Chap 26: You let me handle a little, I'll go out with you tomorrow morning!

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A moment later, Bruce left the villa with a bowl of rice. In the dark of night, she ran to Erik Kelly's villa, listened around, hid a bowl of rice outside the villa, then knocked on the door to find Ly An Tam. Even though Erik Kelly's mansion was huge, it still seemed a bit cramped with so many survivors. After a few days of the end of the world, this is a high-class villa area, with its own power generation system. Even though the sky and earth are collapsing outside, there is still electricity in here; There is not only electricity, there is also warmth. When Bruce Lee entered, Lion Kelly was distributing blankets and clothes and daily necessities to the survivors. So many people, not everyone can sleep in bed. People in turn spread blankets and cushions on the ground, squeezing each other to cover the two floors of the villa. But Ly An Tam and Phi Phi are following Lion Kelly, helping to distribute blankets and supplies to everyone. "An Tam, you come over here for a bit." Underfoot, there was no way to enter the villa, Ly Tieu Vu had to stand at the front door, waving to Ly An Tam. As soon as Ly An Tam saw it, he turned his head to announce to Lion Kelly and Phi Phi, then stepped on the cracks in the ground and walked in front of Ly Tieu Vu. Without waiting for Ly Tieu Vu to speak, Ly An Tam whispered: "Where have you been running, I've been looking for you all day. This place has run out of food, the class president said he couldn't see his brother, so he must have gone out to find things. You work hard, wait for him to come back, I will keep some for you." "No, An Tam, I told you," Ly Tieu Vu pulled Ly An Tam out the door, stood outside the door, the cold wind rustled, in case what he wanted to say was overheard, "An Tam, let's not put all our hopes on the class president's brother, the things we eat and drink, are the class president's brother using life to exchange. I got some food already.” "Tieu Vu, can you stop dreaming? Now that we don't rely on the class rep and his brother, who else can we rely on? What is the time outside , I don't know. I think it's still before the era of decadence, are you still planning to go out to work for a salary?" Without waiting for Ly Tieu Vu to finish speaking, Ly An Tam grumpily interrupted Ly Tieu Vu. But perhaps feeling that his words were too strict, Ly An Tam looked at Ly Tieu Vu's drooping head, softened his voice and comforted: "Rest assured, Tieu Vu, we are safe now. Just now, the class rep said that if we unite, we can find a way to live." “How are people going to find their way of life?” "This will wait for the class president's brother to return and then we will calculate again." "OK." Li Xiaoyu slightly disappointed and nodded. She planned to give some food to Ly An Tam and then asked Ly An Tam to go to Belle's house to build a wall to exchange meals. But without waiting for her to finish, Ly An Tam interrupted, saying again and again that she had to wait for Erik Kelly's "lifesaver" to bring back his belongings. If there was only Ly An Tam here, surely Ly Tieu Vu would finish the words he hadn't said yet. But inside this door is a survivor's room, Ly An Tam is determined to follow Lion Kelly on a dark path, if Ly Tieu Vu tells about building a fence at the To family's house, maybe it will happen. brought some trouble to the Belle family. So it's best not to say. Wait until Ly An Tam is so hungry that she will naturally find her to think of a way. At that time, she brought Ly An Tam to Belle's house to build a fence. “Huh? Xiao Yu, where are you going?" Seeing Ly Tieu Vu go out, Ly An Tam was a little worried, followed Ly Tieu Vu a few steps, calling, "You should come in, there is electricity and heating in here, it's very cold outside." "No need. I see a lot of empty villas, just find a place to stay. I do not want to jostle with you.” Ly Tieu Vu said firmly, without looking back, quickly walked out of the yard, went to get the rice bowl he hid outside. But behind Ly An Tam listened to Ly Tieu Vu say, momentarily stood dumbfounded, patted his own head, and realized: "Why didn't I think of it, there are so many abandoned villas, it's not necessary. going to be crowded at the class president's house?" Ly An Tam then hurried back in to discuss this with Lion Kelly. With so many villas, people are also more comfortable living in each other. Only healthy people have the spirit to calculate the future. Lion Kelly and Phi Phi had just heard Ly An Tam's suggestion, only hesitated for a moment, and then started organizing for the rest of the survivors to go to those abandoned villas. But these people have had to flee in