Chap 10:Yes, say it quickly, I'm driving.

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“Lor, where are you?” "On a mission in Duc Thanh." “On duty to bring a cell phone? Did you trick me?" “…Not… I…” “Wait a minute, what's with you? Are there zombies where you are?" Because it's night, maybe because Lor's brick phone is too good to record, Belle suddenly hears a very familiar sound, it's really nostalgic. She suddenly itched all over her limbs, the kind of itch that wanted to jump to the other end of the phone to fight zombies. Lor didn't say a word, appearing unusually quiet. He was thinking how to tell Belle that they had become sacrifices, the complicated reasons inside, how much could Belle understand? “Are you still in Germany killing zombies? This news did not appear in the newspaper. They put our troops through a zombie nature check? Ha ha, I know, you're sacrifices, you'll die." Seeing Lor's silence, Belle continued speaking straight. To be honest, when she realized that the Lors had become sacrifices, the tone was indeed a bit cheerful. She also didn't hide her mood, patted her thigh and laughed, laughing to death, there can still be such stupid people in this world, being tricked into killing zombies??? On the other end of the line, except for the sound of zombies outside, there was also the sound of Lor's breathing. After a while, Lor only replied sadly, "Belle, will you be happy if I die?" “Ah, not very happy, but not sad either. Does he die or not? nothing to do with me.” "I'm different, after all you're the only woman I've ever had in my life." As he said this, Lor's voice dropped, his eyes clouded, as if he were recalling that taste of Belle. “The promise to give her discharge money may not have been fulfilled, but this time the death benefit was three times higher. The recipient's name is you, they will contact you. If no one contacts you, remember to go get it yourself, find the Minister of Defense Xiangcheng Liu Zhenguo, he was entrusted by me, he will help you..." On the other end of the phone, Belle Sitting next to the dining table, a mobile phone in one hand, chopsticks in the other, skewering the bowl in front of him. The smile on her face gradually disappeared at Lor's words, gradually becoming serious and serious. Then she suddenly interrupted his rambling: “Lor, the most important part of a zombie is the head. Either you hit it on the head, or beat it to the ground, or it will chase you forever. Currently this type of normal zombie works day and night slightly differently. As long as you don't get bitten by a zombie, you won't get the apocalypse virus. Even if you get bitten, it's okay, monitor for twenty-four hours, don't turn into a zombie within twenty-four hours, ok congrats on evolving into a fake ability... Actually they're easy to kill, you don't have to be afraid they. At night, they may be flexible, but their speed is slow like turtles. You guys are special forces, is it difficult to kill turtles? The point is to overcome the fear in your heart.” Belle suddenly became serious, her words also changed, no longer laughing at the suffering of others as before. Lor let her death compensation?! The end of the world has come, why do you still want so much money? But such a small act of Lor touched Belle a bit. Good or bad, Lor is also Tieu Ai's father! Besides, Lor didn't do anything bad to her, except to go to bed with her once. It's better to save his life than build a seven-story tower! In that moment, Belle felt so noble, she was an angel who saved the Lors from suffering! If not, then what? So late at night, she suddenly became interested in calling to see if Lor's cell phone could be reached so that she wouldn't have to hear her parents arguing about this tomorrow? "That's all, the rest, you guys have to find out on your own through actual combat!!" Strongly hung up on Lor's phone, Belle got up, adjusted her nightgown, took a big loaf of bread from the cupboard, sat at the dining table and toss it in pieces, thinking about one thing, and putting away the piece of bread. into the mouth. The apocalypse is here, the apocalypse is here. Based on its speed of approaching humans, Belle felt a little excited, ate worm bread and thought of Tieu Ai in her stomach. Right now, she still has a thought in her heart, thinking for a while… The person who needs to be solved must be solved. Lor heard the constant "beeping" from his brick phone, his face blankly turned to look at his comrades behind him, mechanically repeating Belle's words, wanting to discuss the feasibility of this suggestion. Everyone nodded their heads: "Now there is no other way, let's try to follow Belle's words." “These zombies are not afraid of bullets at all. Our ammunition is limited, if we don't kill them all, we will also die, just do as Belle says." "Have you heard all of them?" Lor cautiously raised his hand to cover the "old" phone in his hand. The comrades nodded, sober as if nothing. The sound of a brick phone was so loud, even if they didn't want to hear it, they could still hear it clearly. If you have been forced to listen, you should only be able to open your ears to listen and then memorize it. “Damn it! These beasts!!!” Lor could not stand it, strongly condemning this group of seasoned eavesdroppers, almost forgetting about the zombies that gathered at the door more and more crowded. Until the heavy object blocking the door was pushed slightly by the zombies outside, Lor raised his trembling finger and angrily pointed at his teammates: "When will you come back to settle the accounts with the uncles." That night, more than twenty members of Germany's suicide squad experienced the wildest night of their lives. In Xiangcheng, Belle also stayed up all night in the kitchen. The next day, at dawn, Belle's parents were awake. After breakfast, they went back to school to talk to the teacher. Parents went