Everything was changing

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Captain William was in his office. He looked at the computer to check the cases he was working on. "Captain," an officer came into his office. Looks like there's something to report. "Why?" asked Captain William, and he still focused on the computer screen. "We brought CCTV footage from the Wilson Hotel building, where Claudia attended the film awards ceremony," said the officer. The busy Captain William turned his gaze to his men. "Where is it? Give it to me," said Captain William. The officer gave him a flash drive containing CCTV footage of Claudia. He plugged it into the computer's USB and checked its contents. "Should I check all of them?" Just looking at the list of videos, Captain William already felt dizzy. There were tons of videos he had to see. "Here, Captain," said his subordinate, pointing to a video file on the flash drive. "This is a video at one o'clock at night. The last video before Claudia is declared dead. He had a chance to meet a female actress at that hour," said the officer. "Female actress?" mumbled Captain William. "That's right, captain. And now, our members are calling for that actress named Emma." At John's cake shop. Seen a middle-aged man packing some cake orders. Emma, the daughter, had just arrived when her father had just almost finished packing the order of brownies from Mrs. Bunny. "Dad, I'm sorry!" said Emma. She hastily grabbed her apron and put it on. The father did not say much because she was focused on working on orders. Emma immediately helped her father to complete his order. Both of them looked so skillful when packing the cakes that were very thick with chocolate flavor. Cakes at Jhon's shop are very famous for being delicious. "Why did Mrs. Bunny ordered so many brownies, Daddy?" she asked. The father just sighed. He was busy and didn't want to talk to his daughter. Moments later, two men came to John's shop. But they looked suspicious, unlike people who wanted to buy a cake. They wore black jackets, just like thugs. Emma immediately approached the two men. She gave a friendly smile to the shop guests. "Welcome to John's cake shop. May I help you?" said Emma, very friendly. One of the men took something out of his jacket pocket. Then they showed it to Emma. "We're from the Brizzi police. We're looking for Miss Emma Stewart," said one of the men who turned out to be a cop. Emma was really surprised by the arrival of these two police officers. Likewise, John was busy working. "What is it, sir? Did I do something wrong?" Emma asked with a confused expression on her face. She doesn't feel like she's ever done anything wrong that made her have to deal with the police. "You know Mia Claudia, right?" asked one of the officers. "Not too familiar. But we are in the same agency," replied Emma. "Sorry, what's the matter?" Emma was scared when the police approached her and asked about Claudia. Even though the woman was dead. "We discovered that you were the last person caught on CCTV the night before Claudia was found dead. Emma is shocked to hear what the police officer says about her involvement in Claudia's death. John, who was no less surprised, immediately approached him. He was a police officer. "Good morning, gentlemen. What's the matter with my daughter?" asked John. He looks so dignified in front of these policemen. John is a person who doesn't talk much. "We are informing your daughter that Emma Stewart was seen on CCTV cameras with a beautiful actress recently found dead near the weeds of our street, Brizzi. We asked Miss Emma Stewart to come to the police station to provide information regarding her encounter with Miss Mia Claudia," replied the police officer. Of course, John was shocked because his daughter was suddenly involved if it had just happened. And became national news. "You met that woman?" John's land to his daughter. "I just wanted to say hi, Dad. It was only a moment and . . ." Emma wasn't sure whether to reflect on the man she saw across the street that night. The man in the black tracksuit also had a black face and a black hat. The man looked at Claudia. But that can not be used as an excuse to be able to stay away from someone. Moreover, Emma had no proof. "You'd better come to the police station to tell us what happened that night. We'll give them until twenty-four hours. You have to give information to the police, or if you don't come, the police will take you by force," said the officer. Because of the video evidence, Emma was summoned by the police. Her family, of course, was very worried about the situation that happened to Emma. They certainly couldn't believe a good girl like Emma was in trouble like this. And it didn't take long for the mass media to find out about the CCTV video about the last meeting between Emma and Claudia the night before Claudia was determined to be dead. Claudia's fans were angry with Emma and made a public opinion that she was the one who got Claudia killed. In a short time, Emma went viral because of this problem. Emma's social media contains insults from Claudia's fans. Even though the police did not say that Emma was involved in this case. There were even angry Claudia fans who did something quite anarchic. They threw John's pastry shop in the dirt. To scribble on the walls of Emma's house and her parents. John was forced to close his shop because of this case. But on the other hand, so many television shows invite Emma to come. So, Emma could explain what really happened. Finally, the police could not find any evidence that Emma did it. Even though Emma was proven innocent. However, Claudia's fans hate Emma so much that they still annoy her. "I can't take it anymore!" shrieked Emma in a large room. Like the room of a company leader. And it's true. Emma is currently in the Star Entertainment agency office. The agency company houses Emma and several other artists. Including Claudia. Since this case got Emma's name involved, she became more popular, and people started to recognize Emma as an actress. "What else?" said a man wearing a shirt in front. His name is Albert Mountain. He is the CEO of his company. Star Entertainment "I don't want to continue to be followed by Claudia's fans," said Emma.
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