Chap 31: KWANGYA

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“In the near future, I have to go out to do a few things, still worried that no one will take care of my parents. Just in time for you guys to come, stay here and rest, by the way, help me take care of the house for a few days." Not wanting to talk nonsense with the ghost, Belle continued to eat, taking two or three chopsticks to finish the bowl of rice. She left the dishes and chopsticks, stood up, intending to return to her room to continue to sleep. As he passed behind Lor, he grabbed her arm. Lor was drunk, his whole body exuding an inescapable danger. "Escape from me?" "Escape what are you doing?" Belle looked down in puzzlement. Lor turned back, leaned back in his chair, looked at her once, his face shaggy, untidy. So she added: “I remember Mr Williami bought an electric razor before, would you like me to lend it for a while?” “I'm not talking razors. This sister, my brother is far away, has gone through hundreds of thousands of bitterness, overcome all difficulties, and ran to save me. But I said one sentence I have to go out for a few days. What does this mean?!” “I was originally going to go out, whether you come or not, I have to go do this. But when you guys come, I can feel a little more secure." Belle's hand was still gripped by Lor's big iron hand. Although Lor's ability made her worry about Tieu Ai's ability later, she patiently explained to this ghost yeast. Lor's expression was half-understanding, half-nothing, and let go of his hand. When Belle was almost out the kitchen door, he was lying on the kitchen table, sulking: "What's the matter, I'll do it for you. It's not like it's in the movies either." "No need, you guys are tired, rest for a few days!" Belle refused very clearly. I do my own story. Based on her personality, she shouldn't have called Lor on the phone, causing him to flee thousands of miles from Germany to Xiangcheng. But Mr William had already phoned Lor. Belle thinks that the survivors will later establish a base in Xiangcheng, the survivors around will also know to run here, so it doesn't matter if Lor comes or not. Lor doesn't come, Belle relies on herself, Lor comes, she still relies on herself. There was no Lor in the previous life, Belle still living well, in this life with Lor, she is still as good as before. She doesn't care about Lor and his special commando team, but the people inside the Apple mansion are terrified by the other people. While Belle was about to go to her room to sleep, more and more survivors gathered in the courtyard of the To mansion. "Guys, are you soldiers?" One of the survivors, with a hopeful look on his face, looked at the Dharma Protector, “You guys came to save us, right, can you give us some food? We haven't eaten anything for a few days. “Yes, give us some food!” “The Su family is not a nice person, they take things, and even refuse to share them with us. Officer, quickly save us and get out.” “That’s right, give us some food and then lead us to safety!” “Officer, did the government send you to bring us food? You guys have been tricked by the To family, they have a lot of things. As for us… we don't even have any food.” Faced with the growing number of survivors, the Dharma Protector and the entire commando team lowered their heads, their faces heavy. Mother To sat on one side sneer and was about to speak, when Phap Phap also tilted his head, looked at Mr William, and raised two fingers: "In the beginning, we had 20 uncles, that's 20 people. 18 people returned, why only 18? Where are the other 2? I asked them how my two brothers died?" The Dharma Protector glanced at Wang Jun and Alice at another round table, pointing hatefully at them. Just then, a brave man reached out and touched the Dharma Protector's shoulder, making him angry, pushing the person behind him, watching that person take a few steps back. The Dharma Protector gritted his teeth: "Don't use this trick on me. Pretend to be pitiful to get sympathy, I'm not yours for this trick!!! Want to eat? I would rather bring the leftover rice and soup residue on the pig-raising table and not give it to you!" Except for those outside, no one objected to the Dharma Protector's words. The commando soldiers sat there in grief, and Wang Jun and Alice both lowered their heads, unable to say a word. Beside the two round tables, except for the survivors who groaned but did not dare to approach, there were also soldiers who were heavy with their thoughts. Belle curiously approached the kitchen window, looked at the outside scene and the hatred of the Dharma Protector, and looked at Lor in surprise: "What happened to you guys in Duc Thanh?" “On the way, we saved a group of survivors, fed them enough,” Lor raised her head, the corners of her eyes red, her voice calm but full of anger, making Belle not surprised. He continued, “When I got out of the train station, a sea of zombies came. They ran into the warehouse, we stopped in the back, but damn, they dare to lock the warehouse, not letting us in!” Just a few simple sentences, Lor spoke very superficially, but Belle knew what a sea of zombies was, understood the horror of that scene. Of course, she also understood the feeling of despair when someone she saved was