panic for too long. In fact, they weren't very hungry because everyone hid their things in their backpacks. They compete for Erik Kelly's things because everyone wants to keep their food, eating before others to survive to the end is the most important thing. At this time, both eating well, heating, and peace of mind, many people volunteered to sleep on the ground, all wanting to rely on Erik Kelly did not want to go. For such a person, the three Lion Kelly also had to ignore them. Anyway, it's not easy for everyone these days, if you can sympathize a little, you should sympathize. “Right now we have more or less seventy survivors here, the more people, the easier it is to riot. Before Erik Kelly comes back, we have to make sure they don't make a fuss." In a still lighted room on the second floor, Phi Phi's voice came out from the room, and at a glance, they knew it was their annual group meeting. After waiting for most of the noisy survivors to find the empty villa, the three of them began to hold a meeting in the night, the content of which was how to manage the other people. Beside the desk, Ly An Tam took out something like a notebook, a pen, recorded Phi Phi's words, then she and Phi Phi looked at Lion Kelly. At this time, Lion Kelly sat on the director's chair that belonged to Erik Kelly behind the desk, he nodded, completely agreeing with Phi Phi's words. “My brother will probably bring his belongings back tomorrow. Also tomorrow, after eating, we write down the name, age, gender of the survivor, who is in the villas. These must all be clearly recorded. Era of decadence has come, no one is allowed to keep food and drink separately, must hand over all the belongings they hide and put them into public funds. That's the only way to make sure any of us survive." Phi Phi immediately chimed in: "Yes, what the class president said makes sense." “I remember just now when I was on the bus, I saw in the yard of a family, there seems to be a house growing vegetables. Don't they have to hand it in too?" Ly An Tam holds a pen, her face looks like a poll and asks Lion Kelly. Lion Kelly's clean, handsome face stiffened. He looked up at Phi Phi and Ly An Tam and explained, "It's Belle's house." Originally, today, Lion Kelly was dragged out by Belle, feeling a little scared. Perhaps it was the instinct to find ways to limit human hurt, he didn't know why he was a bit afraid of Belle. But hearing Phi Phi say so firmly, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, did Belle really want to kill him? But thinking about it now, I am shouldering the survival and welfare of so many people; moreover, before Belle loved him very much, Lion Kelly immediately boldly continued: “If Belle and the others want to continue living in this mansion, of course they also have to pay; No exception, not even Belle." Now, Lion Kelly still considers himself the class president just like before the era of decadence, gesturing like a class leader. But Ly An Tam and Phi Phi stood in front of Lion Kelly like him, not wanting to wake up from a peaceful dream. The two nodded seriously, slowly raising a hope for the era of decadence. The world has been destroyed, the homeland is no longer okay. They could hide in a safe place like a fairyland, slowly recreating a miniature human society. Danger will slowly leave them, these nightmare-like experiences will eventually become a thing of the past. Previously, Lion Kelly said, this villa is almost uninhabited, the people who used to live here have all turned into zombies and been killed by his brother. So those who are lucky to survive can choose for themselves a villa to live in. In the windy and snowy night, many people came out from Erik Kelly's house and went to pry open the locks of uninhabited mansions. And outside Belle's house there were also groups of people. But seeing that there was a light inside, everyone restrained themselves, just leaning on the wall to look inside, not rushing in. Warm light, clean kitchen, in front of the villa there are two greenhouses with newly planted vegetables. Such a house, how can it not attract those who are lucky to survive natural disasters. They did not rush in, but only today, it is difficult to guarantee that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will not rush in. With just one leader, everyone would risk their lives to rush inside. Belle understands the psychology of these people, but for them, from her previous life, she has only felt both sympathy and anger. Wanting her to act like Lion Kelly to lead this group of people, she couldn't do it, didn't have the mind and energy to go to work, much less good intentions. That's why she told Erik Kelly, she hasn't gone out to exercise these days; In fact, it's not at home to