In the end he still harmed a pure girl, Lor thought sadly for a moment, he raised his voice, looked at Belle and asked: "Belle, that membrane is very important to a girl, don't you suffer. too, or shall I take you to patch it first?!”
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