locked outside the door. It's just a pity that those brave soldiers did not die in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were not killed by their own people, but died at the hands of the lucky-looking survivors representing the weak faction. “Oh…” Belle let out a long, bitter sigh, “So what about the King and Alice?” “Among the lucky survivors, there were two who agreed to stand in the back with us. Of course, they were also locked outside the door.” Lor leaned back in his chair again, pulling a pack of furrowed Furongwang cigarettes from his pocket. Cigarettes without fire burn themselves. Belle felt nauseous, turned around and glared at Lor, scolding: "Don't smoke in front of me! Damn it! Passive smoking is not good for health!” "Talkative." Lor glared angrily at Belle, firing the cigarette in his hand into the trash can. But there was still the smell of smoke in the air, and Belle stamped her feet angrily. Passive smoking is not good for Tieu Ai's health. Can not! She immediately left the kitchen, didn't talk to Lor anymore, went straight upstairs, into the bedroom to sleep! This time Belle slept very soundly, even outside her mansion was noisy all night, she did not notice. Maybe Tieu Ai knew her father was coming, so she obediently let Belle sleep. At 8 a.m. the next morning, she dreamily opened her eyes. The sound of supplications outside kept ringing, as if the outside of her villa was hell on earth. Belle wakes up, gets dressed, pulls back the curtains, goes out onto the balcony, looks out, grin and grits her teeth. Those lucky people who survived yesterday weren't afraid of the Dharma Protector, they were even more humble, kneeling on the ground begging for food! Everyone banged their heads and cried, making the outside of Belle's mansion extremely noisy. As for the Lor and the Dharma Protectors, they were raising their guns around the Belle's mansion, making it clear that they wouldn't let the weaklings enter the To family's house one step. Mr. William and mother To, two policemen, and also Ly Tieu Vu, each with an expression, are trying their best to build a fence. Ly An Tam stood outside the crowd, did not kneel with the people in front, was weakly scolding Ly Tieu Vu, what is ungrateful fatherhood, seeing benefits forget meaning .... She cursed, causing Ly Tieu Vu to lower his head to hold back his tears, wanting to cry but trying his best not to cry out loud. Ly Tieu Vu also intended to leave food for Ly An Tam. That day, the first time she ate rice from the To family, she saved two-thirds for Ly An Tam. Because of this, she also ran to the outside of Erik Kelly's villa, pulling Ly An Tam out. As a result, Ly An Tam told herself that she was too naive, had to stay at Lion Kelly's place, waiting for Erik Kelly to bring back the food. As for Nhi Ho, it seems that he can't stand it anymore. Belle stood on the balcony, saw a few times Nhi Tiger raised his head, went to Mr. William's side, wanted to say something but did not dare to say it. Peng Vu Trung is fine, his face is calm, he did not do anything foolish. Moreover, Belle discovered, overnight, the wall of her house was much higher than yesterday, almost as high as an adult's shoulder. She quickly realized who was responsible for speeding up the construction of the wall. Except for Vuong Quan, who else is there? If it weren't for Mr. William's fear of Vuong Quan using the ability to build unstable soil, he insisted on adding a few of his stones into the soil, and there were things like cement, I'm afraid. that Belle's fence was built overnight. "Help me. Please save us. We're about to starve. Please have mercy on us.” “Aren't you the people's army? Give us some food. We are literally starving to death.” "We haven't eaten for a few days. Can you give us some food? You can also eat leftovers. I'm begging you guys. The thumping of her head, the sound of pleading disturbed Belle's mind, making her angry. She put on a feather coat, went to the kitchen to get a plastic bag of rice, then went down to the basement to find a bunch of climbing vines, went into the garage and drove out. To Lor 's astonishment , she drove straight to the yard. The moment she stopped the car, the hungry crowd screamed, spreading out at lightning speed, making way for Belle's car. She sneered, stepped on the accelerator, the Jeep sped out like an arrow. “Clump!” There was a knock on the door from outside the car door, and Belle drove off, glancing at the door. Seeing Lor's face as big as a plate, she stopped the car, opened the car door, frowned at him, asked: "What is it? Want to be a flying hero?” "Young granny, I'm not mean, don't take me out to work!" Lor looked reproachfully at Belle. Belle rolled her eyes at him, waiting for him to sit in the passenger seat before she continued to drive, racing towards the main gate. You haven't eaten breakfast yet, what are you going to do??? Belle just opened the main gate of the Apple mansion, seeing a lot of zombies outside. She got out of the car, threw the climbing rope in Lor's hand, pointed her jaw at the nearest squirming zombie, and warned: "Go get one. Let it live, tie me up!” "For what?" “To do bad things!” Belle didn't explain, but seeing the zombies staggered forward, she didn't panic at all, went