learn some of the techniques of the Champion to beat up Peng Vu Trung, but to guard the outside from people who come to her house to make a mess. "Belle, I feel like something's going to happen." After a day of building a fence, Mr William was sitting on the sofa soaking his feet. The cold feet dipped in the hot water, although very comfortable, could not hide the worry on his face. And Belle, who was sitting on the single sofa, listened to her father's words, sneered, and continued to wipe her knife. "Dad, don't worry. These people don't even dare to kill zombies. We can kill one person to warn hundreds of people." When it comes to murder, Belle's eyes don't show any hesitation, like it's normal. Killing a person with a knife is like killing a zombie. Mr William sat next to Belle and watched Belle stand up straight, sighing in his heart. Era of decadence really pushes people to grow up. I don't know when, someone like Belle who didn't dare to kill an ant became a lot more mature. But who can say Belle is wrong? Faced with such a harsh survival situation, the vegetable beds in the house The glass of the To family is no different from the gold and silver mountains of the previous era of decadence. Without strong protection measures, the To family will become the target of their attack. At that time, the person who can starve to death is their home. So in the end, Mr. William said nothing, wiggled his feet in the hot water, nodded, and replied with a "Yes" mouth. My mother thought more than Mr. William. She ran back and forth between the kitchen and the living room, extremely worried in her heart. Belle had just finished cleaning the dagger when she heard her mother hastily say, "What's the use of killing one to deter a hundred? We don't have much equipment either. Except for vegetables and melon enough to eat, how long can frozen meat in the refrigerator be eaten? What about rice? How long can eat? Over the next few days, I'm afraid that the electricity will be cut off, the gas will be cut off, sooner or later we will have to go out to find food. We're out, who's going to take care of the house?" “Oh my gosh, mom. It's okay. It's okay," Belle couldn't stand her mother pacing back and forth, getting up and saying, "When we have to go out, open the main gate of the mansion to let the zombies in. Those cowards make sure not to go out and make a mess.” “But there are also brave people.” “If there are really brave people… haha… then I also want to get to know someone like that, what's wrong with giving someone like that some vegetables, some frozen meat and rice?” It's not that Belle is stingy, nor is Belle inhuman. Several thousand yuan of frozen meat she bought filled the three doors of the refrigerator, there was a lot of meat that couldn't fit, could only be refrigerated and tried to eat it all. The amount of rice stocked enough to feed a family of four for two years is locked in the warehouse. Belle can take some out to give to others, but human greed is bottomless, she gives once, she will give a second time, give one person will have a second person to ask for her. Belle feels that, for those lucky survivors who don't have the guts to go out of the safe area to kill zombies, but have the guts to go out and ask for supplies, she will absolutely not give in, absolutely not give things away. in your hand, absolutely do not give those people a grain of rice. But for those who dare to risk their lives, kill zombies and run to her house to rob food, she values those people and also looks at them with their eyes. Belle said so, Mr. William and Mrs Huyen both said nothing. Belle now has the air of a head of the family. Before the era of decadence her parents were the ones who led her, now after the era of decadence she is the one who takes her parents to fight monsters. Even so, Mr. William and Mrs Huyen are committed to volunteering. People of the same family just need to stay together, it doesn't matter what days they live, it doesn't matter who directs the big things. As long as the three of them are together, as long as the three of them can continue to survive, it's impossible without one. The next day, Mr. William woke up very early and started to build the fence. Two policemen and Ly Tieu Vu who were next to the wall immediately came to help. Mother To also prepared breakfast with some meat to bring into the yard. Ly Tieu Vu took the bowl of the car that Mrs Huyen gave him, touched his chopsticks, sat under the eaves and began to devour, while eating, he asked: "Auntie, where is Belle? Did he not come down for breakfast?" "She's still sleeping." Mrs Huyen took the bowl of the car and gave it to the two policemen and Mr. William, with a slightly embarrassed look on Ly Tieu Vu's face, "My Belle