to school for a few days straight, Belle decided to go to school too. Therefore, she and her parents went to school, but the place she returned was the dormitory. At this time, it was class time, the whole dormitory was empty. When Belle entered the room, Ly An Tam and Bruce Lee were also not there. She sat at the table, turned on the computer and went online. Belle scrolls through the news. It looked like it had no purpose, but in fact, the news she watched was related to Duc Thanh. On the internet as well as the mass media, of course, there are no reports of the disaster happening in Duc Thanh, if there are, there are only life news such as announcements about finding a person or company or agency in Germany. The city fell into a state of ice… But based on Lor's description, Belle could analyze that the disaster in Duc Thanh didn't seem to have spread to the whole city, only certain areas of Germany were blocked. stop. In Lor's words, there were probably only a few streets around the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that were blocked off; and they're killing zombies there. Can high walls and steel fences prevent infectious diseases from spreading? That is so naive!!! Belle secretly laughed, opened Minesweeper on the computer to play, after about half an hour, Ly An Tam and Ly Tieu Vu returned. Ly An Tam opened the door, saw Belle sitting in the room playing video games, startled herself, hiding behind Ly Tieu Vu. Bruce Lee was more daring than just dumbfounded for a moment, reaching out to push the frame of his glasses over his nose, smiling at Belle: “Belle? Are you back?" "Yeah," Belle leaned back in her chair, yawning. The whole night without sleep, plus the symptoms of pregnancy, the mental state is not very good. She tilted her head and glanced at Li Xiaoyu, "How is Bai Luoluo?" "Xiaoyu, I'm going to get rice." Without waiting for Ly Tieu Vu to answer, Ly An Tam behind her went straight to the dormitory, took her smart card and lunch box, and took the lunch box to help Ly Tieu Vu, "I help you get the rice. I'm here, I'm coming down!" "Okay!" Li Xiaoyu nodded and looked at Ly An Tam's figure has gone away, shyly explaining to Belle, "She probably hasn't stopped being shocked." Not only the shock, but in general, Ly An Tam's attitude clearly shows that she has a prejudice against Belle. After all, living together in the dormitory for so long, when I opened the door, I saw Belle, but Ly An Tam entered the room with a meal card and took a box - a series of these movements considered Belle non-existent. Ly An Tam used such an attitude to express her dissatisfaction with Belle. She is alienating Belle! Childish! Belle secretly cursed Ly An Tam, ignored her, looked at Ly Tieu Vu again and asked, "How is Bach Lac Lac?" He? Still in the hospital.” Ly Tieu Vu walked over to Belle, pulled a chair next to him, put his hands on the back of the chair, sighed and said: "Actually, Bach Lac Lac has been completely healed for a long time, but for some reason he kept having a fever, after a few days the fever went down and then returned. , the cause is unknown, so he is still in the hospital. His parents said..." Bruce looked at Belle, saw Belle's attentive expression, and continued: "Say this is a legacy you caused." "Bai Luoluo also has a fever?" Belle thought, muttering to herself, not knowing what she was thinking. Ly Tieu Vu got up to pour water, took two sips, and then said: "Belle, I feel like this is very troublesome. Do you still go to school?" "I'm not." "I also think so. They all say he is living well now. That person has a very good relationship with the school, even the teacher helps his parents, and also reminds and criticizes Bai Luoluo's parents, telling them not to talk about it." That person is of course Lor. Now the story of Belle's luck catching Lor has spread throughout the school. Listening to Bruce Lee's words, Bai Luoluo's parents and Belle's parents seem to have quarreled at school. Bach Lac Lac's parents depended on money, vowed to make Belle pay dearly, but the school side was afraid of Lor's role and favored Belle's parents. Therefore, Bach Lac Lac's parents not only had no advantage but also suffered from resentment. Belle was secretly proud of her clever trick. She knew that the Bach Lac Lac family would not give up, so she spoke to Lor. Now what, the Bach Lac Lac family members are about to die! Belle quietly looked down at her watch: December 25. She sneered softly, then tilted her head to look at Bruce Lee: “I want to visit Bai Luoluo, can you give me the name of the hospital and the number of beds? sick in which he lies?" "Okay." Bruce thinks Belle wants to make peace with Bai Luoluo. She put down the glass of water, wrote down the name of the hospital, the name of the ward, the room number and the number of beds that Bach Lac Lac lay on the note and gave it to Belle. Belle took it, looked it over. Oh, what a coincidence, that's the big hospital in Trac The Giai. She nodded, put the note in her hand in her backpack, and then took off the computer and said to Bruce: "Thank you. Today is Christmas. Merry Christmas. Also, I heard that there will be heavy rain and snow in the next few days, no matter what, don't go out. With your courage, as long as you don't soften your heart too much, you can live a long time." "What do you mean?" Ly Tieu Vu paled, looked up at Belle. Is Belle making fun of me? But just now, the two of you are clearly still talking very well, what is "don't be too soft to live a long time"? It is very easy for other people to understand this sentence! Belle didn't explain either, smiled deeply, grabbed her computer and left the dorm. As soon as I walked out of the dormitory room door, I saw Ly An Tam standing next to the door. She saw Belle coming out, casually entering the dorm. When she passed Belle's shoulder, she didn't even look at Belle. A moment