around to the trunk of the car, took out two knives from the trunk, rushed forward with the knife, killing zombies like cutting vegetables. Her fluent movements made Lor involuntarily swallow his saliva, only to feel that this sister is more and more suitable for his taste, very strong! The zombies outside the door yesterday were cleaned up by Lor's team. Along the main road, the place with the most zombies is at the main gate of the Apple mansion, there are about twenty of them. Belle picked up the knife and, in less than ten minutes, had twenty crystal cores, then stooped to vomit. Lor momentarily captured a zombie alive. He was trampling that zombie at his feet, leaning against the trunk of the Jeep smoking a cigarette. Seeing Belle vomit bitter bile, he dropped the cigarette in his hand, without a conscience went over to her, patted her back, and said coolly: "It's okay. Seeing you kill figs like that, I thought you were used to it. Hahahaha……” "f**k off!" Belle jerked away Lor's hand, which was patting her back. Whose harm is she causing such vomiting? Who harmed it??? Still next to her, say cool!!! Lor stood behind her, arms raised, pouting boredly. When Belle finished vomiting, he followed her into the car, swaying the bound zombie in front of her: "Sister, why do you need a live zombie?" Belle didn't answer him, glancing out of the open main gate. In the distance, two or three zombies were walking slowly. She also did not close the door, started the car, dragged the zombie alive and drove straight to her mansion. Seeing the lucky survivors kneeling around the house, Belle smiled. She parked the car in front of the gate, opened the door to get off the car, took out a bag of rice from the car, and walked in front of the tied zombie alive. She lowered her head to look at the zombie who was constantly struggling, her face was rotting, there was still a lump of blood on her face, then looked up at the lucky survivors who were kneeling far away in panic, only lacking water to stretch their legs. run away. Belle poured all the rice in her hand on the zombie, looking at the lucky survivors, some were angry, some were scared, some were afraid. "Clinking!", she threw the knife in her hand beside the zombie, raising her voice: "Don't tell Belle I'm cruel, don't give you a way to live. I helped you tie up this zombie here. The rice and weapons I also left here. Whoever has the guts to cut off this zombie's head, just take the rice and leave the knife. Those who don't have the courage don't deserve rice, go far away! Otherwise, don't blame Belle for killing us all!" The Dharma Protector in the back, holding a martial law weapon, gave a thumbs up to Lor who was getting out of the car, then pointed at Belle again. Lor smirked, puffed out his chest, looked proud, had a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and went into the To family mansion to eat. The lucky survivors each had an expression, most of them knelt on the ground and turned their faces away, not daring to look at the zombie who was crying "grrrr". They find this zombie monster really scary. Originally, people know to become zombies, they kill zombies feeling like they are killing people, no matter what, they can't overcome the psychological barrier. At this time, Ly An Tam in the distance did not scold Ly Tieu Vu anymore, looking back and forth, not knowing where she had run away. Maybe go back to tell Lion Kelly and Phi Phi, or maybe get scared by zombies. Anyway, Ly An Tam is no longer where he was before. While everyone was cowering back in fear, Ly Tieu Vu, who was scolded for not being able to lift his head up, stepped forward step by step, trembling all over, bent down to pick up a knife and stood on the ground. straight person. She trembled, her hand trembled, the knife in her hand trembled. She then knelt beside the zombie, in front of everyone's attention, clenched her eyes shut, a knife slashed at the zombie's face. "Stare!" Belle clasped her hands together, stood by her side, and coldly shouted, “You cut it off!” Meat foam and a lot of viscous black blood splashed on Li Xiaoyu's face. Her hands clutched the dagger, and she looked up at Belle, her eyes watering. The zombie on the ground was struggling and screaming. Most of the people kneeling in the distance had already run away. At this moment, Ly Tieu Vu looked weak and poor like a leaf blowing in the wind. “Every woman has the ability to appear weak and dependent, regardless of her personality or appearance. But in the era of decadence society, it's not like he's cute and reasonable, people will give him money for food and drink. Don't work, don't try, don't go out to kill but want someone to give you food and drink, just go to bed, spread your legs just …” Belle saw this appearance of Bruce Lee, but regretted that he did not grind the iron into steel, angrily shouting. The commandos who were raising their guns behind her looked at each other. Lor sat in front of the door with a bowl of rice, eating while looking at Belle's back, his eyes were as amused as if he was looking at a piece of fatty meat, and he also showed an attitude of not getting involved. The soldiers and Belle's parents were blown away by her.
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