is very lazy and doesn't work as hard as you." “Haha, everyone has their own strengths. Belle can kill zombies, he doesn't have to do all this hard work." Ly Tieu Vu smiled and talked comfortably. That day, on the bus, she saw Belle outside the car with a knife to cut a zombie's head in half, and she was also extremely admired in her heart. In fact, Ly Tieu Vu also wants to be like Belle, as long as she knows how to kill zombies, as long as she dares to kill zombies, are supermarkets full of roadside supplies still that far away? “Uncle, last night I and Nhi Hu discussed all night. This afternoon, I will not come here anymore," Peng Vu Trung looked at Mr William while eating, then pointed at the tall and thin policeman named Nhi Hu next to him, "Opposite this sub-district is the police station at before we work. I want to go there and get some guns.” Peng Vu Trung also looks more than 30 years old, looks much more cautious than Nhi Hu. He ate rice and dryly explained to Mr William: "People with guns don't have to be afraid anymore. After I get the gun, I want to find my wife and children." When he said this sentence, Peng Vu Trung's face clearly showed loneliness. Era of decadence came too suddenly, in the past few days, he just ran away, he has not regained his spirit at all, nor has time to regain his spirit. Yesterday was the dinner he ate the most, slept the best since the era of decadence. After that, Peng Vu Trung gradually calmed down. He doesn't feel well, he is safe, what about his wife and children? He had to go find their mother and daughter. "You used to work at the opposite police station?" Belle's voice suddenly rang out, carrying a hint of joy and surprise. Everyone looked up, only to see Belle wearing cotton slippers, wearing a long feather coat, leaning out on the balcony railing of the second floor, talking to them. Peng Wuzhong nodded. Belle upstairs laughed and said: "Before that, someone named Trac The Giai came to confess, right? Do you know where she went?" “Trac The Giai? This name sounds very familiar,” Nhi Hu raised his head, frowned carefully and thought for a moment, then suddenly remembered to ask: "Is she a doctor? The one who got into an argument with her husband and accidentally pushed her husband downstairs, right?" "Yeah yeah yeah." Belle nodded as fast as a chicken pecking rice, smiling brighter and brighter, “Where is she? Dead yet? Or turned into a zombie?" “Not dead yet, nor turned into a zombie,” Nhi Hu shook his head, exhaling, “That woman is very annoying. We led her to run away. Originally stopped at Nhat Trung library, but what did she say that in the hospital there are still many newborn babies in incubators, must return to save those children, no matter what. willing to stay. She runs with a person called “Brother Bi”.” Green bean! Belle cursed under her breath. But Trac The Giai ran to the hospital, running to any hospital didn't need Belle to guess, it was definitely the hospital Trac The Giai worked at before the era of decadence. Truly a doctor who thinks differently from others! Belle looked away silently. In the distance there are trees, water, gray skies, and countless zombies. The large hospital Trac The Giai works at has now become a zombie base. She went to save babies in incubators? Newborn baby. Belle is moved. People who are not crazy are wasting their youth. Even though she is already a mother of children, what if she also wants to go crazy for once??? Those babies crying for food, must have been hungry for many days by now. How about the kids that don't turn into little zombies? How many children do not starve? Even a newborn baby is worth saving! But in this Apple exclusive area, there are a lot of things, if you want to go to that hospital, you can't return in a few short hours. If Belle left her parents in the Apple mansion, she would worry that her parents would be "eaten alive by the lucky survivors." But if she took her parents with her and returned to the mansion, she was afraid that this place would also be swept clean by those people. If not, she had to wait a little longer, wait for her parents' ability to strengthen a bit and then calculate. However, it is not certain that Trac The Giai has been waiting, the newborn babies in the other incubator may not have waited. "You let me handle a little, I'll go out with you tomorrow morning!" Belle lowered her head and said to Peng Yuzhong, "Of course, if you're really in a hurry, you can go first." At this time, on a small road in the distance, two people Ly An Tam and Phi Phi came out from the corner of the forest. The two of them held a manifest in their hands, followed by a group of pale-faced people who seemed to be starving.
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