later, Belle heard behind her, Ly An Tam deliberately said loudly to Ly Tieu Vu: "Why are you still talking to her? Look, people are mocking you for being too kind ?" "Assurance. Stop talking." In the dormitory room, Ly Tieu Vu turned his head to glance at the thin and arrogant figure that had gone away. In that brief moment, Bruce felt a vague sadness. She couldn't describe the feeling Belle brought to her, but from the bottom of her heart, Bruce felt that Belle's words just now didn't seem to have any malice. Belle carried a server, a monitor, a computer mouse and a keyboard, and walked leisurely to the parking lot outside the dormitory. Far away, she saw her parents arguing with two people. Seeing Belle coming, To's mother, who was arguing with people, immediately turned around and stepped forward, taking the liquid crystal screen in Belle's hand. Mr William too, just a little slower than To's mother, held the server in Belle's arms. “Belle! You came at the right time!” The two of them were arguing with Belle's parents just now, there was a woman in her 40s, elegantly dressed, wearing a long purple feather coat, crocodile skin handbag, makeup and Very trendy hairstyle. She put on high heels and stepped forward, looking at Belle with a sneer. "Kid, the trick is very good, the hand is too cruel, our Lac Lac was beaten like that by you and now you think it's over?" "Accomplished? Of course it can't be done, we already have all the witnesses and evidence in our hands, we must sue your family, Bach Lac Lac, harm your classmates, just out of jealousy, you lower drugs with your classmates. , from whom did you learn this kind of despicable trick?" Without Belle opening her mouth, To's mother handed the liquid crystal monitor in her hand to Mr William, rolled up her sleeves and argued with the noble woman. But Belle stood behind her parents, casually holding the key to open the car door, sitting in the driver's seat. Looking at the situation now, Belle can easily guess, her parents must have met Bai Luoluo's parents at the homeroom teacher's place. When it was time to go home, Bach Lac Lac's parents still refused to give up, chasing her to argue with her parents. Her parents are provincial people, of course they are weak, both sides are noisy in the parking lot. "Vile? No matter how despicable we are, we are not as good as you, borrowing the hands of our family, Lac Lac, and clinging to very powerful people. Pretty good, pretty good. But don't be too proud, we are also people with a position in society. Your Belle is an asshole.” When the noble woman was brazenly scolding, Belle took her military Jeep out of the parking lot and parked it behind her parents. The pretty, small, pale face turned around, looked at her, and also looked at the middle-aged man in a suit was still standing in the background. She suddenly smiled and said to the woman: "You can rest assured. No matter how miserable I am, I can't be as miserable as a small corner of Bach Lac Lac." Who is Bach Lac Lac? A lazy lady who eats butter is lazy, and in the end can't stand the suffering of the apocalypse and sells her body to make money. The person in the group with the nucleus is able to "ride" her. Belle feels that she is too pure, too noble for this Bach Lac Lac. “Kid, you have a sharp tongue. This character lives in society only at a disadvantage.” The middle-aged man standing behind finally opened his mouth to speak, the warning and threat in his words was extremely clear. Belle frowned, looking at him with a provocative look, as if to say "if you have the guts, go ahead and play." She reached out and patted the door of the car, calling her parents: “Parents, get in the car, why are you arguing with two crazy dogs, aren't you afraid to put yourself down…” “Hey!!! Tell me who is a crazy dog!!!” The noble woman was furious, and tried to pull Belle, but the other man grabbed her hand. And Belle's parents' faces showed satisfaction. Good job! Their Belle is rarely this aggressive, really making a parent like them blush. Waiting for her parents to sit in the car, Belle stepped on the gas pedal, drifted (1) beautifully, the mud splashed on Bach Lac Lac's parents. From the back, even the middle-aged man who was always restraining himself couldn't help but scream. But in the car, To's mother turned around and saw this scene and couldn't help but laugh. (1)Drift is a driving technique in which the driver intentionally oversteer, causing the rear wheel to slip, while still being able to steer the vehicle in the desired direction at high speed. Belle, on the other hand, is very calm, not feeling that her actions are anything to be happy about, nor happy. Such provocation can only make parents happy, just like playing with children. If she really wanted to take action, she wouldn't die or get hurt! The car was on the road for a while when Belle's phone rang. She held the steering wheel with one hand and the phone in the other, still hearing her father's reminder in the back seat: "Don't listen to the phone while driving, where did you learn these bad habits! Father and mother who have been driving for so many years have never been like me, not paying attention at all.” The nagging, nagging, nagging words of parents are actually the most sincere concern in the world! But Belle still did as she wanted, one hand to open the phone, answer the phone. Lor's voice rang out. His voice wasn't as heavy and strained as it was a few days ago. It seems to have adapted to the era of decadence environment in miniature in Duc Thanh. “What are you doing?” "Yes, say it quickly, I'm driving." Belle's eyes were fixed on the front, her tone was gruff, and Lor didn't mind. Hearing the gunfire next to him, the man's loud shouts of joy, and the zombie squeaks that rang out incessantly, extremely boisterous, Belle felt restless.
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